November 15 marking period ends thursday. Final presentations tomorrow and thursday on Volcanoes. Make a volcano erupt for extra credit!
November 14 the source of your volcanoes is found here deep in Earth's Mantle The carbon dioxide that is emmitted from volcanoes comes from where?
Formation of the Earth's surface is pretty amazing out these visualizations on plate tectonics, volcanoes and earthquakes. Check out the others too, some are pretty amazing!
November 13 Today we will focus on a final project for the marking period. We will become volcanologists. You will be assigned a volcano from around the world. We will focus on the Pacific ring of fire, since this is the home of most active volcanoes. Your assignment will include but not be limited to the following categories.
1. Site of your volcano, description (explain so we feel like we are there) no longitude and latitude instead find a video of kids in the area
2. Rocks and minerals found in the area. You may look beyond your volcano to study the mountain range, if it is part of one. Rare earth metals are often found in volcanic regions.
3. The influence of the people, this should include any unique customes the people have developed toward the volcano.
4. Geological factors such as the likelyness of earthquakes, tsunami, rock slides or other features associated with tectonic activities.
5. Sources of potable water, volcanoes are often home to people and wildlife you should include this here. Foods should also be included here! Most volcanic areas are home to many people just look at Mt. Vesuvius!
Back in 79 A.D. imagine waking up to 7 minutes into this video
6. Finally, consider the process of getting from here to there! Travel costs, background knowledge needed to make your adventure happen.
Finally but not required, students may build a volcano. The vinegar and baking soda will be provided but the design is up to you. Plaster of paris/flour & water, clay, and paper volcanoes have all been made in the past! Lots of bonus points at the end of the marking period here!
Your 6 slides plus a title slide should speak of an adventure that you would participate in. You should include a group, their relative ages, the purpose of the adventure.
November 6 Enjoy your autumn break! Check out the leaves changing. Realize those colors were there all summer, they were masked by the green chlorophyll. Go outside, observe nature, flip over rocks, walk along the water or visit the shore. Finish any missing homework assignments.
November 3 finish up your work, are you content with your grades?
November 2 Bring in cereal. Cereal contains minerals that are found in the Earth's crust essential to our development. Did your cereal contain iron?
November 1 We are studying the minerals that make up rocks. Make sure that you have a good grade for homework. Lately, bring in a leave changing colors. Explain why these leaves look different.
Oct 31 Halloween No homework
October 30 Tomorrow is Halloween, dress up, I will Ken Warby. You know the fastest man on water! After reviewing Photosynthesis, cellular respiration and Mohammad's pumpkin seeds we observed rock types. Check out this video, would you have patience like this?
Oct 27 We made rocks out of starbursts in class, research the rock cycle.
Oct 26 Today was overwelming, right 30 rocks and minerals. You did great. The rocks and minerals are listed as samples under I tunes U. Our class sample included, breccia, concrete, flint, asphault, lodestone, river rock, brick, aluminum, fossil shell, coat and Schist! Look them up and see how we use these in our lives! Check out Mr Lee rock cycle
Oct 25 PSAT no homework! To be amazed look at these photos of Japan before and after the tsunami of 2011, by sliding the frame back and forth.
Oct 24 This assignment is for a special student that asked for homework tonight! We are moving on to a favorite subject of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Mountains building. A tsunami occured in Japan this video is a catalog of some of the damage. Check out the beginning then flip to 6 minutes into the video, this is all a big wave. is all a single wave. Check out 14 minutes into the video the wave is heading out. Be amazed at the power of the Earth's interior heat. If that was amazing check out these waves storms check out these storms
Oct 23 Today we reviewed Astronomy in class, Book pages 37-39, 69-72, 117-119. Have you ever had a fear of rejection? Start this video at 5 minutes in, at you create some "yesses" in your life? Keep it safe!
Oct 20 Thank you to all that supported the cancer walk today! We created the moon phases today! Look up to see the meteor shower tonight! Great job with the homework! You set a record! Check out this fun video, waves are generated by wind, no such thing as a tidal wave is a rogue wave!
Oct 19 Today we learned about the tides, check out this unique place in Australia rocks all of this change due to the graviational pull of the sun and moon
aren't nervous boats if you really want to learn watch the first 7 minutes of this video you surf
Oct 18 If I am out tomorrow, enjoy the tides, space technology and articles in Scholastic. We will finish with the New Jersey mapping on Friday! forget to imagine all the possibilities!
Oct 17 Today we played catch up! We turned in homework over the past two weeks. A large number of students have fallen behind in homework. For homework tonight, check out the following link about yourself, you will like it. you agree? I am the debater, what are you? Ask other members of your family to participate. Do you agree with their results? How about your friends?
Oct 16 Check out these pictures. They were created 50 years before the developed world had this technology! Amazing
Oct 14-15 study for quiz on Monday
1. Relative size differences of, stars and planets
2. Change in relative population of the state of New Jersey over the past 60 years
3. View of binoculars versus teloscope
4. 6 minute Earth
Oct 13 We observed wooly bears, slugs and slime! We looked through the refracting teloscope and completed our presentations. We observed blood pressure and completed our knowledge of New Jersey change.
Oct 12 Student nebula presentations.
