Nutrition, Digestion and ExcretionBIO 100 - Chapter 21

The Digestive System and Body Metabolism


–Breakdown of ingested food

–Absorption of nutrients into the blood


–Production of cellular energy (ATP)

–Constructive and degradative cellular activities

Digestive System

2 main organ groups

–Alimentary canal – continuous coiled hollow tube

–Accessory digestive organs

Organs of the Alimentary Canal





•Small intestine

•Large intestine


Mouth (Oral Cavity) Anatomy

Processes of the Mouth

•Mastication (chewing) of food

•Mixing masticated food with saliva

•Initiation of swallowing by the tongue

•Allowing for the sense of taste

Pharynx Anatomy

•Nasopharynx – not part of the digestive system

•Oropharynx – posterior to oral cavity

•Laryngopharynx – below the oropharynx and connected to the esophagus

Pharynx Function

•Serves as a passageway for air and food

•Food is propelled to the esophagus by two muscle layers

–Longitudinal inner layer

–Circular outer layer

•Food movement is by alternating contractions of the muscle layers (peristalsis)


•Runs from pharynx to stomach through the diaphragm

•Conducts food by peristalsis (slow rhythmic squeezing)

•Passageway for food only (respiratory system branches off after the pharynx)

Layers of Alimentary Canal Organs


–Innermost layer

–Moist membrane – epithelium, connective tissue (lamina propria); smooth muscle layer


–Just beneath the mucosa

–Soft connective tissue with blood vessels, nerve endings, and lymphatics

•Muscularis externa – smooth muscle

–Inner circular layer

–Outer longitudinal layer


–Outermost layer – visceral peritoneum

–Layer of serous fluid-producing cells

Stomach Anatomy

•Located on the left side of the abdominal cavity

•Food enters at the cardioesophageal sphincter

•Regions of the stomach

–Cardiac region – near the heart

–Fundus; Body, Phylorus

–Food empties into the small intestine at the pyloric sphincter

•Rugae – internal folds of the mucosa

•External regions

–Lesser & greater curvature

•Layers of peritoneum attached to the stomach

–Lesser omentum – attaches the liver to the lesser curvature

–Greater omentum – attaches the greater curvature to the posterior body wall

–Contains fat to insulate, cushion, and protect abdominal organs

Stomach Functions

•Acts as a storage tank for food

•Site of food breakdown

•Chemical breakdown of protein begins

•Delivers chyme (processed food) to the small intestine

Specialized Mucosa of the Stomach

•Simple columnar epithelium

–Mucous neck cells – produce sticky alkaline mucus

–Gastric glands – secrete gastric juice

–Chief cells – produce protein digesting enzymes (pepsinogens)

–Parietal cells – produce hydrochloric acid

–Endocrine cells – produce gastrin

Small Intestine

•The body’s major digestive organ

•Site of nutrient absorption into the blood

•Muscular tube extending form the pyloric sphincter to the ileocecal valve

•Suspended from the posterior abdominal wall by the mesentery

Subdivisions of the Small Intestine


–Attached to the stomach

–Curves around the head of the pancreas


–Attaches anteriorly to the duodenum


–Extends from jejunum to large intestine

Chemical Digestion in the Small Intestine

•Source of enzymes that are mixed with chyme

–Intestinal cells


•Bile enters from the gall bladder

Villi of the Small Intestine

•Fingerlike structures formed by the mucosa

•Give the small intestine more surface area

•Small projections of the plasma membrane

•Found on absorptive cells

Folds of the Small Intestine

•Deep submucosa has Peyer’s patches (collections of lymphatic tissue)

Large Intestine

•Larger in diameter, but shorter than the small intestine

•Frames the internal abdomen

Functions of the Large Intestine

•Absorption of water

•Eliminates indigestible food from the body as feces

•Does not participate in digestion of food

•Goblet cells produce mucus to act as a lubricant

Structures of the Large Intestine

•Cecum – saclike first part of the large intestine


–Accumulation of lymphatic tissue that sometimes becomes inflamed (appendicitis)

