Gwent Wildlife Trust
Volunteer Application Form

Please complete the application form as fully as possible,

Section One - Personal Details

Name: / GWT Membership No:
(if applicable)
Address / Telephone numbers
Day :
Evening :
Mobile :
Email Address:
In addition to receiving information on volunteering, I am happy to hear about GWT’s work for wildlife, including courses, events, membership, fundraising and other activities by:
o Post oEmail oTelephone o Text
Please tick all that apply. Your details will only be used by Gwent Wildlife Trust. We will never sell or give your details to any third party.
Do you have any health problems, medication, or allergies we need to know about, so that we can look after your health & safety whilst you are volunteering with us.
Section Two – Next of Kin and Referee Contact Details
Next of kin contact
Address: / Tel no ( home):
Tel no (work):
Relationship to you:
References are only required if you wish to work with children or vulnerable adults
– this must be someone who is not related to you and who has known you in a work/school environment.
Name: / Address :
Relationship to you:
Section Three - Declaration
While volunteering for Gwent wildlife Trust everyone must take due care of both themselves and those around them. Please ensure that you work safely at all times and ensure that the guidance given by your task leader is followed. Should at anytime you feel unclear or concerned about the task you are asked to carry out then please stop and seek further guidance. A suitable briefing will be given when you first start volunteering and as appropriate for subsequent tasks, please ensure that the task leader is aware of any potential issues or concerns you may have.
The information given on this form is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signed: Date:
Please email this form to :
Section Four – Your Availability
Which days are you most likely to be able to help us ?
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday
Friday / Saturday / Sunday / Anyday
Please indicate if there are any limitations to your availability (eg. Only during term time)
Section Five – Your Knowledge, Skills And Experience
If you are applying for a specific project or role, please state:
If you are applying for general volunteer opportunities, which of the following areas of our work are you most interested in helping with? (Please mark all that apply)
Practical Land Management
[ ] Bracken & scrub clearance
[ ] Pathway, hedge & wall maintenance
[ ] Construction / Wildlife Issues
[ ] Biological surveys/species monitoring
[ ] Habitat management and planning
[ ] General office work
[ ] Organisation of groups + activities
[ ] IT & information handling
[ ] Fundraising + financial management
[ ] Supporting Events
[ ] Membership recruitment / Public Information & Education
[ ] Photography
[ ] Journalism & Newsletters
[ ] Working with Children
[ ] Presenting & Training
[ ] Production of Learning Resources
[ ] Giving Community Talks
Skills, Knowledge And Experience
Please list any skills, knowledge and experience you have gained, particularly in the areas identified above. (Continue on a separate page if you wish)
Qualifications/Occupational Training
Please list any qualifications you hold, or training you have undertaken relevant to the work of the Trust eg. Teaching qualifications, chainsaw certificate. (Continue on a separate page if you wish)
Are you an experienced car driver? / Yes/No / Does your driving licence include minibus? / Yes/No
Are you a qualified first aider? Yes/No
Please give date of last test: