IEV List
Area 1: International / Area 2: Environment / Area 3: ValuesComplete a 3 day expedition in the UK with similar Aims to those of the Explorer Belt.. / Assist some Cub Scouts or Scouts in gaining their Global Conservation Activity Badge. / Assist some Cub Scout or Scouts in gaining their Faith Activity Badge.
Take an active part in a project with an overseas aid organisation, such as UNESCO. / . Take an active part in an environmental project with another organisation. Present your experience to your unit / Relevant Audience. / Take a regular part in activities at your place of worship.
Take an active part in a camp in another country, for instance, a Jamboree or Moot. Present your experience to your unit / Relevant Audience. . / Take an active part in an environmental project in your local community. Discuss your experience with your mentor. Present your experience to your unit / Relevant Audience. / Take an active part in a project examining your own faith, for example a retreat. Discuss your experience with your mentor. Present your experience to your unit / Relevant Audience.
Take an active part in an International Camp in the United Kingdom. / Choose a current environmental issue to research, and then present your findings to your Unit / Take an active part in a project examining a faith other than your own.
Take part in a project at a campsite abroad, for example, as part of a Euro-Steps project or CampAmerica / Complete an environmental impact assessment of an activity the Unit is undertaking and act on your findings / Choose a current issue to research, such as health or crime, and then present your findings to your Unit.
. Organise a series of 2 evening programmes for your Unit on an international theme agreed with your mentor.. / Organise a series of 2 evening programmes for your Unit on an environmental theme agreed with your mentor. / Organise a series of 2 evening programmes for your Unit on a values theme agreed with your mentor.
Organise a series of 2 evening programmes for another Section on an international theme agreed with your mentor / . Organise a series of 2 evening programmes for another Section on an environmental theme agreed with your mentor. / Organise a series of programmes for another Section on a values theme agreed with your mentor
Complete any activity of a similar nature agreed beforehand with your mentor / . / Complete any activity of a similar nature agreed beforehand and registered with your mentor.
IEV List Notes:Although there is only one list of activities for the 3 Awards, the level of skill comm- itment required should be linked to the age experience of the ExplorerScout. An activity can also count for this requirement if it is being completed for another requirement of the Award. For example, completing an environmental project during the Queen's Scout Award expedition would also count for this requirement.
Cheltenham Explorers
Chief Scout’s and Duke of Edinburgh’sAwards
Now you are an Explorer Scout – What next?
During your first year you should be aiming at gaining these awards:
- Chief Scout’s Platinum Award
- Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze Award
Options for DofE Awards:
- Do it through your Explorer Unit.
- Do it through school.
Options for CS Awards:
- Gain a DofE Award [through Explorers or school] and complete the extra bits to upgrade to a CS Award.
- Just do the CS Award without doing the DofE.Not an easy option.
Bits in both Bronze and Platinum Awards:
- Skill: Do an existing or new skill for three months.
- Physical Activity: Three months.
- Volunteering: Three months. This could be as a Young Leader.
- Expedition: Two days and one night.
- Three months extra for Skill, Physical Activity or Service.
Bits just in CS Platinum Award:
- Six months membership of an Explorer Unit.
- Six nights away as an Explorer [four camping].
- Two activities from International. Environment and Value list *[IEV].
CS Diamond and DofE Silver Awards
The requirements are much the same except that the lengths of time are generally longer.
Queen’s Scout and DofE Gold Awards
You must sign up for QSA as soon as you are 16. You cannot complete Gold and only then count it for QSA. Go to Scout website.
How to start on an award
- Discuss with your leader or our DofE Advisor Derek Newman.
- Skills, Physical Activity and Service will mostly be done away from your Unit and you will have to arrange these.
The Expedition:We can help with this if needed.
- Your Unit might run this for you - or ;
County course:Next course4th/6th March,8th/10th April& 7th/8thMay 2016
- Or do it through school.
For fulldetails of requirementsfor all awards go to
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award ~ Frequently Asked Questions
Q:How do I get started?
A:Fill in and post application form with cheque for correct amount.
Q:How old must I be to start DofE?
A:Bronze: 14. Silver: 15. Gold: 16.
Q:If I am doing DofE at school can I count things I do through Scouts?
A:Yes – if the school says it is OK. You may want to do your hike or service through Scouts.
Q:Can I change who I do DofE with?
A:Yes. It is very easy to change between school and Scouts.
Q:Can I count things I do at school towards Scout awards?
A:Yes. Scout Awards fit with the DofE Award Scheme. But you have to do a little extra for the Scout Awards.
Q:Can I wear a DofE badge on my Explorer uniform?
A:Yes. Even if you complete the award through school, you are entitled to wear a cloth badge on your left sleeve.
District DofE Team: Linda & Mark Jackson
District DofE Administrator: Caro McIntosh
County website: For details of courses
DofE website:Lots of advice on activities
Your next Move
Decide on your activities for Skill, Physical Activity and Volunteering.
Arrange your Expedition.
Decide on your activities from the IEV List.
Start by talking to your own Explorer leaders.