NOVA Family Services, Inc. Service Description rev. 8/24/2016
NOVA Family Services, Inc.
Realizing Human Potential
NOVA Family Services, Inc., 42395 Ryan Road, Suite 112-629, Ashburn, VA 20148
Fax: 703-663-9888
Table Of Contents
I. Mission, Vision and Core Values p. 3
II. Served Population p. 4
III. Program Objectives p. 6
IV. Residential Activities p. 6
V. Supports and Services Offered p. 8
VI. Admission Criteria p. 9
VII. Admission and Referral Procedures p. 11
VIII. Termination and Discharge Criteria p. 12
IX. Termination and Discharge Procedures p. 13
X. Type and Role of Staff p. 13
XI. Service Locations and Fees p. 14
XII. For More Information p. 15
I. Mission, Vision and Core Values
The mission of Nova Family Services is to provide the highest quality of professional and nurturing care for our residents with intellectual disabilities to ensure each individual realizes their greatest human potential.
By employing a growing staff of dedicated professionals, we work closely to promote fluent delivery of personalized care critical to the needs and direction of every resident. Nova Family Services vows to protect the health, safety, dignity, and human rights of each person we serve and employ by delivering quality individualized services, while fostering self-directed personal development.
By maintaining the following strong core values, we encourage both employees and residents to excel within their chosen paths:
Quality Programs consistently and measurably deliver self-directed personal development objectives through person-centered thinking.
Quality Direct Support Professionals insure proper implementation of personalized service plans and daily care by sharing prompt and comprehensive communications, while respecting and honoring the individual and distinct contributions of each staff member.
Quality Facilities elevate the residential and program environments to cheerful, comfortable, safe, and healthy living.
II. Served Population
NOVA Family Services, Inc. is a licensed private provider offering group home residential services to adults under the Virginia Community Living Waiver. These services and supports include skill building, ongoing supports and general supports. The unit of service billed will be daily based on four rate tiers. NOVA Family Services, Inc. is licensed by the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) and accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF).
Support Needs & Characteristics of Served Population:
The residents we serve must be over 18 years of age and have a primary diagnosis of intellectual disability or coexisting mental illness. They must have significant limitations in adaptive skills in two or more of the following areas: communication, self-care, functional academics, leisure and work. The population served will typically exhibit deficiencies in: a) demonstrating appropriate behaviors in home, community, and social environments, b) exhibiting the necessary level of functional skills for personal care, health and medication management, community/ work integration and daily living, c) communicating needs and wants effectively, and d) effective functioning in integrated environments. Some residents served will have needs that require specialized supervision to ensure their health, safety, and well-being. Examples of this supervision may include: intervention for behaviors which occur frequently and jeopardize the resident’s health and safety (such as sleepwalking, attempting to leave the residence, night time wandering, etc.), and special intervention for conditions such as night time seizures or personal care training and support programs.
Our program is based on the philosophy that everyone deserves and needs to be loved and to be treated with dignity and respect, to receive support that promotes self direction, and to be recognized for their inherent value as a unique person. We believe that persons with intellectual disabilities and mental illnesses have the right to supports and skill building activities that helps them maximize their capacity to be a contributing part of the community, with the same opportunities, responsibilities, and quality of life available to all citizens. Further, we believe that everyone has a unique gift to offer the community and the world, and we strive to help our residents realize this potential through the caring and professional delivery of highly personalized and adaptable resident service plans that are focused on the preferences, choices, needs, rights, and life decisions of residents and their families. Providing a program environment that protects the health, safety, and human rights of our residents is our most important objective.
NOVA Family Services, Inc. uses person-centered thinking and planning in the provisioning of services. The overall goal of services is to promote acceptance in the life of the community in which the resident resides through social integration, supports, and participation in community opportunities. The Individual Support Plan (ISP) will contain skill building activities produce outcomes for the resident and skills are integrated to appropriate environments.
Every Individual Support Plan we create is unique, measurable, and objective-oriented. We build in mechanisms for continuous improvement of our program, individual service plans, and approach. The cornerstone of our program approach is the high degree of personalization of plans, integrating expert professional services as resident requirements dictate, and accommodating unique personal requirements and considerations. NOVA ISP’s have clear objectives, plans to achieve them, and continuous assessment plans to measure results and make appropriate changes.
No program, however well-designed, can have its intended impact without the best available professional service providers and staff to implement it. NOVA Family Services, Inc. seeks to continuously identify, hire, and retain the top available direct-care staff in the geographic and functional areas served. We believe in and implement a comprehensive staff development plan that enables our employees to reach for and achieve their own professional potential.
Uniqueness: We employ highly qualified professionals who are also people who have unique lives, aspirations, and interests. We seek to understand, respect, accommodate, and celebrate these qualities in daily work whenever possible.
Relevance: Everyone’s job makes a difference – every day. Everyone needs to know that the work they do impacts someone's life in a positive way – a resident, a coworker, a supervisor – someone. We seek not only to recognize, but to reward and encourage this positive impact.
Self-Measurement: Every employee will have the opportunity to assess for themselves their contributions or success, not solely relying on the opinions of others to measure their success and achievement.
III. Program Objectives
1. To provide supervision and supports to strengthen community-based living.
2. To provide skill building activities in the environments where the resident will live, work, recreate and use the skills.
3. To facilitate community relationships through various methods of advocacy and on-to-one consultation.
4. To monitor health and physical conditions and provide assistance as needed with transportation, personal care and activities of daily living.
5. To empower the resident to realize personal freedoms, rights and responsibilities.
6. To support the individuality of each person by embracing the Person Centered Planning process and through the development of individualized support plans that incorporate personal needs, choices and interests.
