Nuggets: Items of Interest from Administrative Board Meeting May 10, 2016
· Attendance: Pastor Steve VanDixhorn; Pastor Gary Newton; Elliot Edwards, Lynn Figura; Marsha Gettig; Ann Smith; Dave Swinton; Gerri Boneske
· Discussion: P. Gary noted that Sherri Odell has resigned from the position of CAC Acting Treasurer recently. Gratitude was expressed for the work Sherri has done, her honesty, her help through this transition period, and for her continuing service in other areas of CAC church ministry.
· Angelique Kaiser was welcomed to the meeting to be interviewed for this position.. She shared how she had attended this church as a child and the path that led her back here recently, with a strong sense that God has prepared work for her at CAC. She listed the duties of her current employment as a budget analyst; and noted that she enjoys learning software and inputting data. There was further discussion about protocols, accountability and availability. After Angelique was dismissed, discussion followed . P. Steve asked for a motion to place her in the role of Acting Treasurer and Administrative Board member. Motion passed.
· Budget Report: Discussion moved on to the budget report and an overview of spending as compared to offerings received. Expenses are being controlled well and the church seems to be on track with budget numbers. The budget report was unanimously approved.
· Pastor Gary’s Report:
* Dave S. noted that a water line will be run out to the garden - Erik Flichtbeil has a plan for the design. The entryway still needs some tidying up. The roofing project is still planned.
P. Gary and Dave shared Alfred Bouchard’s desire and willingness to do custodial work around the church.
* The Navy Bible study has been successful now for several weeks with 8-12 in attendance. There will be a Commissioning time for them during the Sunday Memorial Day service, May 29, with Pastor Jack leading the service.
* Pastor Gary attended the Set Free Global Summit Conference from April 4-7. Report given.
* The calendar for May and beyond – P. Gary will be looking for people to open the church for outside, non-church events. There is an ongoing Christian exercise program which meets at our church building.
* Marsha G. shared that she has been working with another woman to reconstruct a group to minister to singles. Several area churches have shown interest in supporting this Christ-centered group. A meeting is planned in the near future.
* P. Gary gave an update on the intern program and the negotiations with the Mobile Home park. Discussion followed about the hours each intern will devote to the program, as well as the logistics. Acquiring another area or building in which to hold the programs will be explored.
* P. Gary distributed a general Building-Use Policy form and noted it needs revising and updating. He will go over the form with Dave S. and Alfred B. to make adjustments. An application for building use will also be drawn up. A subcommittee was formed to develop a building use policy and application, consisting of P. Gary, Dave Swinton and Marsha Gettig.
* P. Gary gave an update on the window situation at the parsonage. P. Steve took a vote and noted that this Board is in unanimous agreement with the plan to proceed with the work on the eleven upstairs windows at the parsonage.
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 7, 2016.
*Condensed version of Gerri Boneske’s Official Minutes