7th Grade Math

Topics Covered Throughout the Year

Number Concepts – Prime, Composite, Divisibility, GCF, LCM

Fraction, Decimal, Integer Investigations

Integers and Rational Numbers – Classifications, Operations, Powers, Roots

Fraction and Decimal Operations – Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide

Algebra – Linear Patterns, Equations

Ratios and Rates – Proportions, Percent

Geometry – Area, Perimeter, Composite Figures, Properties, Transformations

Three-Dimensional Geometry – Volume, Surface Area

Data Analysis


Exit Slips – 20%

Homework – 20%

Quizzes/Warm-ups – 30%

Tests – 30%

Class Procedures

Exit Slips – During class time students will learn and practice new concepts, work in pairs and

groups to complete tasks, use manipulatives, and receive help from the teacher.

Students are responsible for this material each day. Several times a week I will

collect a task or check for mastery of the daily material. These exit slips will be

graded to allow students to monitor their progress.

Homework – As long as students work hard in class, they will typically have homework two to

three times per week. It will be practice of or extension of what we have already

begun in class. Homework will be graded for effort and completeness only. We

will go over it whenever it is assigned and questions about it will be addressed.

Sometimes homework will be a review before tests or quizzes or just studying for

tests and quizzes. . Each student will be responsible for word wall vocabulary a

few times each year. It will count as a homework grade and a quiz grade when


Warm-ups – One way to insure that students retain what they learn is to frequently review. We

will start most days with four problems that review content from previous learning

to keep it fresh in our minds. Students are to use the Warm-up card provided each

month to record their answers. It will be graded daily and corrections may be made

before turning it in on Friday for a quiz grade.

Quizzes/Tests – Tests and quizzes at this level of math do require students to study. They can

prepare by looking back over class practices, exit slips, and homework. A

review will generally be provided before the common assessment, which is the

district test for each unit of study.

Please contact me if additional help is needed at any time during the school year.