–Hangs from the cecum





–S-shaped sigmoidal


•Anus – external body opening

Accessory Digestive Organs

•Salivary glands




•Gall bladder

Salivary Glands

•Saliva-producing glands

–Parotid glands – located anterior to ears

–Submandibular glands

–Sublingual glands


•Mixture of mucus and serous fluids

•Helps to form a food bolus

•Contains salivary amylase to begin starch digestion

•Dissolves chemicals so they can be tasted


•The role is to masticate (chew) food

•Humans have two sets of teeth

–Deciduous (baby or milk) teeth

–20 teeth are fully formed by age two

•Permanent teeth

–Replace deciduous teeth beginning between the ages of 6 to 12

–A full set is 32 teeth, but some people do not have wisdom teeth


•Produces a wide spectrum of digestive enzymes that break down all categories of food

•Enzymes are secreted into the duodenum

•Alkaline fluid introduced with enzymes neutralizes acidic chyme

•Endocrine products of pancreas




•Largest gland in the body

•Located on the right side of the body under the diaphragm

•Consists of four lobes suspended from the diaphragm and abdominal wall by the falciform ligament

•Connected to the gall bladder via the common hepatic duct


•Produced by cells in the liver


–Bile salts

–Bile pigment (mostly bilirubin from the breakdown of hemoglobin)




Gall Bladder

•Sac found in hollow fossa of liver

•Stores bile from the liver by way of the cystic duct

•Bile is introduced into the duodenum in the presence of fatty food

•Gallstones can cause blockages

Processes of the Digestive System

•Ingestion – getting food into the mouth

•Propulsion – moving foods from one region of the digestive system to another

•Mechanical digestion

–Mixing of food in the mouth by the tongue

–Churning of food in the stomach

–Segmentation in the small intestine

Processes of the Digestive System

•Chemical Digestion

–Enzymes break down food molecules into their building blocks

–Each major food group uses different enzymes

•Carbohydrates are broken to simple sugars
•Proteins are broken to amino acids
•Fats are broken to fatty acids and alcohols


–End products of digestion are absorbed in the blood or lymph

–Food must enter mucosal cells and then into blood or lymph capillaries


–Elimination of indigestible substances as feces

Digestive Activities of the Mouth

•Mechanical breakdown

–Food is physically broken down by chewing

•Chemical digestion

–Food mixes with saliva

–Breaks starch into maltose by salivary amylase

•These organs have no digestive function

•Serve as passageways to the stomach

Deglutition (Swallowing)

•Buccal phase - occurs in the mouth


–Food is formed into a bolus and forced into the pharynx by the tongue

•Pharyngeal-esophageal phase

–Involuntary transport of the bolus

–Peristalsis moves the bolus toward the stomach

–The cardioesophageal sphincter is opened when food presses against it

Food Breakdown in the Stomach

•Gastric juice is regulated by neural and hormonal factors

•Presence of food or falling pH causes the release of gastrin

•Gastrin causes stomach glands to produce protein-digesting enzymes

•Hydrocholoric acid makes the stomach contents very acidic

Necessity of an Extremely Acid Environment in the Stomach

•Activates pepsinogen to pepsin for protein digestion

•Provides a hostile environment for microorganisms

Digestion and Absorption in the Stomach

•Protein digestion enzymes

–Pepsin – an active protein digesting enzyme

–Rennin – works on digesting milk protein

•The only absorption that occurs in the stomach is of alcohol and aspirin

Propulsion in the Stomach

•Food must first be well mixed

•Rippling peristalsis occurs in the lower stomach

•The pylorus meters out chyme into the small intestine (30 ml at a time)

•The stomach empties in four to six hours

Digestion in the Small Intestine

•Pancreatic enzymes

–Help complete digestion of starch (pancreatic amylase)

–Carry out about half of all protein digestion (trypsin, etc.)

–Responsible for fat digestion (lipase)

–Digest nucleic acids (nucleases)

–Alkaline content neutralizes acidic chyme

What Stimulates the Release of Pancreatic Juices?

