WELCOME Ladies tothe onset of beautiful autumn in “Sunny Bris-Vegas”…..can you believe it, we are now into March and our first month of regular competitions are over. Congratulations to everyone who played during February and endured the hot, humid conditions together with the prevailing strong winds. Let’s all hope we see some welcoming rain soon to green up the course.
On Saturday 30th January the Summer Foursomes Championship was played in varying conditionswith the later field battling it out in showers for the last hour or so of play.John was delightedto see 68 ladies constituting the biggest field ever to play for the title of Summer Foursomes Champions.‘Super Congratulations!’ to Brenda Malcolm and EthelStephan for their brilliantwin,carding 94 off the stick for a nett 68.They edged out Ash McCourt & Marg Andersonwho finished with 69 nett and next best pairs, Elizabeth Moran/Andrea Sparks and Marg Pitts/Wendy Richardson with 70 nett. They were thrilled as they received the trophy from John (below).
Our sincere thanks to John Downs for donating theFoursomes Championship trophy and also for the many outstanding prizes he has given so generously over the years that he has run this event.
Brenda and Ethelhave now etched their names into the history books having won this title 3 times in the last 4 years with wins in 2013, 2014 and now in 2016, an incredibleeffort.We all look forward to their defence of the title in 2017.WELL DONE GIRLS, True Champions.
Gross Winners -77 off the Stick Best Dressed Award
Ash McCourt & Marg Anderson Di Urban and Leigh Christensen
This year there were some great combinations playing together with the Gross Winners, Ash McCourt and Marg Anderson carding a brilliant score of 77 off the stick.They were closely followed by Amanda Tan & Katerina Marshall with another fabulous score of 79.
Congratulations to Di Urban & Leigh Christensen who went all out with their creatively stunning outfits.They were overwhelmingly voted the winners of the newly introduced “Best Dressed Award”.A very high standard has now been set for everyonein next year’s team outfits.
It was also very pleasing to see that nearly everyone stayed for presentations and enjoyed the drinks and snacks provided by John. The clubhouse was rocking with beer and champagne flowing to help celebrate Ross Russell’s Birthday. The day was a huge success and a very fitting end to the summer competitions run by John Downs and the Pro Shop.
A huge thank you is extended to John Downs and his staff from all the Ladies for once again conducting the Competitions over the summer months. Super congratulations to everyone who picked up any of J.D.’s generous prizes during those events. There were some terrific scores and John reminded everyone in his final newsletter to collect any prizes and golf balls as only Voucher winnings have been placed on account cards.
The humble, yet thrilled, Suzie Gordon was the lucky recipient of the title“Golfer of the Summer”.John advised in his final, always entertaining and informative newsletter that “the Golfer of the Summer was all over with Sue Gordon finishing in a flurry to have an unbeatable lead over Carmel Mooney and Paula Thompson with one round to play. Sue has played very well the past few weeks with 2 wins and some consistent place getting – well done Sue”.
Nudgee ladies have played many wonderful and interesting games over the summer months while enduring some very hot and humid conditions.Troopers indeed!!
Sunday, 7th Februarywas the Annual Opening Day event,held to raise funds for Deaf Services Queensland and many of our members and guests enjoyed a Multiple Cards format with over 200 entries in both the morning and afternoon fields.Golf was followed by a delicious dinner and a chance to win some fantastic prizes from John Downs’ Monster Raffle. Deaf Services Queensland were extremely pleased to receive an amount in excess of $4,000. It is wonderful to see that the Club is so well supported on Opening Day and it is gratifying to have the generosity of Nudgee Golfers so resoundingly demonstrated.Well done to everyone who contributed towards making this another successful day.
A reminder on how to score your cards in a 4BBB event:
- In 4BBB competitions each player is given a card. (This allows for easy handicapping of players who are playing better than their handicap.)
- Players must swap with someone who is NOT their partner.
- If you cannot beat your partner’s score, you pick up, and a “P” is recorded on your scorecard.
With the MiClub system, in the event of a player withdrawing, and the group plays as a 3, then the computer automatically ascribes the “Swinger” role to the person whose name appears first in the group.There is no need to worry about swapping names on the booking sheet as each pair will have the same combination no matter whose name is first.
Events that CANNOT be played with a Swinger:
Foursomes, Chapman Foursomes, Canadian Foursomes, American Foursomes and
2Ball Ambrose Events.
In the case where a partner has to withdraw from a Foursomes or 2Ball Ambrose event, there cannot be a Swinger. The person without a partner can play a round and mark the card of the remaining pair.
It is important to remember that the top left hand side of the score cards must not be damaged otherwise the computer cannot “read” the card. The Pro Shop has a supply of protectors for the cards.
A reminder about SPEED OF PLAY:
There are several things that each of us can do to keep the pace of play enjoyable for everyone.
- Each player in a group should take their turn to step up to the tee in short order while the others are marking cards.
- Take your turn stepping up smartly and don't leave it to the same person each time.
- Think about your choice of club as you approach your ball and keep moving to the ball if you are a reasonable distance from a player and not likely to affect their strike or place yourself in any danger.
