Nurses are called as one of the main pillars of medical team, they are called so because they play very vital role in treatment and prevention of the diseases. The care given by the nurses also depends on the knowledge background they have about particular disease or treatment.

In recent days there has been tremendous improvement in the medical field, many new therapies have been introduced and implemented successfully in treating different disease, out of these many new inventions stem cell therapy stands out as one of the future treatment to look in coming years.

Stem cell therapy is a treatment that uses stem cells, (or) cells that come from stem cells, to replace or to repair a patient’s cells or tissues that are damaged. The stem cells might be put into the blood, or transplanted into the damaged tissue directly, or even recruited from the patient’s own tissues for self-repair.

Stem cell transplants, also known as bone marrow transplants, have been performed in the United States since the late 1960s. These transplants use adult stem cells1.

The recent trend in stem cell therapy has been very erratic, and the major players in the arena mix hope with hype and present a scenario that is usually deceptive to the patients. Some players from the private sector, like International Stem cell Services Limited (ISSL) have proved that the stem cell therapy is a viable option for certain diseases where each condition is approached scientifically and treatment options are given to patients. More companies must find their way into mainstream so that stem cell therapy can be offered to deserving patients and will also become affordable. 3


This chapter deals with the statement of the problem, objectives, operational definition, assumptions, hypothesis, and conceptual framework of the study.Objectives are the guiding forces for a researcher throughout his study. Explicit descriptions of objectives are essential to come out with the meaningful research. The statement of the problem and the objectives for the current study are as follows:


“A study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted structured teaching programme on knowledge of staff nurses regarding stem cell therapy in selected hospitals of Bengaluru”


  1. To assess the knowledge of staff nurses regarding stem cell therapy in terms of pre- test knowledge scores.
  2. To develop and conduct a video assisted structured programme on stem cell therapy.
  3. To assess the effectiveness of video assisted structured teaching programme by comparing pre-test and post-test knowledge scores.
  4. To find out the association between the pre-test knowledge scores with selected demographic variables.


This study attempts to examine the following hypotheses:

H1: There will be significant difference between the pre- test and post-test knowledge scores among staff nurses.

H2: There will be significant association between the pre- test knowledge scores with the selected demographic variables of staff nurse.


Independent variables:

In the present study the independent variable refers to Video assisted structured teaching programme on stem cell therapy.

Dependent variable:

In the present study the dependent variable is theKnowledge regarding stem cell therapy among staff nurses of selected hospitals.

Extraneous variable:

In the present study the extraneous variable is Demographic variable such as age, sex, religion, education, years of experience, place of work



Figure-11: Representation of area wise pre test knowledge score

of subjectsstem cell therapy

Figure 12: Representation of Post –test area wise knowledge score of

respondents on stem cell therapy.

Figure 13: Representation of comparison of pre and post test score

of mean percentage.

Section I: Findings related to demographic variables.

Thepresent study revealed that most of the subjects 23(57.5%) belong to the age group of 21-25years and majority of the subjects were females. Regarding religion most of the subjects belong to Christian 25(62.5%), with regard to education majority of the staffs have completed GNM 33(82%) ,with regard to experience in hospital 29(72.5%) of staff nurses belongs to 1-4 years category. With regard to place of work 18( 45%) of the staff nurses work in ICU.

Section II: Findings related to pre-test and post-test knowledge scores.

The present study reveals that overall mean knowledge score obtained by the subjects was 10.80 with a standard deviation of 3.864 in the pretest and the overall mean knowledge obtained by the subject was 20.58 with a standard deviation of 4.290 in the post test.

Section III: Findings related to video assisted structured teaching programme.

The improvement mean score for overall knowledge was 9.78 with the t value of 14.645 which was found to be significant at p<0.001 level. It is evidenced that developed video assisted structured teaching programme was effective in increasing the knowledge of subjects.

Section IV:Association of pre-test knowledge scores with demographic variables of staff nurses.

From the study findings it is evident that the obtained chi square values of age 8.136, Education 7.149, years of Experience 23.17 are greater than the table value and chi square value of other aspects like sex 2.801, religion 3.429, position, place of work 8.203 Are lesser than table value.

Hence it is evident that the obtained chi-square value of age, education, and years of experience is significant at 0.05 level of significance. And obtained chi-square value of sex, religion, and place of work are not significant at 0.05 level of significance.


The present study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of video assisted structured teaching programme on knowledge of staff nurses regarding stem cell therapy. During the pre-test, most of the subjects showed inadequate knowledge regarding stem cell therapy which is indicated by the overall mean percentage of 36% and in the post-test scores maximum number of subjects has adequate knowledge regarding stem cell therapy as evidenced by the overall mean percentage of 67.91%. The above results shows that there has been significant improvement in the level of knowledge of staff nurses which indicates that the video assisted structured teaching programme was effective.


This chapter presents the summary of the study, discussions, conclusions, its implications and recommendations.

The main objective of the study was to assess the effectiveness of video assisted structured teaching programme on knowledge of staff nurses regarding stem cell therapy in selected hospitals of Bengaluru.