•Vagus nerve

•Local hormones



Absorption in the Small Intestine

•Water is absorbed along the length of the small intestine

•End products of digestion

–Most substances are absorbed by active transport through cell membranes

–Lipids are absorbed by diffusion

Propulsion in the Small Intestine

•Peristalsis is the major means of moving food

•Segmental movements

–Mix chyme with digestive juices

–Aid in propelling food

Food Breakdown and Absorption in the Large Intestine

•No digestive enzymes are produced

•Resident bacteria digest remaining nutrients

–Produce some vitamin K and B

–Release gases

•Water and vitamins K and B are absorbed

•Remaining materials are eliminated via feces

Propulsion in the Large Intestine

•Sluggish peristalsis

•Mass movements

–Slow, powerful movements

–Occur three to four times per day

•Presence of feces in the rectum causes a defecation reflex

–Internal anal sphincter is relaxed

–Defecation occurs with relaxation of the voluntary (external) anal sphincter


•Nutrient – substance used by the body for growth, maintenance, and repair

•Categories of nutrients



Dietary Sources of Major Nutrients


–Most are derived from plants

–Exceptions: lactose from milk and small amounts of glycogens from meats


–Saturated fats from animal products

–Unsaturated fats from nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils

–Cholesterol from egg yolk, meats, and milk products


–Complete proteins – contain all essential amino acids

•Most are from animal products

–Legumes and beans also have proteins, but are incomplete


–Most vitamins are used as cofactors and act with enzymes

–Found in all major food groups


–Play many roles in the body

–Most mineral-rich foods are vegetables, legumes, milk, and some meats


•Chemical reactions necessary to maintain life

–Catabolism – substances are broken down to simpler substances

–Anabolism – larger molecules are built from smaller ones

–Energy is released during catabolism

Cellular Respiration

•Oxygen-using events take place within the cell to create ATP from ADP

•Carbon leaves cells as carbon dioxide (CO2)

•Hydrogen atoms are combined with oxygen to form water

•Energy produced by these reactions adds a phosphorus to ADP to produce ATP

•ATP can be broken down to release energy for cellular use

Protein Metabolism

•Proteins are conserved by body cells because they are used for most cellular structures

•Ingested proteins are broken down to amino acids

•Amino acids are used to make ATP, only when proteins are overabundant or in short of other sources

Role of the Liver in Metabolism

•Several roles in digestion

•Detoxifies drugs and alcohol

•Degrades hormones

•Produce cholesterol, blood proteins (albumin and clotting proteins)

•Plays a central role in metabolism

Metabolic Functions of the Liver


–Glucose molecules are converted to glycogen

–Glycogen molecules are stored in the liver


–Glucose is released from the liver after conversion from glycogen


–Glucose is produced from fats and proteins

Cholesterol Metabolism

•Functions of cholesterol

–Serves as a structural basis of steroid hormones and vitamin D

–Is a major building block of plasma membranes

•Most cholesterol is produced in the liver and is not from diet

Cholesterol Transport

•Cholesterol and fatty acids cannot freely circulate in the bloodstream

•They are transported by lipoproteins (lipid-protein complexes)

–(LDL) Low-density lipoproteins transport to body cells

–(HDL) High-density lipoproteins transport from body cells to the liver

Developmental Aspects GI

•The alimentary canal is a continuous tube by the 5th week of development

•Digestive glands bud from the mucosa of the alimentary tube

•The developing fetus receives all nutrients through the placenta

•In newborns, feeding must be frequent, peristalsis is inefficient, and vomiting is common

•Teething begins around age six months

•Metabolism decreases with old age

•Middle age digestive problems


–Gall bladder problems

•Activity of digestive tract in old age

–Fewer digestive juices

–Peristalsis slows

–Diverticulosis and cancer are more common

The Urinary System

Organs of the Urinary system



•Urinary bladder


Functions of the Urinary System

•Elimination of waste products

–Nitrogenous wastes



Location of the Kidneys

•Against the dorsal body wall

•The right kidney is slightly lower than the left

•Attached to ureters, renal blood vessels, and nerves at renal hilus

•Atop each kidney is an adrenal gland

Coverings of the Kidneys

•Renal capsule

–Surrounds each kidney

•Adipose capsule

–Surrounds the kidney

–Provides protection to the kidney

–Helps keep the kidney in its correct location

Regions of the Kidney

•Renal cortex – outer region

•Renal medulla – inside the cortex

•Renal pelvis – inner collecting tube


•The structural & functional units of the kidneys

•Responsible for forming urine

•Main structures of the nephrons


–Renal tubule

Nephron anatomy: the Glomerulus

•A specialized capillary bed

•Attached to arterioles on both sides (maintains high pressure)