- Be ready to play in turn.
- On the green you should stand as near as possible to where you will be putting from so that you will be ready when it is your turn.
- If you are losing the group in front then the two players who have finished putting should leave the green and move to the tee block to begin the next hole.
Adopting some or all of these practices really helps to keep the pace of play a pleasant experience for everyone.
On Monday 21stMarch we will be heading down the highway to play our friendly rivalry match against Surfers Paradise with the hope of bringing the trophy back to Nudgee. Ladies wanting to play in this Annual event need to see Shannon or Tinato add your name to the sheet if you wish to participate. Anyone who wishes to play in an electric cart is advised to call the Surfers Paradise Pro Shop directly to arrangea booking. Lunch will be provided at the cost of $15.00 per person and should be paid on the bus.Please have the correct money for Tina to collect. Ladies are asked to wear their lemon Nudgee shirts for this event and be at the club by 6:15amfor loading of golf gear.The bus will be leaving NGC at 6:30am sharp.
Tuesday,15th March and Saturday,19thMarchare our Irish 4Ball events which are held to celebrate St Paddies Day. Let’s try to colour the days by raking through the wardrobe to find somethingOrangeor Greento wear! Last year we saw some very creative outfits and very creatively decorated electric carts.Come along and join in the fun, to be sure, to be sure!!
“How to play” instruction sheets will be handed out in the Pro Shop for both Tuesday & Saturday comps.The “How to Play” cards have instructions for a 4-Player Team and a 3-Player Team. Please Turn Overif you are obliged to play as a group of 3 and follow those instructions.
For Tuesday ladies on 15th March:
If you are hitting off from the 10th Tee, you must follow the instructions as per Holes 7 – 11. The 10th Tee start will be Hole 10 which is usually followed by Hole 11, etc, etc … !
Come andWalk A-round in the Thursday Nudgee Nine!
If you are
- learning to play golf
- returning to golf after a long break
- wanting to gain the confidence to move into playing golf comps
- time poor
- finding 18 holes a stretch too far
- an experienced golfer who is willing to offer the benefit of your experience
- needing a no-pressure practice round followed by a social cuppa & cake
then you are very much welcome!
The “Nudgee Nine” is open to members and non-members. There is a trophy fee of $5.00 per player on top of green fees (if applicable – no green fee for members!). John Downs in the Pro Shop will manage handicaps for non-members, provide cards and advise the winners.
We are also seeking ladies interested in learning Match Play and experienced players willing to teach this game. DuringMarch, the Thursday morning “Nudgee Nine” will continue to run Match Play competitions as part of the usual social nine-hole comp. If you are wanting to learn or able to help, please contact Shannon via email to advise of your availability on Thursday’s.
You may have noticed the Nudgee Futures board outside the Pro Shop. The Nudgee Futures are the children involved in the Junior Program which is based on MyGolf. The Junior Committee is working to develop the skills of the juniors involved in the program and we are seeking your help. Please contact Shannon at f you have any queries in relation to assisting in this fabulous program.
Many of our members have been very generously putting their hands in their pockets and paying $5.00 for the chance to WIN $400.00 with $100.00 going to The Nudgee Futures. If you wish to enter the draw and give yourself the chance of walking away with the moola, you may pay your $5.00 entry in the Pro Shop & choose your lucky number. All results will be placed on The Nudgee Futures Board which is located on the wall just outside the Pro Shop. Each draw takes place once the board of 100 names has been filled, so hop in quickly for your chance to win.
Notices received from other clubs for the following events:
Date of Competition / Club /Event / ClosingDate for NominationsSun. 6th March / Women’s Open - Gympie Golf Club – 18 Hole-1 day event
Tues. 8th March / RQGC Ladies’ Silver Open Day – Lilian Walsh Jug – Best Gross Score.
Royal QLD Associates’ Cup – Best Nett Score. G.A Handicap Limit 18.9, 8:30am Shotgun Start.
Wed 16thth March / Virginia Golf Club – Open Day 4BBB Stableford – 8:30am Shot Gun Start / 9th March
Tues. 22nd March / Redland Bay Golf Club Salver Day – 18 Hole Stroke Event – Gross & Nett winners. / 4th March
Thurs. 24th March / Gailes Golf Club – Open Canadian Foursomes – 8:00am Shot Gun Start / 15th March
Thurs. 7th April / Wynnum Golf club – Ladies Open Day – Irish Fourball Teams of 4, 8:30am Shot Gun Start / 31st March
Tues. 12th April / Coolangatta Tweed Heads Golf Club – Canadian 2 Stroke – 8:30am Shot Gun Start / 29th March
Wed. 20th April & Thurs. 21st April / Laidley Golf Club – Ladies Golf Classic – held in conjunction with QSOOM event.
The flyers for these events are located in the specific red binder in the Ladies Locker Room. It is a member’s individual responsibility to nominate for these events, as per the Instructions on the flyers.
