Day 3
SIC Lookup
Now that we have a list of facilities on our MyMaps, we are going to find their SIC codes and see if they correspond to the industrial SIC codes that fall under the Industrial General Permit.
- Open a new web browser tab, and go to
- Copy and paste the name of each facility from MyMaps into the search bar
- When you find a facility, the information should be presented like this.
- If the facility does not show up on we will try to use another website called
- To use simply search the facility in the search bar. The information will be shown like this.
- Write down the name of the Facility and the SIC you found in your search.
Next, you’re going to enter this SIC and facility information into a spreadsheet.
- In your Google Drive JHS Compton Creek Student Research folder, there will be an excel spreadsheet called Metals Polluters to the Compton Creek (Google Drive>Jefferson High School - EPA Project on Compton Creek>JHS Compton Creek Student Research >Metals Polluters to the Compton Creek) Each person will have their own tab for inputting information (located on the bottom of the screen)
- When we find a SIC code, we are going to compare it to the list of SIC codes covered under the Industrial General Permit. Facilities that have SIC codes that match SIC codes under the IGP should have their data collected in a spreadsheet.
- If you can’t find a SIC code after searching on both sites, list the sites on the spreadsheet anyways but leave the SIC column empty.
After each facility is entered in the spreadsheet you are going to check if they are should have a permit using their SIC and comparing to the SIC list below.
SIC Codes
- You are going to be comparing the SIC code you find on the two sites with the list of SIC codes below.
- The SIC codes below will have some X’s. These just mean that the X can be any number. For example, 24XX means that SIC codes 2401, 2430, or 2499 all fall under the 24XX SIC code.
List of SIC codes covered under IGP
a)Manufacturing Facilities- 24XX (except 2434)
- 26XX (except 265 and 267)
- 29XX
- 311X
- 32XX (except 323)
- 33XX
- 3441
- 373X
- 20XX
- 21XX
- 22XX
- 23XX
- 2434
- 25XX
- 265X
- 267X
- 27XX
- 283X
- 285X
- 30XX
- 31XX (except 311)
- 323X
- 34XX (except 3441)
- 35XX
- 36XX
- 37XX (except 373)
- 38XX
- 39XX
- 4221-4225
b)Oil/ Gas/ Mining Facilities
- 10XX
- 11XX
- 12XX
- 13XX
- 14XX
c)Transportation Facilities
- 40XX
- 41XX
- 42XX (except 4221-25)
- 43XX
- 44XX
- 45XX
- 5171
5. Recycling Facilities
- 5015
- 5093
NOI Search
Now that we have a list of facilities with industrial SIC codes, we want to find out if they are Permitted. To do this, we will be using the SMARTS Database. Facilities file a Notice of Intent (NOI) as part of their permit compliance, so if a facility has a NOI, then they are covered by the Industrial General Permit. Here’s how to use the SMARTS database to find what we’re looking for.
- Go to SMARTS home page
- Click "View SW Data"
- Click on Search for Owners/Operators or Facilities/Sites
- Use any of the Search tools to download NOI. The search tool we will most likely use is the Owner or Facility address
You will each do one facility on your list to get a sense of how the database works.