“I Wanna Be Like You” - Novice Class Routine
Fall Session 2008
Opening Pose: Baton in R hand, Left toe up
(Slow counting)
1-8 Shake
1-2 Side twirl, cross L foot over R, point R toe out to side
3-4 Side twirl, cross R foot over L, point L toe out to side
5-6 Side twirl, cross L foot over R, point R toe out to side
7-8 Feet together, circle both arms up in front of face and down
1-8 Repeat above series w/ side twirls
1-3 Face L side, holding baton with both hands swing baton backwards at the end to back
4 Swing baton at the end w/ both hands to front
5-6 Pass under R shoulder
7-8 Face front, pass baton above head
1-2 In R hand, lunge R, flat loop down
3-4 Feet together, flat loop above head
5-6 Lunge L, flat loop down in front
7-8 Horizontal neck wrap
1-2 L Flat twirl, step R, touch L
3-4 Flat twirl, step L, touch R
5-7 Flat twirl, march into turn over R shoulder
8 Pass L to R at chest to front
1-2 R Flat twirl, step R, touch L
3-4 Flat twirl, step L, touch R
5-7 Flat twirl, march into turn over R shoulder
8 Pass L to R at chest to front
Theme (Start fast counting)
1-8 Hold baton at ends, feet apart twist down w/ baton
1-8 Twist up with baton
1-4 R toe up, hold baton in R, point baton out to front
5-8 Point arm out to front
1-8 Present both arms to front w/ shake
1-16 R toe up, R front figure 8 to side w/ shake
1-8 Group 1 thumb toss
1-8 Group 2 thumb toss
Go back to slow counting
1-8March & switch lines (front line moves to back; back line moves to front)
1-2 Elbow roll
3-4 Arm roll
5-6 Double hand roll, catch R
7-8 Pass above head R to L w/ R front kick
1 Two hand pass
2 Pass L to R behind knees
3 Two hand pass
4 Pass L to R behind back
5 Two hand pass
6 Pass L to R above head
7-8 Hold above head
1-2 Step R, R frontwards figure 8
3-4 Pass behind back
5-6 Step L, L backwards figure 8
7-8 Pass above head
1-2 Step R, R frontwards figure 8
3-4 Pass behind back
5-6 Step L, L backwards figure 8
7-8 Pass above head
Theme (Start fast counting)
1-8 Hold baton at ends, feet apart twist down w/ baton
1-8 Twist up with baton
1-4 R toe up, hold baton in R, point baton out to front
5-8 Point arm out to front
1-8 Present both arms to front w/ shake
1-16 R toe up, R front figure 8 to side w/ shake
1-8 Group 1 thumb toss
1-8 Group 2 thumb toss
Go back to slow counting
1-8 March to partner for toss exchange
1-3 Swing toss to partner (release baton on count 3)
4-6 Catch your partner’s baton & pose
7-8 Step into ripple position & bow
1-8 Ripple Up from front in line
Alternating section – some students will go to the L first, while others will go to the R first
1-2 Frontwards figure 8 in lunge
3-4 Pass behind back
5-6 Frontwards figure 8 in lunge
7-8 Pass behind back
Begin fast counting again
1-8 Cheerleader run w/ baton at chest. Run to last position
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Novice Class Routine – Fall 2008
Last Updated 10/27/08