RECEIVED BY: ______AREA: ______


AGENCY/ORGANIZATION:Click here to enter text.

ADDRESS:Click here to enter text.

FEDERAL TAX ID #: Click here to enter text.

AGENCY PHONE NUMBER:Click here to enter text.AGENCY FAX:Click here to enter text.


E-MAIL OF PROPOSAL CONTACT PERSON:Click here to enter text.

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR:Click here to enter text.

FISCAL DIRECTOR: Click here to enter text.

ORGANIZATION’S WEBSITE:Click here to enter text.

TOTAL BUDGET REQUEST: Click here to enter text.

ATTACHED AUDIT DATE: Click here to enter text.

A – 133 AUDIT: YES ☐ NO ☐ (please check one)

PROPOSED GEOGRAPHIC AREA(S): Click here to enter text.

(Your proposed geographic area can be a single county, multiple counties, all of New York City, select New York City Borough(s), or distinct areas in New York City)

TARGET POPULATION(S): Click here to enter text.

Provide the names and contact information of all current funding sources in the amount of $65,000.00 or more. Attach a separate sheet of paper if necessary. (NOTE: These organizations may be contacted as a reference regarding your organization's fiscal and program performance.)

Click here to enter text.

I, the undersigned, certify that the information provided in this document is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct.



Completed Proposal Checklist to be Included with Application Package



☐PROPOSAL FORM (Original + 5 copies)

(1 Copy (unless specified) with Original CoverSheet and Proposal)

☐IRS letter granting 501(c)(3) status

☐List of Board Members

☐Contractor Information Form

☐Two (2) copies of most recently completed fiscal audit, including the A-133 report (if applicable)

Attached Audit Date: Click here to enter a date.

A - 133 Audit: YES ☐ NO ☐ (please check one)

*Please be sure to include all items requested on the proposal checklist. Failure to include all required information and documents may result in the rejection of the proposal or deduction of points in the scoring.





ORGANIZATION NAME: Click here to enter text.


Click here to enter text.

PROPOSED GEOGRAPHIC AREA(S): Click here to enter text.

(Your proposed geographic area can be a single county, multiple counties, all of New York City, select New York City borough(s), or distinct areas in New York City)

*All responses must be single-spaced and provided in a font size of 12, with one-inch margins

  1. Organizational Overview and Capacity (two pages maximum) – 15 points:
  1. Provide a brief overview of your organization, including its mission and history and how those relate to serving low-income individuals. Provide descriptions of the population(s) you serve and the programs and services you provide. (3 pts.)
  2. How does your organization keep abreast of the target populations in your community and their changing needs? (3 pts.)
  3. What do you do to let the community and potential clients know about your services? (3 pts.)
  4. How does your organizationdefine and evaluate success for clients? How do you track clients and obtain follow-up information on their progress? (3 pts.)
  5. Describe your organization’s experience operating contracts in which you are required to achieve numerical targets. Give an example of such a contract, specifically stating your organization’s target number(s) and number(s) achieved for each target. (3 pts.)

Responses to Section A. Organizational Overview and Capacity

(Number your responses to each question; you do not need to repeat that text of each question)

Click here to enter text.

Instructions for responses to Sections B, C, & D.

For Single County & NYC-based applicants:please respond to each question only once and ensure that your responses cover the entire proposed service area.
For all Multi-County applicants outside of NYC:for each section (B, C, & D) please respond with a separate, complete set of responses for each of the counties you are proposing to serve.

B. Relevant Knowledgeand Experience (three pages maximum) – 20 points:

  1. Describe your organization’s experience with determining whether households may be eligible for state or federal assistance programs. (3 pts.)
  2. Explain how you provide services (information, education, programs) about the importance of healthy eating to your clients. (2 pts.)
  3. Describe what your organization currently does to help eligible households access SNAP in the proposed service area. If you are a current NOEP subcontractor, please include information about your efforts in addition to NOEP that help eligible households to access SNAP benefits. (3 pts.)
  4. Describe the underserved populations in the proposed service area that do not currently participate in SNAP and explain why you believe these populationsare underserved. (4 pts.)
  5. Describe the collaborative relationships your organization has for information-sharing and service coordination with the other agencies, groups or individuals in your locality.

If there are other SNAP outreach and/or application assistance providers in your service area(s), describe how your organization communicates, contracts, and/or collaborates with them. (4 pts.)

