Number & Title of Course: ARPL 539, Deconstruction: Implications on Design, 3 credits.

Course Description: This course introduces students to materials waste in the formation and reformation of the built environment, and concepts to design out and manage waste.

Course Goals & Objectives:

·  Learn the concepts of building deconstruction.

·  Be able to understand a construction waste management plan or a deconstruction plan in general terms such that is could provide the basis for a real-world application.

·  Analyze a design for assembly and/or disassembly and make recommendations for improvements.

·  Understand concepts of how reclaimed materials might be incorporated into building designs in non-traditional ways.

·  Describe design for adaptability and/or deconstruction based upon general principles such as those used in several green building rating systems.

Student Performance Criterion/a addressed (list number and title):

A.1 Professional Communication Skills.

A.2 Design Thinking Skills.

A.3 Investigative Skills.

A.6 Use of Precedents.

Topical Outline (include percentage of time in course spent in each subject area):

A.1 Professional Communication Skills: 10%

A.2 Design Thinking Skills: 40%

A.3 Investigative Skills: 30%

A.6 Use of Precedents: 20%



Textbooks/Learning Resources:

Addis, B., “Building with Reclaimed Components and Materials”, Earthscan, 2006.

Andreasen, M., et al, “Design for Assembly”, IFS Ltd., 1983.

Brand, S. “How Building Learn: what happens after they’re built”, Penquin Books, 1995.

Cairns, S. and Jacobs, J., “Buildings Must Die: a perverse view of architecture” The MIT Press, 2014.

Diven, R. and Shaurette, M., “Demolition: practices, technology and management”, Purdue University Press, 2010.

Fernandez, J., arq. vol 7. no 2. 2003, Design for Change: Part 1 Diversified Lifetimes pp 169 – 182.

Geiser, K. and Commoner, B., “Materials Matter: towards a sustainable materials policy”, The MIT Press, 2001.

Gupta, S. et al, “Disassembly Modeling for Assembly Maintenance, Reuse and Recycling”, CRC Press, 2004.

Lynch, K. “Wasting Away - An Exploration of Waste: What It Is, How It Happens, Why We Fear It, How To Do It Well”, Random House, 1991.

Packard, V., “The Waste Makers”, Ig Publishing, 2011.

Pawley, M., “Garbage Housing”, The Architectural Press, 1975.

Public Architecture, “Design for Reuse Primer” (on-line publication) 2013,

Rogers, H., “Gone Tomorrow: The Hidden Life of Garbage”, New Press, 2006.


Fall only; annually

Faculty assigned:

George Bradley Guy (F/T)