Renal Tubule

•Glomerular (Bowman’s) capsule

•Proximal convoluted tubule

•Loop of Henle

•Distal convoluted tubule

Urine Formation Processes





•Nonselective passive process

•Water and solutes smaller than proteins are forced through capillary walls

•Blood cells cannot pass out to the capillaries

•Filtrate is collected in the glomerular capsule and leaves via the renal tubule


•The peritubular capillaries reabsorb several materials

–Some water


–Amino acids


•Some reabsorption is passive, most is active

•Most reabsorption occurs in the proximal convoluted tubule

Materials Not Reabsorbed

•Nitrogenous waste products


–Uric acid


•Excess water

Characteristics of Urine Used for Medical Diagnosis

•Colored somewhat yellow due to the pigment urochrome (from the destruction of hemoglobin) and solutes

•Sterile, Slightly aromatic

•Normal pH of around 6


•Slender tubes attaching the kidney to the bladder

–Continuous with the renal pelvis

–Enter the posterior aspect of the bladder

•Runs behind the peritoneum

•Peristalsis aids gravity in urine transport

Urinary Bladder

•Smooth, collapsible, muscular sac

•Temporarily stores urine

Urinary Bladder Wall

•Three layers of smooth muscle (detrusor muscle)

•Mucosa made of transitional epithelium

•Walls are thick and folded in an empty bladder

•Bladder can expand significantly without increasing internal pressure


•Thin-walled tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body by peristalsis

•Release of urine is controlled by two sphincters

–Internal urethral sphincter (involuntary)

–External urethral sphincter (voluntary)

Urethra Gender Differences


–Females – 3–4 cm (1 inch)

–Males – 20 cm (8 inches)


–Females – along wall of the vagina

–Males – through the prostate and penis


–Females – only carries urine

–Males – carries urine and is a passageway for sperm cells

Micturition (Voiding) = terms mean urinating

•Both sphincter muscles must open to allow voiding

–The internal urethral sphincter is relaxed after stretching of the bladder

–Activation is from an impulse sent to the spinal cord and then back via the pelvic splanchnic nerves

–The external urethral sphincter must be voluntarily relaxed

Maintaining Water Balance

•Normal amount of water in the human body

–Young adult females – 50%

–Young adult males – 60%

–Babies – 75%

–Old age – 45%

•Water is necessary for many body functions and levels must be maintained

The Link Between Water and Salt

•Changes in electrolyte balance causes water to move from one compartment to another

–Alters blood volume and blood pressure

–Can impair the activity of cells

Regulation of Water and Electrolyte Reabsorption

•Regulation is primarily by hormones

–Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) prevents excessive water loss in urine

–Aldosterone regulates sodium ion content of extracellular fluid

•Triggered by the rennin-angiotensin mechanism

•Cells in the kidneys and hypothalamus are active monitors

Maintaining Acid-Base Balance in Blood

•Blood pH must remain between 7.35 and 7.45 to maintain homeostasis

–Alkalosis – pH above 7.45

–Acidosis – pH below 7.35

•Most ions originate as byproducts of cellular metabolism

Maintains Acid-Base Balance in Blood

•Most acid-base balance is maintained by the kidneys

•Other acid-base controlling systems

–Blood buffers and Respiration

Blood Buffers

•Molecules react to prevent dramatic changes in hydrogen ion (H+) concentrations

•Three major chemical buffer systems

–Bicarbonate buffer system

–Phosphate buffer system

–Protein buffer system

Respiratory System Controls of Acid-Base Balance

•Carbon dioxide in the blood is converted to bicarbonate ion and transported in the plasma

•Increases in hydrogen ion concentration produces more carbonic acid

•Excess hydrogen ion can be blown off with the release of carbon dioxide from the lungs

•Respiratory rate can rise and fall depending on changing blood pH

Renal Mechanisms of Acid-Base Balance

•Excrete bicarbonate ions if needed

•Conserve or generate new bicarbonate ions if needed

•Urine pH varies from 4.5 to 8.0

Developmental Aspects of the Urinary System

•Functional kidneys are developed by the third month

•The bladder is small in a newborn; urine cannot be concentrated

•Control of the voluntary urethral sphincter starts until age 18 months

•Urinary infections are the only common problems before old age

Aging and the Urinary System

•There is a progressive decline in urinary function

•The bladder shrinks with aging

•Urinary retention is common in males

–Prostate enlargement