  1. Describe how the NOEP Coordinator will establish and/or maintain a working relationship with the LDSS/HRA Center(s). If possible, attach a letter of support from the LDSS/HRA Center, describing how the LDSS/HRA Center(s) will support your NOEP effort.
    For multi-county applicants: please attach a letter of support for each county you propose to serve. (4 pts.)

Responses to Section B. Relevant Knowledge and Experience

(Number your responses to each question; you do not need to repeat that text of each question)

Click here to enter text.

C.NOEP Operating Plan (four pages maximum) -- 30 points:

  1. List the supervisory and administrative staff responsible for carrying out your NOEP contract. Attach a copy of the proposed organizational chart. (3 pts.)
  2. Identify the most important skills and qualities of the person(s) you will assign to the 100% NOEP-funded position(s), and explain why these skills and qualities are necessary to successfully carrying out NOEP work. (4 pts.)
  3. State how the supervisor will ensure that HSNYs staff, including the assigned NOEP Contract Manager and SNAP Technical Assistance Specialist, will have open communication and full access to the NOEP Coordinator(s) to assess the progress of the contract, provide guidance, and review reports. (2 pts.)
  4. Describe how the NOEP Coordinator will maintain a daily physical presence and appropriate office space in the service area. (3 pts.)
  5. What target population(s) do you propose to serve through the NOEP (e.g., all low-income households, seniors, working poor, disabled, homeless, non-English speaking households, etc.)? Why have you chosen the population(s)? Why do you believe your organization is well qualified to provide NOEP services to the population(s)? (4 pts.)
  6. Tell us how your NOEP effort will establish and maintain an effective referral system to and from your organization and other collaborators. (2 pts.)
  7. How will your organization ensure that NOEP services are known in all parts of the service area? (3 pts.)
  8. How will your NOEP Coordinator provide direct service, including the determination of SNAP eligibility and the provision of application assistance, to residents of the entire geographic area(s)? (2 pts.)
  9. How will your organization ensure NOEP services to clients who have transportation and/or accessibility limitations? (2 pts.)
  10. How will translation services be made available to assist clients who speak a foreign language, including a language other than the NOEP Coordinator’s? (2 pts.)
  11. Describe your organization’s ability to operate the program and provide client assistance in the event of a vacancy in the 100% NOEP-funded position. What is the expected timeline for filling a vacancy, and how will your organization provide coverage and operate NOEP during the interim? (3 pts.)

Responses to Section C. NOEP Operating Plan

(Number your responses to each question; you do not need to repeat that text of each question)

Click here to enter text.

D. Scenarios (two pages maximum) – 15 points:

  1. How would you implement a nutrition assistance outreach program targeting seniors in your service area? What means would you employ to identify members of the target group? How would you reach them? (5 pts.)
  2. An immigrant family of four walks into your office, and with their limited English speaking skills, indicates they have no food in the house and no means to purchase any. Explain what you would do for them and why. (5 pts.)
  3. Your agency has helped a family apply for SNAP, but the local DSS/HRA Center has rejected the application. Your NOEP coordinator believes the application was proper and that it should have been approved. What happens next? (5 pts.)

Responses to Section D. Scenarios

(Number your responses to each question; you do not need to repeat the text of each question

Click here to enter text.

E. Fiscal and Budget (one page maximum) – 20 points:

  1. Describe your organization’s experience with reimbursement-based vouchering. (4 pts.)
  2. Discuss your organization’s ability, if necessary, to operate the program during a delay in availability of reimbursement. (4 pts.)
  3. On the budget form provided, develop your proposed, all-inclusive budget for implementing your NOEP project. Be sure to include any in-kind costs that will be covered by your organization. On a separate sheet, provide a budget narrative explaining how you will spend the money allocated to each budget line. For each shared cost (only a portion of the cost is charged to NOEP) describe the method used to calculate the cost share for NOEP. (12 pts.)
    The budget form and narrative are not included in the page maximum for this section

Responses to Section E. Fiscal and Budget

(Number your response to each question; you do not need to repeat the text of each question)

Click here to enter text.


The budget must be inclusive of all costs for a one-year period. For details on the allowable costs within the categories, see the descriptions provided.
Note that the page limit does not apply to the following budget form and corresponding budget narrative.

(A) /
(B) /
(A + B)

PERSONNEL COSTSSalary for at least one full-time employee and portion of project supervisor’s salary devoted to NOEP services.

