Numeration and Algebra for Teachers, Math 156, Group/Blackboard Supplemented

Three Credit Hours

Fall 2017

Mary Baldwin University

Information About Myself: I am Dr. Christy Lowery-Carter (Dr. Lowery-Carter), your instructor for Math 156. I am a Professor of Mathematics with Southside Virginia Community College and an adjunct instructor with Mary Baldwin University. There are several ways in which you can contact me. My home phone number is (434) 272-2384. I use two email addresses and they are and . Email is the best method to get in touch with me. However, if you need to speak with me on the phone, please contact me before 9 pm.

I hold a Bachelor of Science from Averett University with majors of Accounting, Mathematical Decision Science, Mathematics, and Management Science. Also, I completed my MAT: Math Education from Averett as well. I have taken eight graduate courses in mathematics and administration through Cambridge College. In December of 2008, I graduated from Liberty University with an Educational Specialist Degree in Teaching and Learning, and in August of 2012 I completed an Ed.D in Teaching and Learning at Liberty as well. For my dissertation, I am studied the effectiveness of traditional teaching techniques in an online learning environment.

I taught with the Halifax County Public School System from 2003-2006. I began teaching as an adjunct with Southside Virginia Community College in January of 2004 and accepted a fulltime position in August of 2006. I have an adjunct with Mary Baldwin University since the summer of 2007.

Course Description: The course reviews content of the numeration, computation & estimation, and algebra strands of the Virginia SOL for grades K-6 from a teacher and student perspective. Students develop deeper understanding of content, flexibility in solving problems, and an ability to work with a variety of algorithms and manipulatives that are appropriate for this grade span. Representing abstract mathematical concepts in developmentally appropriate ways is emphasized. Emphasis will be on exploration, problem solving, appropriate technology usage, and designing tasks to develop deeper understanding of content as a student and future teacher. In addition, the course emphasizes the development of teaching styles with a focus on inquiry teaching and learning for the concepts. Students will design tasks that foster deeper understandings as they explore the concepts. Cross listed as ED 156.

Course Goals and Objectives: The goals of this course include a)numeration computation, and estimation, and algebra, b) problem solving, c) algorithm and manipulative use, d) exploration and technology use.

Course resources:

  • Textbook: Beckmann, Sybilla. (2014). Mathematics for Elementary Teachers with Activity Manual. Pearson. ISBN: 978-0-321-82572-8.
  • Calculator: A scientific calculator is required and a graphical calculator is optional. I would suggest the TI-30XIIS.
  • Supplies: A three ring binder, pencils, erasers, paper, graphing paper, and ruler.

Course requirements: On page four of this syllabus there is an outline of each day of class and the corresponding assignment.

  • You will be completing practice problems from the textbook on the chapters we will be covering.
  • As I present each topic, I will also show the topic using a manipulative. The class presentation that accounts for 20% of your grade will require you to use some manipulative to teach a concept in elementary mathematics. Your presentation should be fifteen minutes in length including explaining to whom this lesson is geared to and the class completing the activity. You will share your activity with your classmates on the last day of class.
  • Not only will you be required to read the textbook, you will be reading educational journal articles related to mathematics. Using an article from ERIC or Academic Research Complete, your response should be two pages, double spaced, and typed using a font size of 12. Include a summary and react/response to what you have read. The journal reviews are due the last day of class and submitted through Blackboard.
  • Attendance is imperative, this class will present many hands-on activities and it is essential for you to be in class and participating in the activities.
  • The final exam is comprehensive and will cover all the material you have learned in the course.

Assessment: Your final grade for the class will be determined in the following way.

Homework sets20%

Class presentation20%

Responses to reading assignments20%

Attendance and class participation10%

Final Exam30%

Grading Scale

A 93-100 C+ 77-79

A- 90-92 C 73-76

B+ 87-89 C- 70-72

B 83-86 D+ 67-69

B- 80-82 D 63-66

D- 60-62

F 59 and below

No late work will be accepted.

Honor System: Mary Baldwin University operates on the proud tradition of the Honor System. Honor is a personal quality each student responsible for his/her own actions and fosters trust in one another and respect for the truth. The Honor System is based on three principles: integrity of one’s word, respect for the property of others, and honesty in academic work. These standards are an integral part of life at Mary Baldwin; in becoming part of the Mary Baldwin community, each student willingly assumes an obligation and responsibility to uphold them.

Math Background: This is a college level mathematics course. It is expected that you have basic skills in computation with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percent. Also you need to have a basic understanding of geometry and measurement. If you have weak mathematical skills or it has been several years since you took a math class I suggest taking MTE 1-3 courses through DCC or SVCC.

Praxis: If you have not passed the Praxis Core Math, I strongly suggest that you take the test near the end of this course. The material covered this semester will greatly help you earn a passing score on the test.

Responses to readings: Responses to readings should be word-processed, double-spaced. They should demonstrate appropriate sentence and paragraph structure and should be free of spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors.

Showing how you found the answer: You are expected to show all of your work at all times. This is to be done on quizzes, test, and examinations.

Tentative Schedule

Meeting / Topic
September 15 (5:00-8:00) / Chapter One
Chapter Two
September 16 (8:30-1:00) / Chapter Three
September 29 (5:00-8:00) / Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
September 30 (8:30-1:00) / Chapter Nine
Class presentation

**All classes are to be held at the downtown location of Mary Baldwin University in the Edward Jones Building.

**The homework sets, journal article analyses, and final exam

must be turned in by ______.