Nutritional Analysis Help Sheet

Nutrient / Function / Too much = / Too little = / Found in…
Energy from Protein / Growth and repair of the body. Babies and children need high protein in their diet because they grow rapidly. / Stored as fat. Too much fat will lead to obesity. / Body unable to repair itself and growth affected in children / Meats,
Fish, beans and pulses
Energy from Carbohydrate / Provides body with energy – fuel for the body
(There are good and bad forms of carbohydrate energy) / Stored as fat if carbohydrate is not burn off with exercise.
Will lead to obesity / Lacking energy / Breads, pasta, rice
Energy from Fat / Protects vital organs of the body.
Creates a layer of fat to keep body insulated (warm) / Obesity. (overweight) A problem which is increasing in young children in Britain due to fast food eating etc.
This could affect a child’s physical fitness-unable to take part in physical activities.
Diabetes can be caused by obesity. / Body lacks insulating layer. / Dairy products, meats
Sodium (SALT) / Regulates the body’s temperature and helps cooling of body through perspiration / High blood pressure.
Risk of heart attacks and heart disease in adulthood. / Body struggles to regulate temperature and keeping body cool – particularly important for children in hot climates. / Found naturally in most food. Generally little need to add salt to food
Calcium / Needed for healthy bones and healthy teeth. Particularly important in a growing child’s diet as their bones are still growing. / n/a / Bones and teeth are brittle. Severe deficiency can cause rickets but this tends to affect children in developing countries.
Lack of calcium can lead to osteoporosis in later life. / Found in dairy products.
Milk, cheese, yoghurt.
Fibre / Regulates body’s digestive system / Causes diarrhoea / Causes constipation / Wholegrain foods.
Brown bread, brown rice etc
Iron / Helps transport oxygen around the body – oxygen needed for energy / Extreme excessive amounts can cause constipation / Causes tiredness, lack of energy (lethargy) severe deficiency can lead to anaemia / Red meats, plain chocolate
Vitamin A / Needed to develop good eye sight.
Healthy skin / Unhealthy in pregnancy can cause reddening of skin / Eye sight poor. Children need lots of this as their body’s are still developing. / Animal foods eg: dairy products
Vitamin B / Needed for growth and energy. Vitamin B releases the energy from carbohydrate into the body.
Vit B does not get stored in Body so daily supply is needed. / n/a / Growth of child could be affected.
Irritability, depression / Cereals, meats
Vitamin C / Strengthens the immune system to body can fight off viruses/diseases. Prevents colds and illnesses / n/a / Body unable to fight off infection.
Skins cuts/grazes can’t heal well. / Fruit and veg – orange juice
Vitamin D / Works with Calcium.
Vitamin D helps calcium be absorbed into the body Calcium is needed for the growth of bones and teeth.
. / n/a / Calcium cannot be stored in body without vitamin D so teeth and bones cannot be kept strong. Severe lack of calcium can cause Rickets in children – bones in legs become fragile, brake, grow deformed. / Fruit and veg