/ ______ / ______ / ______ /
FRINGE BENEFITS / ______ / ______ / ______ /
includes travel necessary to implement project, including cost for each 100% NOEP-funded staff member to attend two, three-day meetings in Albany. / ______ / ______ / ______ /
local and long distance charges, cell phone and internet; no installation charges. / ______ / ______ / ______
needed to implement project; equipment with a unit cost not greater than $499. / ______ / ______ / ______ /
purchase cost of one portable computer for each 100% NOEP-funded staff member - must meet defined specifications, see Appendix B. / ______ / ______ / ______
in-house and other administrative printing/copying costs / ______ / ______ / ______ /
for all eligible types of outreach materials and activities / ______ / ______ / ______ /
for mailing costs necessary to implement project activities / ______ / ______ / ______
OVERHEAD (limited to 15%)
project overhead, including either federally-approved indirect rate or itemized salaries/fringe of fiscal & other support staff, space costs, audit costs, etc. / ______ / ______ / ______ /


/ ______ / ______ / ______ /



1. Incorporated Agency Name: Click here to enter text.

2. Street Address: Click here to enter text.

City, State, Zip Code: Click here to enter text.

County: Click here to enter text.

3. Vouchering Mailing Address:Click here to enter text.

City, State, Zip Code: Click here to enter text.

County: Click here to enter text.

4. Agency & Program Contact: Click here to enter text.Title: Click here to enter text.

Phone #: Click here to enter text.Fax #: Click here to enter text.

Email Address: Click here to enter text.

Mailing Address: Click here to enter text.

Fiscal Contact: Click here to enter text.Title: Click here to enter text.

Phone #:Click here to enter text.Fax #: Click here to enter text.

Email Address: Click here to enter text.

Mailing Address:Click here to enter text.

5. Federal Employer Identification #: Click here to enter text.

State Registered Charitable Organization #: Click here to enter text.

Municipality # (if applicable): Click here to enter text.


Community District(s): Click here to enter text.

Federal Congressional District(s): Click here to enter text.

State Senate District(s): Click here to enter text.

State Assembly District(s): Click here to enter text.

6. Organization Information

For statistical purposes, indicate yes or no for each of the following items as it relates to your organization. See the instructions for definitions. LEAVE NO BLANKS.

Non-Profit Yes☐No ☐ Women-Owned Yes ☐ No ☐

Organization Business

Minority BusinessYes ☐ No ☐ Municipality Yes ☐ No ☐

Small BusinessYes ☐No ☐

7. Non-Discrimination/Sectarian Organization Compliance Justification

a. According to your Certificate of Incorporation, are your organization’s purposes sectarian? (For example, are you a corporation organized under the religious corporation law or a corporation that has a corporate purpose to serve a particular religious group or promoting the doctrine of a particular religion in general?) / Yes
☐ / No

b. Are any of the proposed services in your project sectarian in nature? / ☐ / ☐ /
c. Does your organization have as its goal the furthering of any sectarian purpose? / ☐ / ☐ /
d. Are the services to be provided by sectarian staff? / ☐ / ☐ /
e. Are services being delivered in a building owned by a sectarian organization? / ☐ / ☐ /
If no, proceed to letter (f.). If yes, are services educational in nature? / ☐ / ☐ /
f. Will the proposed services be provided on the basis of race, religion, color or national origin? / ☐ / ☐ /
g. If the contract is with a sectarian organization, is the amount and comprehensiveness of the surveillance necessary to insure the contract does not foster or inhibit religion greater than the contract necessary to administer a similar contract with a non-sectarian agency? / ☐ / ☐ /

If any of the above answers is yes, please justify the recommendation for funding below:

Click here to enter text.

8. List of Authorized Signatories

List all individuals who are authorized by the Board of Directors to sign this contract and related documents on behalf of the organization. Should any individual be added to or removed from the list, inform Hunger Solutions New York in writing immediately.

Name Click here to enter text. Title Click here to enter text.


Signature ______

Restrictions Click here to enter text.

Name Click here to enter text. Title Click here to enter text.


Signature ______

Restrictions Click here to enter text.

Name Click here to enter text. Title Click here to enter text.


Signature ______

Restrictions Click here to enter text.

The individuals listed above are authorized to sign on behalf of the subcontractor in all matters regarding the Agreement with Hunger Solutions New York except where restrictions are shown. The recipient certifies that to the best of his/her knowledge and belief the information in the proposal/contract is true and correct. The recipient certifies that he/she has reviewed the proposal/contract, understands the terms, and agrees to be bound by the same.

(Signature of Official Authorized to Sign for Applicant) (Printed Name) (Date)