NUFA July Meeting Minutes

July 2, 2006

I. Welcome

II. Roll

A. NUFA Liaison (Renee Schroeder, WVSOM)

B. NUFA Coordinator (Jenny Kendall, DMU)

C. Chapter Liaisons

1. Angela Branda (OUCOM)

2. Courtney Mizuhara-Cheng (COMP)

3. Jessica Yahnert (PCOM)

4. Alberto Caban-Martinez (NSUCOM)

5. Mark Stephany (DMU)

6. Melissa Novak (CCOM)

D. Distinguished Guests

1. Diana Reinhardt (UAAO Secretary/Treasurer, PCSOM)

III. Announcements - none

IV. New business

A. Listserv – Alberto stated that he could create a listserv from the master file he created in his efforts to distribute “NUFA Connections”. Information distributed by this listserv wouldinclude information about how to unsubscribe. He would use Google Groups to host the listserv. A discussion ensued. Those in attendance wanted to vote whether or not NUFA should compile such a listserv. Results: 7 affirmative, 1 abstention.

V. Old business

A. “NUFA Connections”–Alberto stated that the first issue of the newsletter was almost complete and was awaiting review and approval by Renee and Jenny before it would be distributed to NUFA members via email. In the first issue there would be advertisements for associate editors. Alberto asked those in attendance to spread the word about the editor positions to other NUFA members that have an interest in writing. As Editor-in-Chief, Alberto also expressed his desire to expand the content of the newsletter to what is of interest to NUFA members. He did point out that some schools did not respond to his request for bios and pics. Although he was able to create a master file with everyone’s name, school, and current email address. Renee agreed to attempt to contact the liaisons from the schools that did not respond.

B. OMM Review Book – Courtney stated that more questions are needed. Questions must be accompanied by answers that are referenced and explained. The goal for the review book is for it to be a comprehensive teaching tool. Second- and third-order questions would be especially welcome. Those in attendance agreed to the following goal: 3 questions for each area (thoracics, rib cage, lower extremity, sacrum, and pelvis) from each NUFA chapter. Those who contribute questions and answers may be listed as contributors in the publication. This may be an incentive for some, since it could be listed on one’s Curriculum Vitae.

C. NUFA Website – Renee has contacted Christine Harlan at the AAO and will be working with her to expand the NUFA webpage. Renee will keep the group updated on further developments.

VI. Adjourn

VII.Next meeting – August 6, 2006, 1 pm (EST)