Nu Wave One Day Tri Meet

June 21, 2014

UNO Lakefront Arena

New Orleans, Louisiana

ScheduleSaturday 11 & overWarm up: 9:15 a.m.Meet: 10:00 a.m.

1500 Freestyle

SaturdayWarm up: 11:00 a.m.Meet 12:00 p.m.

SanctionSanctioned by Louisiana Swimming, Inc. Sanction #.

HostNu Wave Swim Club


OfficialsMeet Referee:

Meet Director: Angele Thionville,

Head Coach, Jacque Fessel Millican,

LocationUNO Lakefront Arena

6801 Franklin Avenue

New Orleans, LA 70148

FacilitiesIndoor, Heated, 8 lane 50 meter pool with non-turbulent lane ropes. Pool depth: 16 feet in deep end 4 feet in shallow end. All races will take start in the deep end. Separate warm up area is available outdoor during the meet. The competition course has been certified in accordance with USA Swimming Technical Rule 104.2.2C(4). The copy of such certification is on file with USA Swimming.

TimingColorado automatic timing system with touch pads will be the primary system. Secondary system will be manual/ electronic with 1 button and 1 digital watch per lane.

RulesConduct of this sanctioned meet shall conform in every respect to all technical and administrative rules of USA Swimming and Louisiana Swimming.

At a sanctioned competitive event, USA Swimming athlete members must be under the supervision of a USA Swimming member-coach during warm-up, competition, and warm-down. The Meet Director or Meet Referee shall assist the athlete in making arrangements for such supervision.

Any swimmer entered in the meet must be certified by a USA Swimming member-coach as being proficient in performing a racing start or must start each race from within the water. When unaccompanied by a member-coach, it is the responsibility of the swimmer or the swimmer’s legal guardian to ensure compliance with this requirement.

All meet directors, referees, starters, stroke and turn judges, and other deck officials serving in an official capacity must be members of USA Swimming and Louisiana Swimming, have a current USA Swimming Background Check and have completed the Athlete Protection Training Course.

All coaches and officials MUST constantly display their current USA Swimming credential or be prepared to present their USA Swimming ID card as proof of their registration to the Meet Director or designee at any time. The Meet Referee reserves the right to ask for coach credential display and/or deny deck access if coach does not comply or card is no longer valid/current.

Use of audio or visual recording devices, including a cell phone, is not permitted in changing areas, rest rooms, or locker rooms.

OfficialsAll currently certified and in training USA Swimming officials are cordially invited to participate.

DisabilitySwimmers with a disability as described in the USA Swimming technical rules, Article 105, shall be permitted to enter any meet sanctioned by Louisiana Swimming Inc.

EligibilityThe meet is open to invited 2014 USA Swimming registered swimmers. Swimmer’s age as of June 21, 2014 determines age for the meet. No entrant will be permitted to compete unless the entrant is a member of USA Swimming as provided in Article 302.

Limit of

EventsEach swimmer may enter up to four (3) events on Saturday.

Meet management reserves the right to limit the meet size to comply with Louisiana Swimming, Inc.'s four-hour rule. Meet management reserves the right to limit the number of entries per event. If entries in a particular event are limited, meet management will use the criteria of fastest entry (seed) times.

Every effort will be made to accommodate entries received. If entries are limited, meet management will use the criteria of first received basis. All entries received after this time will be promptly returned. All teams will be notified of any such limitations or changes.


FreeThe 1500 Free will be limited to the top 16 swimmers and swum in a morning session before the rest of the meet. The 800 Free will be limited to top 24. We will publish official 400 splits for the 800 so swimmers can make both times in the event. A swimmer can only swim the 1500 or the 800 NOT Both.

ConductAll events are Timed Final. All events will be swum slowest to fastest. Positive check-in required for 1500 Free and 800 Free.

Warm-upAfternoon session will have two 25 minute warm-up sessions with assigned lanes. 1500 Freestyle warm up session will be open warm-up.


StartsSwimmers should remain in the pool after completing their race until the next race has begun then quickly exit the pool.

TimersEach team entering this meet will be required to supply timers based on

the number of entries submitted.

Entry Fees$3.50 per event, $10.00swimmer surcharge; make check payable to Swim New Orleans, d/b/a Nu Wave Swim Club. Late entries will be accepted at the discretion of the meet director, and will cost $7.00 per individual event.


DeadlineAll meet entries are due by Monday, June 16, 2014 at 11:59 pm. Please submit entries in HyTek format, via e-mail to . Entry fee check for amount of fees payable to Swim New Orleans must be paid at time of entry submission or hand delivered on first day of meet. Please mail check to Nu Wave Swim Club, 109 Glenwood Avenue, Harahan, LA,

Nu Wave One Day Tri Meet

Event Order

Saturday, 1500 Session

Warm up 9:15 a.m., Meet 10:00 a.m.


1Mixed11 &O1500 Freestyle

Saturday, Afternoon Session

Warm up 11:15 a.m., Meet 12:15 p.m.


2Mixed Open200 Freestyle

3Mixed Open200 Breastroke

4Mixed Open50 Freestyle

5Mixed Open200 IM

6Mixed Open200 Backstroke

7Mixed 12&U50 Backstroke

8Mixed Open100 Freestyle

9Mixed Open200 Butterfly

10Mixed11 &O800 Freestyle