Minutes of Meeting

Date: 11/10/2002

Time: 4:00 P.M

Venue: 116, Ketter Hall

Attended By:

Jordan Bailey, Rahul Patil, Shenthan, Laura Rovner, Mona Choudhry, Nagarajan Kannan, Hemang Shah, Vrushali Sawanth, Weiwei Jia and Krishna Potturi

Officers Attended:

Nagarajan Kannan: President

Laura Rovner: Vice President

Rahul Patil: Treasurer

Krishnakanth Potturi: Secretary

The meeting started with a sumptuous pizza and pop. The first meeting of the NSPE student chapter at UB was full of thoughts and ideas from enthusiastic members of the club.

The meeting started at 4:20 P.M with the pledge which is the ‘Engineer’s Creed’, prompted by the President of the club. Mr. Kannan distributed the Agenda for the meeting. The meeting started with the appreciation for all the people who supported in the inauguration of the student chapter.

Assistant Dean of Engineering – Dean C.Millar

Associate Dean of Engineering- Michael E.Ryan

Club Advisor- Stuart Chen

Engineering Node services

Erie Niagara NSPE Chapter Board and members

Spectrum Reporter

Reporter News Director

Graduate Student Association

1.All the members have decided on a 14-point rule to be followed throughout and any changes in the future will be done through addendums.

2. Members discussed regarding WISE scholarship program and the different ways of helping eligible students to participate in applying to this. Mr. Rahul Patil took the initiative to advertise this through flyers through out the campus and pursue further.

3.The club decided on having its own web site and Mr.Hemang Shah, Mr.Rahul Patil and Mr. Kannan will be helping the club in creating an attractive website, the main purpose of which is to provide an effective communication among the members of the club. The web site may serve as a discussion board and place to post questions and answers. All the information regarding our club (recent events etc.), links to other relevant sites, job postings may be posted in the future for easier access to all the members.

4. The members discussed on conference sponsorship and it is good to know that members who are presenting at a conference are eligible for a reimbursement of not more than $200 and not more than $100 for those who are attending. The members discussed regarding the approval process and further details can be acquired from the officers of the club.

5.The President, Mr. Kannan will be representing our club in the Fire Safety and First Aid training program as a part of Homeland security volunteer preparation. This program will be a training program on fire safety and first aid and all the members are encouraged to join this.

6.The club will be looking to organize industrial visits similar to the one held in October to the Niagara Falls air base. A list of probable companies is found and these will be contacted to arrange for the next industrial visit in the spring semester. Mr.Kannan and Miss.Laura suggested the industrial visits can be possibly done jointly with ASCE, ASME etc to get a greater exposure and interaction with other professional clubs.

7.The Poster contest is the big event for the club this year. The winning posters will be presented during the Engineers week. The club members are very enthusiastic in spending their valuable time for making the poster contest a real successful event. All the members present in the meeting promised to volunteer their time and skills to expose the student talent to the industry. The members even felt that this event would be a great opportunity for internships and funding for further events as well as strengthening the bonds with the companies. All the details of the contest would be finalized soon and advertised in UB through flyers.

Mr. Kannan would be attending the local chapter meeting to request for funding from industry to promote the Poster contest.

The meeting concluded at 6:15 PM with vote of thanks from the General Secretary, Krishnakanth Potturi (myself) to all the members who attended the meeting.