Rural Nevada Area of Narcotics Anonymous ASC Minutes

June 4, 2016

The meeting began at 1:30pm at the LovelockCommunity Center with a moment of silence followed by the serenity prayer. The 12 Traditions were read by Jimmy and the 12 Concepts read by Abbey. After all the readings the 7th tradition was gathered in the amount of $7.00


Group GSRs

Dayton - Living for Today – Charles, GSR - absent -emailed report

Dayton - Saturday Night Special Meeting – Lou, GSR – present - emailed report

Elko-I Choose Life Group of N.A –Gary, GSR– absent – no report

Fallon – Never Alone – Nicole, GSR – present - written report

Lovelock - Saturday Night Live – Chuck, GSR – absent – no report

Silver Springs - What’s the Solution – Alan, GSR – absent – written report by Abby (acting GSR)

Winnemucca –Missy, GSR – absent – texted report to chair and read at the meeting

Yerington - Groups – absent– no report

ASC Trusted Servants

Chair – Tom – present

Vice Chair –position vacant

Hotline Committee Chair – Lou – present

Secretary - Nicole – present

RCM – Abbey – present

RCM II – Alan – absent

Treasurer – Bill – present

Activity Chair – Alan - absent

H&I Member – Alan - absent

Region Website Liaison – Abbey – present

Visitors: Jimmie from Silver Springs

Motion to approve May’s minutes was made by Chris and 2nd by Chuck. 2-0-0 vote.

GSR Reports

Dayton Sunday, Living for Today Charles, GSR – absent – report below

Average Attendance – 2

Number of Newcomers – 0

7th Tradition collection - $4.55

Literature (Books) - $0.00

Rent – paid current (50% of 7th)

Area donation - $ 0.00

Prudent Reserve Maintained

Meeting needs support! - Charles B.

Dayton Saturday Night Special Lou, GSR – present – report below

My name is Lou and I am an addict. This is the May GSR report for the Dayton Saturday Night Special Group of NA. We are one group with three meetings, the Saturday meeting which is held at 6pm, the Tuesday night Bare Bones Book Study at 6:30 pm and the Thursday night Elevator meeting at 6:30 pm. I was not able to attend our business meeting but as far as I know the Saturday night meeting is doing okay, not sure about the Thursday night meeting but the Tuesday meeting is still looking for a permanent secretary and is in need of participation. We have someone that will take the meeting for the month of June and we’re hoping to find a secretary during that time. I have a $29.40 donation for area and this is for the first quarter of the year ending in March.

Thank you for allowing me to be of service.


Fallon Never Alone Group Nicole, GSR – present – report below

May 2016 GSR Report for the Never Alone Group of Fallon, NV

We are having a “Day in the Park” event on June 11th between 10:00 – 3:00 that takes place at OatsPark in Fallon. I have fliers available to take back to your groups. Please come if you can.

We have a $25 area donation this month

All of our positions are filled and our bills are paid.

Lovelock- Sunday Serenity – Chuck, GSR – absent– no below

What’s the Solution Silver Springs – Alan, GSR – absent– Abbey’s report below

Here is our report from “What’s the Solution?” Silver Springs

Attendance is 5 – 7 members per meeting

Currently we have a Wed night meeting at 6pm and Fri night meeting at 7:30 pm at 2945 Ft. Churchill in Silver Springs

Our literature is full

Rent is paid and we are self supporting

Our group is still very interested in getting into the SilverSpringsHigh School & whenever area is able to help us do that.

Yerington - Groups – GSR, absent - no report

I Choose Life Group of N.A. – Elko – Gary, GSR – absent – no report

Winnemucca Group – Serenity Speakers – Missy, GSR –absent – report texted to Area Chair

Trusted Servants Reports

Treasurer – Bill – present – See Attached Report

RCM I – Abbey – present – report below

Region discussed having a no pet policy for the convention in November.

World Conference will be on July 17th

H & I is starting a “Books for Crooks” outreach

The new webmaster has a new server in place and ready to go live on June 12th

RCM brought back Region’s book donations to be divided amongst the groups & possible raffle prizes for the campout.

Activities Chair – Alan – absent – same report listed of our upcoming activity

The Rural Area Campout will be held at the Lyon Co. Boy Scout Camp on July 8,9 & 10th (Activity Fliers handed out by Abbey)

Hotline– Lou – present – written report

My name is Lou and I am an addict. I am also your Hotline Chair. I attended the workshop on May 28th and Chris did a great job on the presentation. We’re looking forward to our next one. The only other thing I need to report is that Chris and I spent $86 on printing. I know this is more than we originally asked for but the packets wound up being larger than we thought and we have enough material left over to do more workshops. So I am asking to be reimbursed the $86.

Thank you everyone that attended the workshop and everyone that is involved in the Helpline. Thank you for your service.


Hotline # 1-866-760-2380

H& I – Alan – absent - no report

RSC H & I Report – report will be attached in separate document

Secretary Report – Nicole – present – Please email reports if you are a GSR and are not attending. Send to Nicole at


Hotline Compensation – Lou reported that they went over the pre-approved costs for copies of $54 to $86. Bill made a motion to reimburse the full amount of the copy costs that Lou requested and Abbey 2nd. 3-0-0

Lou doesn’t think he needs a hotline budget at this time. However, the next Helpline 101 training will be 9-10-16 at 4:30pm

New Business

Abbey requested seed money for the area campout, in the amount of $600 to purchase food and supplies. Bill made a motion to give the area campout chair $600 for seed money and Lou 2nd. 3-0-0

Abbey made a motion to hold the July area meeting at the campout on July 9th at 10am since the first Sat of the month is July 4th weekend and most area members will be unavailable. The motion was 2nd by Lou. 3-0-0

We received a letter from an inmate at Toulumne Conservation Camp in CA requesting assistance with literature for their meetings. After some discussion, Lou made a motion to forward this letter to our regional H and I chair for decision options and was 2nd by Abbey. 3-0-0.

Region donated recovery NA books that were divided evenly amongst the 7 active groups. Each group received 2 Basic Texts, 1 How and Why, 1 Step Working Guide, 1 Living Clean and 1 Just for Today book. The remainder of the books will be held on to and the distribution of the books will be discussed at a later date when the need arises.

Bill made a motion to pay bills and was 2nd by Lou. 2-1-0

Nicole made a motion to close and was 2nd by Lou. 3-0-0