To be filed within 28 days of accepting an appointment to act for the Fund or, where consent is required under the Control of Borrowing (Jersey) Order 1958, at least 5 working days prior to being appointed.
This form is to be completed in accordance with the requirements of the Financial Services (Jersey) Law 1998,as amended (the “Law”), and any associated Orders,Regulations and Codes of Practice.
If more space is needed the answer should be written on a separate sheet of paper with the heading: “Continuation of answer to question_ of application form FSB/NDF”.
Answers are to be written in black ink in BLOCK CAPITALS or typed.
Section A – Details of the Jersey Fund Services Business
All questions in this section are to be completed.
Section A.2:Boxes should be ticked for all functions which are to be performed by the Fund Services Business.
For the purpose of the completion of this form the following definitions will apply:
Single Class Fund:A fund with one class of redeemable units where the assets are held as a single pool.
Multi-class Fund:A fund with more than one class of redeemable units and where the assets are held as a single pool.
Umbrella Fund:A fund with more than one class of redeemable units and where the assets are held separately for each class.
Section B – Details of the Fund
All questions in this section are to be completed.
Section B.12:Any other Jersey Fund Services Business listed in this section, provided that it has seen and does not need to make any changes to the content of the notification to ensure its accuracy, is not required to complete a further FSB/NDF notification form in respect of the Fund.
Sections B.15 and B.16:Details of a Statistics Officer and Alternate Statistics Officer are required if the Fund Services Business is providing any of the following services to the Fund: Manager, Administrator, Investment Manager, Investment Advisor, Trustee, Custodian, Depository or Member of a Partnership (except a Limited Partner).
Section C – Details of the Fund
This Section is to be completed ONCE for each fund.
If the fund is an umbrella fund, photocopies should be taken and a separate sheet should be completed in respect of each constituent part of the fund.
Section D - Declaration
To be completed by all Fund Services Businesses.
Items (i) and (ii) should be deleted if Section C is completed in respect of an additional constituent part(s) of an already existing fund notified to the Commission unless the information in Sections A and B has changed.
CompletedNotificationForms should be sent to:
The Senior Manager, Central Authorisations
Jersey Financial Services Commission
PO Box 267,
14-18 Castle Street,
St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8TP
Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018
We may use the information you send us together with other information, which comes from or relates to you, to discharge our functions effectively. This may include us sharing the information we hold about you with other bodies, such as regulators and law enforcement agencies, some of whom may be located outside of Jersey and the European Economic Area.
The Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018 provides individuals with various rights, including the right to ask for a copy of the information we hold on you, and the right to have inaccuracies corrected. To better understand your rights and how we handle your information, we would encourage you to read our Privacy Notice and Data Protection Statement; or to contact the Data Protection Officer, Jersey Financial Services Commission, PO Box 267, 14-18 Castle Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8TP.
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Section ADetails of the Jersey Fund Services Business
A.1Name of Fund Services Business completing notification form:
A.2Contact details at Jersey Fund Services Business:
Name:E-mail address:
Telephone: / Facsimile:
A.3Please tick which classes of Fund Services Business to be provided to the Non-Jersey Domiciled Fund: (see notes)
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Class / DescriptionU. / Manager
V. / Administrator
W. / Registrar
X. / Investment Manager
Y. / Investment Adviser
Z. / Distributor
ZA. / Subscription Agent
ZB. / Redemption Agent
ZC. / Premium Receiving Agent
ZD. / Policy Proceeds Paying Agent
ZE. / Purchase Agent
ZF. / Repurchase Agent
ZG. / Trustee
ZH. / Custodian
ZI. / Depository
ZJ. / Member of a Partnership
(except a Limited Partner)
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A.4Date of commencement of services:
/ //A.5Is a consent under the Control of Borrowing (Jersey) Order 1958, as amended required?
/ Yes / NoA.6If so, under which Article(s)?
If consent is required to circulate a prospectus in Jersey, please submit a copy of the prospectus with this form.A.7Is the Fund materially equivalent to a Jersey Expert Fund?
/ Yes / NoA.8Is the Fund an AIF, within the meaning given in Directive 2011/61/EU?[1]
/ Yes / NoFSB/NDF January 2016Page 1 of 10
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Section BDetails of the Fund
B.1Full Legal Name of Fund:
Where the Fund is a scheme or arrangement with more than one legal vehicle please complete the scheme name above and provide the full legal name of each constituent part of the Fund below.B.2Full Legal Name of each constituent part of Fund:
B.3Fund Type – (Please tick one box)
Open ended / Closed ended / Other - please specifyB.4If in respect of an umbrella fund, a PCC or ICC please specify the number of sub funds/cells.
Please complete Section C for each sub fund/cell.B.5Legal Form of Fund (Please tick the appropriate box):
Company Issuing Units(If so, go to B.6) / Limited Partnership
(If so, go straight to B.7)
Unit Trust:
(If so, go straight to B.7) / Other (Please specify below)
B.6Registered Office of Fund:
Address:B.7Formation of the Fund
(a)Country/Jurisdiction of domiciliation:(b)Date of Incorporation/registration or establishment: / //
(c)Registration Number of Fund:
(If applicable)
B.8Is the scheme regulated in its home jurisdiction? (If so, please provide the following details)
Category of Fund:(according to the home regulator)
Regulatory Body:
Contact name:
B.9Where is the Fund Licensed/Authorised for promotion?
