NT531DE: Intermediate Greek

Fall, 2008; Dr. J. Brown

Course Description:

This course reviews and expands upon morphology gained in NT521/522; builds New Testament vocabulary; surveys Greek syntax; develops the student's translation skills, and introduces Greek exegetical analysis with the goal of developing the student’s NT interpretive skills.

Goals and Objectives:

1.  The student will gain understanding and appreciation for the flexibility of language in its varied communicative uses.

2.  The student will gain both speed and accuracy in Greek reading.

3.  The student will know vocabulary that occurs 32 times or more in the New Testament.

4.  The student will gain facility in recognizing and understanding morphological categories introduced in NT521/522.

5.  The student will be able to identify possible syntactical categories as s/he translates NT passages and provide reasoned arguments for syntactical determinations.

6.  The student will develop skill in textual criticism, diagramming, and lexical analysis of the Greek text.

7.  The student will be able to assess interpretive issues and identify what kinds of exegetical categories and questions are relevant to the particular issue.



1. Bauer, W., A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. Trans. and rev. by W.F. Arndt, F.W. Gingrich, and F.W. Danker. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979/2000. 2nd or 3rd edition. ISBN# 0226039323 (2nd) [abbrev: BAGD] or ISBN 0226039331 (3rd) [abbrev: BDAG]

2. Wallace, Daniel B. Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics: An Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996. ISBN: 0310218950

Required from NT521/522:
1. Mounce or Croy textbook or any other beginning Greek grammar book. (You will be using this to review morphology, i.e., Greek forms, so any beginning Greek grammar will do.)
2. Aland, K., M. Black, C.M. Martini, B.M. Metzger, and A. Wikgren, Ed. The Greek New Testament. Stuttgart: United Bible Societies, 4th edition.

Optional: A vocabulary/grammatical aid, such as:

1. A Greek Bible software program;

2. Zerwick, M. and Grosvenor. A Grammatical Analysis of the Greek New

Testament. (1993) ISBN# 8876535888;

3. Rienecker, F. and C. Rogers. The New Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the

Greek NewTestament. (1998) ISBN# 0310201756.

Provided Articles:

1. Brown, Jeannine K. “The Language of the Bible,” in Scripture as

Communication: Introducing Biblical Hermeneutics. Grand Rapids:

Baker Academic, 2007.

2. Holmes, Michael W. "New Testament Textual Criticism." In Introducing New Testament Interpretation. Edited by Scot McKnight, 53-74. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1989.

3. Strauss, Mark. “Form, Function, and the 'Literal Meaning' Fallacy in

English Bible Translation.” Bible Translator 56 (July, 2005) 153-168.

Assignments (additional instructions for 5a-c will be provided):

1.  Exegetical/Syntax Worksheets (15%): These worksheets lead the student to explore a variety of exegetical issues in the translation passage for the week. Cf. Assignment page for regular due dates.

2.  Conference Call Attendance and Participation (5%): Each student will be expected to attend and participate in the five conference calls of the quarter. Participation includes asking questions, sharing insights, answering questions, and generally reflecting preparatory work.

3.  Midterm Quiz and Final Exam (40%; 15% and 25%, respectively): The quiz and exam will be open book and will reflect the kinds of exegetical work reflected in the course worksheets (1 above). The course textbooks and hand outs, Greek NT, and English translations may be used for the exam. No additional sources, such as commentaries, may be consulted.

4.  Vocabulary Quiz (10%): Quiz on vocabulary occurring in the NT from 32-49 times (with list provided in Blackboard). The quiz may be obtained and taken at any time in the quarter by email request to course teaching assistant (Ross Jahnke: ).

5.  Three Exegetical Assignments (30%): (a) Diagram of Greek text (10%); (b) Lexical Analysis (10%); and (c) Text Critical Notes (10%).

Late Work Policy: Unapproved late work will be penalized; 5% will be deducted from the assignment grade per each day late. It will no longer be accepted after the 9th late day.

NT531DE: Intermediate Greek Grammar

Fall, 2008

Week / Translation
Work and Conference Calls /

Forms Review

(Mounce) / Syntax Learning
(Wallace) / Media
(Blackboard) / Reading/
Sept 22-27 / Mt 16:5-16
+ Conf Call (CC) for Introduction and Reading / Article and Nouns
ch. 5-7) / NOMINATIVE/
GENITIVE / 1. Syntax: Nom and Gen Cases
2. SmartBoard: Translating Mt 16 / *Vocabulary Quiz [due anytime before 12/5]
*Begin Worksheet
WEEK 2 Sept 29-Oct 4 / Mt 16:17-28 / Pronouns and Adjectives
(ch. 8-14) / DATIVE/
ACCUSATIVE / 1. Syntax: Dat and Acc Cases
2. SmartBoard: Syntax of Mt 16
3. Using BDAG / *Matt 16 Worksheet due [10/4]
Oct 6-11 / CC on Matt 16:5-28 / 1. CD: Lexical Analysis
2. Lexical Analysis Interaction / *Read Brown, “Language of the Bible”
*Lexical Analysis Due [10/11]
Oct 13-18 / Mt 17:1-13 / Present and Future Indicative
(ch. 15-19) / INDICATIVE
TENSES / Syntax:CD- Indicative Tenses + Streamed “Perfect-Imperfect” / *Begin Worksheet
Oct 20-25 / Mt 17:14-27
+ CC on
Matthew 17 / Participles
(ch. 26-30) / PARTICIPLES / Syntax: Participles / *Matt 17 Worksheet due [Wed, 10/22]
Oct 27-Nov 1 / Mt 18:1-9 / Subjunctive Mood
(ch. 31) / SUBJUNCTIVE/
OPTATIVE / Syntax: Subjunctive and Optative Moods / *Mid-term Quiz
[due between 10/27-11/1]
*Begin Worksheet
Nov 3-8 / Mt 18:10-20 / Imperative Mood
(ch. 33) / IMPERATIVE/ INDICATIVE / 1. CD and SmartBoard: Diagramming
2. Syntax: Imperative & Indicative Moods / *Continue Worksheet
*Diagram Due [11/8]
Nov 10-15 / Adobe Connect with Dr. Mark Strauss
Fri, Nov. 14 at 10am CST / 1. CD: Text Criticism
2. Text Criticism Interaction / *Read Strauss
*Read Holmes
*Text-critical Notes Due [11/15]
Nov 17-22 / Mt 18:21-35
+ CC on
Matthew 18 / Infinitive
(ch 32)
Imperfect/Aorist Indicative (21-24) / INFINITIVES / Syntax:
Infinitive / *Matt 18 Worksheet due [Wed, 11/19]
WEEK BREAK / [Reminder: Vocabulary Quiz due by 12/5 ]
Dec 1-5 / Review / Perfect Indicative
(ch. 25) + mi Verbs (ch. 34-35) / SYNTAX REVIEW / *Final Exam
[due between 12/1 & 12/5]