7. To help each resident identify and realize their own unique human potential and to live a good life.
IV. Residential Activities
1. The resident will be supported in personal care and activities of daily living such as: toileting, bathing, grooming, dressing, eating, mobility, communication, household tasks, food preparation, money management, community integration, anger management, problem solving, social skills, human sexuality, and safety training.
2. The resident will be supported to use community resources such as: transportation, shopping at community markets and department stores, eating at restaurants, participating in social and recreational activities, etc.
3. The resident will be supported in functional adapting behavior skills for home and community environment.
4. Staff will monitor health and physical condition of residents, assist with medications and/or other medical needs.
5. Staff will support residents with personal care, activities of daily living, and the use of community sites and community resources.
6. Staff will support residents with transportation to and from community sites and community resources.
V. Supports and Services Offered
1. Complete an assessment to determine the resident’s health, problem-solving skills, community safety/community resources, behaviors, socialization skills, prevocational skills, communication skills, personal care/grooming, domestic, self/social/environment awareness, and money management skills. The assessment will also determine the resident’s strengths, interests, current resources as well as the challenge, barriers and needs that now stand between the resident and his/her desired lifestyle. Utilize the Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) to determine the level of supports needed in the 57 life activities and 28 behavioral and medical areas.
2. Development of an Individual Support Plan (“ISP”). This Plan articulates the resident’s goals and objectives and the strategies needed to achieve the objectives. It also addresses the individualized strengths and challenges described in the assessment, and seeks to minimize or eliminate those challenges, barriers and needs.
3. Implementation of the Plan according to a schedule of supportive services and skill building activities developed as part of the Plan. Implementation may occur daily, weekly, or other as needed by the resident. Minimally, services are provided on a 1:4 staff to resident for residential support and supervision.
4. Coordination with outside resources and expert care as needed and requested by the resident, to include health care services, day program services, mental health services, social services, housing resources, and other specialized agencies.
5. Support in developing and maintaining a variety of meaningful social networks, guided by the resident’s interests and desires.
6. Monthly resident reviews and quarterly person-centered reviews are provided to determine resident satisfaction and effectiveness in meeting resident goals and outcomes.
7. Facilitation of resident’s, guardians’, family members’, and advocate’s strategies, and service review as an equal partner with the professional staff.
8. Provision of transportation and medication administration by certified staff.
9. Discharge planning and assistance in moving to another provider should the participant wish, of if the participant’s needs and wants exceed the program’s ability to provide.
VI. Admission Criteria
1. Resident must be 18 years of age or older.
2. Resident must have a primary diagnosis of intellectual disability or co-occurring mental illness.
3. The resident must have significant limitations in adaptive skills in two or more of the following areas: communication, self-care, home living, social skills, community use, self-direction, health and safety, functional academics, leisure and work.
4. Resident is not known to have tuberculosis in a communicable form.
5. Resident is not in need of continuous nursing care or has specialized medical needs that can not be addressed by NOVA Family Services, Inc.
6. Resident does not have a history (within 6 months) of creating unsafe conditions such as fire abuse, sexual offenses, or history of abuse of illegal drug substance.
7. Resident’s Behavior Support Plan does not require the use of procedures which would conflict with NOVA Family Services, Inc. Human Rights Plans, Policies, and Procedures: examples include time out, seclusion, intrusive aversive therapy, and physical or mechanical restraints.
8. The resident’s service needs are available by NOVA Family Services, Inc.
9. Residents, who do not meet the characteristics described in 1 through 8, may not be admitted to the program.
10. If a resident’s status changes and he or she no longer meets the characteristics described in 1 through 8, the resident may be discharged from the program.
Exclusion Criteria
1. Resident has tuberculosis in a communicable form.
2. Resident is in need of extensive nursing care procedures.
3. Resident requires intrusive behavioral therapies, seclusion, or mechanical restraints.
4. Resident has a history (within 6 months) of creating unsafe conditions such as fire abuse, sexual offenses, or history of abuse of illegal drug substances.
5. Resident’s needs are not available by NOVA Family Services, Inc.
6. Resident does not have a primary diagnosis of intellectual disability and/or mental illness.
7. Residents who have a sole diagnosis of mental illness will not be eligible for admission into a residential setting that serves residents with intellectual disabilities.
8. If a resident’s status should change, and he/she no longer needs nor meets the criteria described in the above statements, the resident may be discharged from the program.
Continued Stay Criteria
1. Resident follows program rules and regulations.
2. NOVA Family Services, Inc. can continuously meet the needs of the resident.
3. Resident’s physical examination does not indicate signs of unmanageable communicable diseases.
4. The Resident continues to express a desire to participate in the program and willingness to participate in the development and implementation of the Resident Service Plan.
5. The Resident does not require skilled nursing care which NOVA Family Services, Inc. can’t provide or have other medical or psychiatric needs that cannot be adequately addressed within the facilities.
VII. Admission and Referral Procedures
1. NOVA Family Services, Inc. will not discriminate against residents applying for or participating in programs or services because of race, creed, religion, sex, or national origin.
2. The applicant must be at least 18 years of age on day of admission.
3. The applicant must have documentation of a physical, mental or emotional disability, as defined by the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS).
4. The appropriate forms should be submitted for review:
A. A medical (physical) examination not more than 30 days old. This report should state the disability and note any limitations or restrictions, as well as current medications or conditions.
B. A specialist’s medical examination report, should it be deemed necessary.
C. A complete social and developmental history.
D. A psychologist report not more than three years old.
E. Other relevant reports, e.g. from previous agencies if the applicant is not own legal guardian.
F. Documented proof of guardianship if applicant is not own legal guardian.
G. Copies of Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, and State ID if available.