NWI Chinchillas – “Foster” Contract



I, ______(name), agree to foster the ______(animal type – chinchilla, guinea pig, rabbit) named ______from NWI Chinchilla Rescue (NWICR). I understand that in doing so, the animal(s) I am fostering is/are not mine. I do not, and will not, own the animal(s) that I am fostering, unless I choose to adopt this / these animals.

In fostering, I agree to use the supplies and food provided by NWICR. If I decide to feed additional food or treats, other than what is supplied by NWICR, I will make sure that these additional food / treat items are approved by the rescue. I understand that under no circumstances are any types of fruits or veggies (fresh or dried) appropriate for chinchillas, and I understand that these should never be fed.

When I need additional food / supplies, I will contact NWICR, to get these additional supplies from the rescue. I understand that I will need to go to NWICR to pick up these supplies, and I understand that they will not be shipped or delivered to me. I understand that if I choose to purchase supplies, food, or treats for the foster animal on my own, rather than get supplies from the rescue, I will not be reimbursed for these expenses.

I understand that while I can switch the foster animal to a different pelleted food (must be approved by NWICR), if it is not a food carried by the rescue, I will not be reimbursed for the cost of this food.

I agree that if this animal needs medical care, I will contact NWICR immediately to inform and decide what to do. I understand that that medical care may involve either getting medication from NWICR, or may involve taking the chinchilla to NWICR or to the veterinarian. I will be responsible for taking this animal to either NWICR or the veterinarian myself, depending on the circumstances. I understand that NWICR will reimburse me for money spent on agreed-upon veterinary care.

I agree that once my fostering time is over, I will return this animal to NWICR. I understand that if I do not return this animal to NWICR, I may be sued to recover the value of this animal.

I understand that any items borrowed along with this animal are not mine, and I will return the supplies when I return my foster animal, or when the foster animal goes to its new home, if I decide to stop fostering at that point in time. I understand that if some borrowed item is damaged beyond repair while in my care (not due to chewing by the animal, or other typical damage), I will be responsible for paying NWICR the value of the item.

Please check as appropriate:

______I will be using my own cage for the foster animal.

______I will need to borrow a rescue cage for the foster animal.

Cage: ______Value: ______

Please check as appropriate:

______I will be using my own food bowl / water bottle / etc. for the foster animal.

______I will need to borrow a food bowl / water bottle / etc. for the foster animal.

Supplies: ______Value: ______

______Other, please explain: ______

Please check as appropriate:

______I am comfortable with doing the adoption of the foster animal out of my home, on my own.

______I am comfortable with bringing the foster animal to the rescue when there is an adoption inquiry.

Signed: ______

Date: ______

Email: ______

Phone number: ______