P.O. BOX 443
PORTAGE, WI 53901-0443
SREA Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, November13, 2013, 6:00 p.m.
Location: Bidwell Room, Portage Public Library
Present: Miles Oakey, Micki Fuerst, Joe Duesler, John Prest, SarahMautz, Roger Lochner, Margie Druce
Guests: David and Margie Druce, unit6005
Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m. by president, Miles Oakey.
Secretary’s Report (Sarah Mautz): Copy of October2013 meeting minutes furnished. Discussion. Motion made by Miles Oakey, to approve minutes and addendum with modifications as discussed. Joe Duesler seconded. Motionpassed60.
Interview of Candidate (Miles Oakey): President Miles Oakey has received an application letter from MargieDruce, unit6005, who is interested in serving as a SREA board member, to fill Tom Thompson’s vacancy. She is present at this board meeting. Candidate was asked to absent herself from the meeting while discussion took place. Joe Duesler moved to accept her application and appoint her to the board; Roger Lochner seconded. Motion passed60. Margie was asked back into the meeting and the appointment length of term was explained, as was the option of running for reelection at end of term.
Treasurer’s Report (Micki Fuerst): Copies of September and October2013 balance sheets, fiscal-year-to-date income statementsfor fiscal year October2012 -September2013, and October2013 - September2014, and budgeted reserve account reports for both fiscal years, and budgeted reserve account first report for new fiscal year 2013-14furnished. Discussion of fiscal year 2012-2013 reports. Motion made by Miles Oakey, seconded by Joe Duesler, to accept final fiscal year 2012-2013 balance sheet. Motion passed70. Discussion of October2013 reports. Motion made by Roger Lochner, seconded by Miles Oakey, to approve October reports. Motion passed70.
SREA records are now at the firm of Miller, Brussell, Ebben and Glaeske, LLC, Certified Public Accountants in Portage, for annual audit.
Unit505 has gone through foreclosure and is now up for sale.
SREA Plant Beautification Fund Account balance as of October30:$209.99.
Buildings and Grounds Report (Joe Duesler): Joe Duesler made a motion that the vinyl siding project at duplex building632-634, approved by email, at a cost of $23,200.00, be read into these minutes. Seconded by Miles Oakey. Motion passed70. Siding project work on duplex building632-634 is proceeding nicely.
Unit510 garage leak was fixed.
Remedy of wasp problem at unit509, west side of building, will again be looked at in the Spring.
4 Seasons repaired an area along the sidewalk at unit606 to eliminate water pooling on the sidewalk there.
4 Seasons regraded and reseeded the area between unit403 and the pump house to remediate drainage into basement of unit403 caused by pooling from Spring melt; cost of $1,600.
Needle cleaning of grounds and gutters is nearly finished.
The vinyl fence for screening around the utilities behind units109-112,additional cost of $2,000.
Zimmerman Plumbing, Inc. is fixingexterior water access pipes at building 505-508 at a cost of approximately $300.
Four spruce trees from Briggsville nursery are planted and doing well.
Link’s Greenhouse planted 13 trees, completing SREA’s tree committee project for this fall.
Sarah noted that a sugar maple tree that succumbed to the drought in the side yard of unit6032 was recently replaced with another small sugar maple. Claudia Christiansen, unit6020, and Cory Herwig, unit6015, have expressed interest in helping out on tree planting committee projects.
Utilities Report(Roger Lochner): Pump #1 engine rewiring, service, and changing antifreeze to be done by T&S Customs in the next 5-10 days at a cost of $550.
Roads Report (John Prest): John will get cost estimates for paving work in Court4.
President’s Report (Miles Oakey): Attorney Miller’s response to SREA board’s questions to be discussed at our next board meeting.
New Business: Discussion of considerablelack of lighting at main entrance since the flag has been taken down for the winter season. Miles Oakey will talk with president of SRA, Tom Schermerhorn.
Unit628 owner requests permission to install ADT signs in their yard. Discussion. Joe Duesler made a motion that the board allow these signs. Motion failed for a second.
Discussed neighborhood watch.
Next Scheduled Meeting: No meetings are scheduled for December or January. Next meeting Tuesday, February11, 2014, 6:00 p.m., at Portage Public Library, Sanderson Room.
Adjournment: Sarah Mautz made a motion to adjourn meeting, seconded by Margie Druce. Motionpassed70. Meeting adjourned 7:25p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sarah Mautz, Secretary, SREA Board of Directors
November13, 2013 SREA Minutes - page 1