The New Prague Gymnastics Club (“NPGC”) believes that gymnastics is more than just a sport. It offers children the best environment for physical, as well as mental growth. At NPGC, a child will have fun discovering the exciting sport of gymnastics while learning important life skills, such as: self-motivation, goal setting, a positive work ethic, overcoming fears, and being a supportive teammate. Throughout this process, it is our goal to help develop every gymnast into a balanced and self-sufficient young adult.


NPCG is completely opposed to bullying and will not tolerate it. Bullying is entirely contrary to the values and principles we work and live by. All members of the NPGC have a right to participate in gymnastics in a secure and caring environment. They also have a responsibility to contribute, in whatever way they can, to the protection and maintenance of such an environment.


Bullying is an act of aggression, causing embarrassment, pain or discomfort to someone. It can take a number of forms; physical, verbal, making gestures, extortion and exclusion. It is an abuse of power. It may be perpetrated by individuals or by groups of gymnasts.


Bullying includes, but is not limited to, the following:

•Interfering with another gymnast’s property, by stealing, hiding or damaging it.

•Using offensive names when addressing another gymnast.

•Teasing or spreading rumors about another gymnast or his/her family.

•Belittling another gymnast’s abilities and achievements.

•Writing offensive notes or graffiti about another gymnast.

•Excluding another gymnast from a group activity.

•Ridiculing another gymnast’s appearance, way of speaking or personal mannerisms.

•Misusing technology (internet or mobiles) to hurt or humiliate another person.


Every member of NPGC should work together to combat and eradicate bullying. Bullying is a direct violation of the NPGC Code of Conduct. All accusationsof bullying will follow the review procedure outlined in the NPGC Code of Conduct. Gymnasts who participate in bullying may be required to sit out of practice, and/or meets, and may potentially be removed from the Team.