Oct 11 Life of a star
How about this
What happens tomorrow is up to us. Lets try to see the whole picture. This is a very, very over simplified version, however it is neat to see one interpretation of our planets past present and potential future. is sometimes a mystery, can you solve these?
Astronomy can be as challenging as this
Oct 10 Use woodbridgemiddle and our password to watch the following video
Check out this video on star size
Oct 6 Make a volcano erupt after todaysOoblick experiment! videos, check them out
Oct 5 Check out Brain games,
Oct 4 after seeing the assembly, do you recycle? How many Earth's of resources do you use? Carbon footprint calculator
or try this on out
Oct 3 dancing birds, what do you think?
Oct 2 Check out Hans Clever, what do you think? you like this watch Whodunnit bNF9QNEQLADid you "see it" this time?
Sep 29 Hi kids this is a big day for you! Work independently, work hard and connect science labs to your interests.
A. 10 interests that you have.
B. Now combine some of those interests together.
C. Share your interests with others in the classroom.
D. Create a slide show, consisting of a title slide, atleast 4 slides that connect your interests and our labs.
E. Create a slide that shows how your interests can help to make the world a better place.
F. Include scientific research that you look up.
G. Pictures or video that enhance your presentation
H. Personalize it and make it fun!
You may also choose to use the wildlife explorer animals during class time. Connect two animals that are not firmiliar to you. Create 3 or 4 slides and important information on your chosen animals such as location, lifestyle and unique adaptations!
Sep 28 Build a storyline that connects all of the fun labs that we have been participating in!
27 Aftertodays lab on sound check out this short video on elephant sounds, including infra soundelephantIf you liked that, check out bats or dolphins, include echolocation!
26 Buoyancy lab, lets make a vessel out of clay that can float and carry a cargo! 3 is holding the record at 359 grams! How did an Earth's crust density compare to your unknown (3 or so) rocks density? Explain Bernouli's principle. How does Archimedes Principle compare?
online quiz due Friday September 29
1. Compare three light bulbs wired in series and parallel. What happens when one light is removed or turned off?
2. How is the efficiency of a LED bulb compared to that of a conventional light bulb?
3. Why did the cut up paper jump to the comb? Use the words attract/repel protons/electrons?
4. Compare the size of atoms to the size of solar system or galaxies? Or describe the electromagnetic spectrum.
5. How does technology affect your future, you may want to refer to onof our inspiring videos to help you?
Sep 25 Today we explore density, both known and unknown samples in class. Observe area, volume and maybe density of household items, density of a cereal box, tissue box or a cell phone. Compare your results to the following chart
Sep23/24 if you were inspired by yesterday's video, check out this onePicture
Sep 22 Be inspired by technology could this be you? If that was too extreme how about this one
Sep 20 Expect to use our iPads and observe the electromagnetic spectrum of energy!
Sep 19 For homework use your iPads to take pictures of the work you have completed in your science notebook! For fun check out some of the following captured events! Why did I want you to wire your own circuits? So you could make the bulb light up!
On a very exciting note, iPads havearived! We created series and parallel wiring! We measured resting and active heartrates in class! We observed light through a scectroscope! Now we will begin to use our prior knowledge to study Astronomy!
Expect electricity, we will create series and parallel lighting. We will also demonstrate electro/magnetism and the electro magnetic spectrum
Sep 18 Today we observed long wave lengths of UV light, black light! W also watched Powers of 10, 1977
Another video to check out is how animals "see" the world
Sep 16 to 17 I am grading quizes, no homework unless your grade is less than 100, check out genesis for an update. For fun, check out your name, maybe others in your family. What do you think does any of this sound scientific to you?
Sep 15 quiz today, temperature lab, vinegar and baking soda when mixed get cold! you made an ice pack, an endothermic reaction! if we changed the ratio of more vinegar and less baking soda? What type of acid was created? what gas does it end up as?
Room #7, first full week, labs for the week.
- Explain the process of diffusion during the M&M lab.
- Explain how the colors red, green, and blue identify a change in water during the pH lab.
- How did the Science World article that your group read influence you.
- Use attract and repel to describe the magnetism lab.
- Finally use the format below to fill in results from a lab that you most enjoyed this week.
Sep 14 Magnetism is in class today! Quiz tomorrow if you want a sneek peak it is right here
From yesterday imagine a flying car, look at the date and think about how long this has been available, what happens as more people make a purchase, the price goes down, how long until you want a flying car? you like space travel then check out this moon of Saturn a swallow, imagine traveling down your digestive system!
Sep 13 Science World articles in class, Did you define the airplane of your future?
Sep 12 today we were chemists! Ph
We created color change by altering water in class. Acid/Base reactions.For homework click here. Click forward to 3 minutes and 11 seconds.
Sep 11 Identify independent and dependent variables- What did you notice about the Parafilm. For homework look up Parafilm! Another homework assignment answer this question
or watch the following video and tell what happens
watching this video tell me about the dimpled car!
tell me what happened!
September 8 Our first lab, M% M lab, to show diffusion
Sep 7th Safety in class, Did you write about our coins in class? How about the view master viewer?
Sep 6th Welcome Back ! For tomorrow Sep 7th expect Science Safety rules!
This is a science research laboratory. Each day we create experimental results for you to use as we learn science. So far we have completed the M & M lab. We identified variables.