NSRBC Board Meeting Minutes
February 18, 2010
Don Ross, North Battleford, SK
Begin: 7:07pm
In Attendance: John Kindrachuk, Katherine Finn, Kaeley Kindrachuk, Gord Vaadeland, Murray Ball, Jeremy Brown, Sindy Nicholson, Karen Pederson, Tina Rybka, Paul Rybka, Brian Snell, Don Dill, Donna Rae Paquette, John Serhienko, Heidi Hougham
John Kindrachuk chairing
Kaeley Kindrachuk recording
· Introductions
· Review of agenda
o Adopt agenda: moved by John S. seconded by Karen. All in favor. Carried.
o New items to agenda? AEGP is added to staff report
· Correspondence
o Letters of support
o Cheque from St. Walburg- suggest that other R.M.’s contribute the same ($100.00) to the NSRBC
o Discussion about R.M.’s and contributing money- the amount is not much, but must be able to sell it to the council
o Ministry of Indian Affairs- letter read
§ Suggestions: stay on the government to avoid lawyers…all MP’s, going to the press…or an opposition MP
§ Will write letters, MLA’s first, press second
o Brian moved correspondence, Sindy second. All in favor. Carried.
· Minutes
o Minutes were circulated from AGM: will continue circulating minutes so they don’t have to be read during meetings
o Went through to-do list
§ Work with independent FN: have to get together amongst themselves and decide
· 7 independents in either Treaty 6 or watershed….only 5?
§ Follow-up on sectoral membership
§ Prioritized activities report
o Reviewed minutes from December 2009 meeting
o Move the minutes (both sets) Gord, seconded by John S. All in favor. Carried.
o Discussion about producer workshops- feedback from Karen
§ Melfort radio 750, PA 900, CJNB, Lloyd stations
· Work plan for 2010-2011
o Work plan was circulated prior to meeting
§ Reviewed key actions
§ Discussion on work plan, wells
§ Board will look through workplan again, and see if anything is eye-catching to make priority or add
§ Submit work plan- moved by Karen, seconded by John S. All in favor. Carried.
· Coffee break 8:34-8:45pm
· Review of expenses
o Questions about cell phone plans
o Moved to pay bills Karen, second Gord. All in favor. Carried.
· Review of funds
o Discussion about funding, money in account, income, how to spend money: new AEGP, water testing equipment, data tablet
o Discussion about treasurer for board
§ John S. volunteered for the job. Gord moved to accept John’s volunteering, Murray seconds. All in favor. Carried.
o Motion made by Karen that executive will deal with finances and new treasurer and ideas were liked, seconded by Paul. All in favor. Carried.
o Tina brought up that we will need a GST number. Karen made a motion to get a GST number, Jeremy seconds.
o Financial report accepted. Moved by Brian, second by Sindy. All in favor. Carried.
· SAW update
o Have room for another rep to be on the SAW board
§ No volunteers…
o Update on February 17, 2010 meeting- core funding may be lower this year
o Need to decide who wants to go to SAW conference in April in Swift Current
§ Can send up to 10
§ Gord (going with PCAB)(in-kind contribution), Heidi ?, Sindy?,
o Having an essay & logo contest
o Getting a website
o Motion to invite up to 5 non-board members (sectoral reps) to go, John S. moves, Jeremy seconds. All in favor. Carried.
o Having parks and recreation (Murray H.), DU, Enterprise Sask (for the region) (start w/ one of the CEO’s- central region, Paul will be in contact) on the board- moved by John S., seconded by Paul. All in favor. Carried.
· Committee to review and evaluate SWPP
o Identified the task that need to be done: Results, Evaluation, Gaps/Barriers
o Volunteers for committee: Heidi, Gord, Jeremy, John K., John S.
§ Meeting March 12, 2010 to review SWPP
· Staff Reports
o Reviewed Environmental Damages Fund (EDF)
§ Approval for Sturgeon Study and AEGP proposal
§ New AEGP proposal: need a legal entity, must be in place by March 31, need a motion from the board to be the legal entity, background on AEGP groups, how they are started, looked at map from Jeremy
§ Motion that NSRBC be the legal entity for a new environmental farm plan. John S. moved, Jeremy second. All in favor. Carried.
§ Sturgeon Study: concern about liability, is it worth it, DFO?, hiring a consulting company?
§ Discussion of what else could be done with money
§ Motion to trust the executive to make final decision and send proposal into EDF. Moved by Jeremy, seconded by John S. All in favor. Carried.
o SUMA, SWA/SAW, Boreal Learning, producer workshops, FNSWPP, hazardous waste collection days
§ Donna Rae’s report on FN, environmental monitoring and instrumentation course-suggestion to pay all or some of course
· Motion made to pay for course. Murray moves, Karen seconds. All in favor. Carried.
o Other business
§ Next meeting: Thursday, March 18, 2010 at 7pm at Don Ross
o Motion made to adjourn. Moved by John. S. Seconded by Gord. All in favor. Carried.