Don’t forget to purchase your number (or Numbers!) in the Nudgee Ladies Golf Club Season-long Weekly Raffle! The cost is $25 for a number, only 200 numbers are sold, five draws (chances) per week for 30 weeks (the $25 dollars covers the 30 draws). You could win $35, $20, $15, $10, $5 - then one big draw at the end of the 30 weeks $500, $250, $150, $100, $50. The raffles are drawn on Tuesdays at lunch and a list of winners is posted outside the office on the window. It is great value for money.
On behalf of the Ladies Committee and Lady Members we wish to say a huge “Thankyou” to the mystery Perfume Fairy who has kindly donated the 2 bottles of beautiful Kenzo Floral perfume in the ladies’ locker room. It would be lovely for the kind-hearted person to make herself known to a committee member. Your generosity is very much appreciated.
Diana Wilson has advised that this year’s “Bus Trippers 4 Ball Ambrose Event” will be held on Sunday 13th November at the beautiful Coolangatta & Tweed Heads Golf Club. The cost will be $46.00 to walk and $65.00 if you are wanting to share a cart so make sure you put this date in your dairy. There will be 52 spots available and 26 electric carts for a 9am start (NSW daylight savings time). Ladies it will be another very early start with the bus departing at 5:30am.More information will be provided closer to the “not to be missed” fun day out.
AMITEE EVENT 11-13th MARCH 2016:
This year the 46th Amitee event will be played at Amstel Golf Club in Melbournefrom11th-13th March 2016.
Amitee is a fun-filled 3 days of relaxed golf, great food, wonderful entertainment, meeting old friends, catching up with what’s happening in our reciprocal clubs and generally having a great time.
The name Amitee represents the 4 clubs and the interstate travel as reflected in the Amitee logo:
A is for Amstel, M is for Muirfield, I is for Interstate, T is for Tea Tree Gully and the EE for Nudgee (last but not least).
To date there is a very strong contingent of 23 (golfers & non-golfers)venturing to the “Garden State”so let’s hope they can fly the Nudgee flag high and bring home the spoils. If we can’t beat them at golf then I’m sure we can beat them at having fun after all … we’re QUEENSLANDERS and we sure know how to have fun!
Please check your dairies for Aprilas we have 2 qualifying competitions:
Saturday 2ndAprilis the qualifying round for the Trevor Henderson Cupand
Tuesday the 5th Aprilisthe qualifying round for the JP Mulholland Cup.
Both of these qualifying rounds will be played in conjunction with the April Monthly Medal. In each of these competitions the top 8 nett scores will be eligible for Matchplay over the following weeks three weeks. Please check theFixtures Calendarto confirm your availability to compete in the Quarter Finals, Semi Finals and Finals.
Don’t forget if you want to qualify in these events please place a “Q” on your card.
The Pennant Season draws near, well even nearer than you may think. This year the Pennant Season for Division 1 (old Gold), Divisions 4 and 5 (old Silver) begins on Friday 1st April. No joke! The Weekend 2 Pennant Seasonstarts on Sunday,3rd April, and Division 7 (old Bronze) commences on 3rd June. Please let me know as soon as possible if you intend to be involved in Pennants this year, either as a Player or Caddy. All ladies are invited and welcomed to register their participation in Pennants. Thank you to those ladies who have nominated for Pennants this year. Match Committee will meet shortly to decide teams, appoint Captains and send out information. Handicaps for each Division are as follows:
Division 1 – maximum Handicap is GA18 (all matches played off the stick)
Divisions 4 & 5 – maximum Handicap is GA21.4 (all matches are Handicap Match Play – full difference applies)
Weekend 2 – maximum Handicap is 34.4 (all matches are Handicap Match Play – full difference applies)
Division 7 – minimum GA21.5 – maximum GA32
Some good news from the BDLGA 2016 Pennant Regulations:
- “There are no longer any restrictions on the age or use of motorised carts”.
- “A junior girl may compete in another Pennant Competition including Junior Pennant providing she meets the appropriate criteria”.
- Relegation will now affect best 2 or worst 2 teams in each Division.
On behalf of the Ladies Committee and lady members, we wish to extend a very warm welcome to our new ladies who have recently joined our “friendly club”, Margot Callway, Elicia DeLaPaix, Pam Walklate, Kathryn Downey and Kaye Hillis. We hope that they enjoy playing in the many daily competitions available to them.
Talk to any avid golfer and they will tell you that one of their goals in golf is to achieve that illusive dream of having a Hole in One! On Friday, 15th January one of our lady members, Robyn Yeo, enjoyed the exhilarating feeling of watching her shot go into the cup on the Par 3, 11th Hole (North Course) for the ultimate “Eagle”.
Robyn will now join that special Hole-In-One Club. Super Congratulations on your achievement, Robyn!
New Rules
Please be aware that the R and A Organisation has issued a new Rule Book for 2016. Latest copies are available in the office and Ladies Locker Room. If you visit the R and A website (click on the link above), then click on <Rules of Golf 2016> then click on <2016 Rules of Golf – Full list of Amendments> and Happy Reading! Or for a simpler version, under the section “Significant changes to the Rules” click on <Principal Changes> for a briefer summary of the most significant changes.