Submitted: February 16th 2010

Notification for Senate Exec

Committee Name: Admission and Academic Policy Committee (AAPC)

Chair: Kristi Robinia

Subject: Notification of Administrative interpretation and implementation of an existing policy

AAPC was approached to interpret an existing policy regarding providing proof of adequate level of English language proficiency for International students. The committee reviewed a proposal from the NMU-Gateway Language Village Partnership Steering Committee and on 2/12/2010 approved a motion to allow Chinese students who successfully complete an NMU cohort program to be admitted into Northern in lieu of a TOEFL score. Although this does not constitute a revision to current bulletin language, AAPC felt the Executive Committee might appreciate FYI notification. The request, AAPC response, and current bulletin language follows.

Request from NMU-Gateway Language Village Partnership Steering Committee:

Gateway is an English language immersion school based in China; they have been in existence for 10 years. The Wildcat prep curriculum is in the process of development by Drs. Peter Goodrich and Z. Z. Lehmberg from the English department. It will consist of three courses dealing with the English language, American Culture and Academic discourse (how to navigate through the American Higher Education system). The courses will be taught by an NMU faculty member at Gateway Language Village. Gateway has agreed to provide housing and a stipend for the faculty member. Approximately 20 students would enroll in the program over summer 2010 and the three courses would be taught in fall 2010. Students who then successfully complete the program would receive a letter of acceptance from NMU enabling them to apply for a visa to attend NMU. They would then enroll at Northern for the first summer session in May 2011. The goal of the Wildcat curriculum is to prepare students for academic success at Northern; success is defined as staying enrolled at Northern and eventually graduating with a degree from Northern. The wildcat prep curriculum would replace the TOEFL requirement for students successfully completing the courses. This request is to allow this replacement under the current policy of, “Other proof of English proficiency will be considered on an individual basis”.

AAPC Response—Approved 2/12/10

The current policy allows for consideration and acceptance of other proof of English proficiency within some established parameters. These have included determination of English language proficiency based on substantial academic instruction (beyond ESL) at the secondary or post-secondary level across an array of academic subjects. It has also included our Sister City (Japan) agreement in which the candidates go through substantial vetting (including a TOEFL-like assessment) prior to the final selection of one candidate per year (for one year at NMU).

AAPC has approved allowing the satisfactory completion of the Wildcat Prep curriculum at GLV- China in lieu of the TOEFL requirement under the “other proof” component of the existing policy, for the duration of two cohorts (ending no later than October 2013), and to include these conditions:

1) that this TOEFL requirement substitution is limited to NMU-GLV China Wildcat Prep Curriculum;

2) that NMU faculty are providing instruction and assessment;

3) that data are collected and reviewed regarding student completion of Wildcat Prep compared to their performance on an institutional TOEFL provided at NMU as part of the initial orientation and/or first semester academic performance at NMU; and

4) that after two cohorts have each completed at least one year of NMU study, data/analysis be provided to AAPC with proposal for continuation or change of policy.

Current Bulletin Language 2009-2010:

Admission Policy (Bulletin 2009-10): Proof of an adequate level of English language proficiency must be provided. Generally, proof of English proficiency is a minimum TOEFL score of 61 on the TOEFL iBT, 173 on the TOEFL CBT, or 500 on the TOEFL PBT. Test results must be sent directly from the testing agency. Other proof of English proficiency will be considered on an individual basis.

Additional Information (International Undergraduate Student Application for Admission-8/09):

Proof of English Proficiency - If you are not a native speaker of English, you must prove an adequate level of English language proficiency in order to be admitted to NMU. NMU requires a minimum score of 61 on the TOEFL iBT, 173 on the TOEFL cbt or 500 on the paper-based TOEFL. Information about the TOEFL (Test Of English as a Foreign Language) can be obtained from Education Testing Service at Test results must be sent directly from the testing agency to NMU. Results from other tests (IELTS-5 or MELAB-69) will also be considered. Other proof of English proficiency will be considered on an individual basis. For information on our ESL program, go