B.10Is the Fund or any constituent part of the Fund listed?
/ Yes / NoIf so, where?
B.11Has an application been made and subsequently been withdrawn or refused for authorisation in relation to the Fund/constituent part under the rules and laws of any regulatory body or country, or for the units to be admitted to the listing of any stock exchange or other principal market?
/ Yes / NoIf yes, please enter details below:
B.12Please list other Jersey Fund Services Businesses that provide their services to the Fund. (see notes).
Name of fund service provider / Class(es) of Fund Services Business provided to the Fund.B.13Please confirm the name and email address of the individual at each of the above Fund Services Businesses that has been informed that the Commission has been notified that their Fund Services Business is acting for the Fund.
B.14Name and address of the Fund’s Auditor:
E-mail address:
Telephone: / Facsimile:
B.15Name and Details of Statistics Officer to the Fund: (see notes)
E-mail address:
Telephone: / Facsimile:
B.16Name and Details of Alternate Statistics Officer to the Fund (see notes):
E-mail address:
Telephone: / Facsimile:
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Section CDetails of the Fund Product (this section must be completed for each Fund or for each sub fund/cell) (see notes)
C.1Name of Fund
C.2Name of sub fund/cell (if applicable)
C.3Is the sub-fund/cell open or closed ended?
/ Please chooseopen endedclose endedC.4If multi-class, please specify number of classes and provide details below:
Class Name:Class Name:
Class Name:
C.5Which type of investor will the Fund be marketed to? (Please tick the relevant box(es))
General Public / High Net WorthSophisticated / Institutional
Single Investor / Expert (as defined in the Jersey Expert Fund Guide)
C.6Primary investment objective: (Choose one only)
01 Capital Growth / 02 Income / 03 BothC.7Investment Policy
Please refer closely to Appendix 1 (Codes for Investment Policy) and enter below the code and description that most closely matches the investment policy of the fund/constituent part:Code:
C.8Minimum Investment: (If class distinction please specify below)
Class Name: / Minimum Investment Level:Class Name: / Minimum Investment Level:
Class Name: / Minimum Investment Level:
C.9Base Currency: (If class distinction please specify below)
Class Name: / Currency:Class Name: / Currency:
Class Name: / Currency:
C.10Is the Fund any of the following?: (Please tick appropriate box(es))
Index Tracker / Fund of FundsSplit Capital / Feeder Fund
None of the above – please specify:
C.11Is the Fund involved in activities directly or indirectly that will fall within the Commission’s Sound Business Practice Policy?
(If yes, please provide full details)
/ Yes/ No
C.12Is the Fund connected to a higher risk jurisdiction[2]?
(If yes, please provide full details)
/ Yes/ No
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Section DDeclaration
The Fund Services Business is required to notify the Commissionimmediately of:
(a)any other information which it considers relevant to this notification; and
(b)any significant changes in the information provided in this notification which occur after the date of submission of the notification.
We declare that the information given in: (see notes):
(i) Section A above;
(ii) Section B above;
(iii) Section(s) C attached.
is complete and correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of the notification and that there are no other material facts of which the Commission should be aware.
For and on behalf of:Signatures:
Date: / // / //
This notification form must be signed by two Principal Persons of the JerseyFund ServicesBusiness.
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Appendix 1:Codes for Investment Policy
Code / DescriptionEquity
E01 / Equity-UK
E02 / Equity-Europe (Including UK)
E03 / Equity-Europe (Excluding UK)
E04 / Equity-US (North America)
E05 / Equity-Japan
E06 / Equity-Far East (Including Japan)
E07 / Equity-Far East (Excluding Japan)
E08 / Equity-Global Emerging Markets
E09 / Equity-Global Equity
E10 / Equity-Other
B01 / Bond-Global
B02 / Bond-UK Debt
B03 / Bond-US Debt
B04 / Bond-Europe
B05 / Bond-Other
Money Market
M01 / Money Market-Sterling
M02 / Money Market-US Dollar
M03 / Money Market-Euro
M04 / Money Market-Swiss
M05 / Money Market-Other
S01 / Specialist-Venture Capital/Private Equity - Emerging Markets
S02 / Specialist-Venture Capital/Private Equity - Other
S03 / Specialist-Real Property
S04 / Specialist-Derivatives
S05 / Specialist-Traded Endowment Policies
S06 / Specialist-Hedge/Alternative Investment Funds
S07 / Specialist-Other
X01 / Mixed-Mixed Equity and Bond
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[1]Directive 2011/61/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on Alternative Investment Fund Managers and amending Directives 2003/41/EC and 2009/65/EC and Regulations (EC) No 1060/2009 and (EU) No 1095/2010.
[2]In assessing which jurisdictions may present a “higher risk”, the Commission will have regard to Appendix D of the Handbook for Prevention and Detection of Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism (the “AML/CFT Handbook”) together with objective data published by such sources as are listed on the Commission’s website.