SCHEIDT FAMILY from Germany to Russia to America

This Scheidt family has not been tied into my line yet.

If you have more information, please let me know.

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I Received this information from John Scheidt via email Jan 2002.

Also see the “Story” next to this chart. Any information about this family would be greatly appreciated.

Descendants of Johann Heinrich (not related yet) Scheidt

Generation No. 1

1. Johann Heinrich (not related yet)1 Scheidt was born 1852 in Russia, and died in Lamar, Prowers, Colorado ?. He married (1) ? Weideman Abt. 1868. She was born Abt. 1850 in Russia, and died in Russia. He married (2) ? Aft. 1880. She was born in Russia, and died in Russia. He married (3) Catharina Maria Mary Busch Abt. 1889. She was born Abt. 1870.

Notes for Johann Heinrich (not related yet) Scheidt:

1. 2007: From John E Scheidt

Henry came with his third wife, Lottie (Busch) in 1913 to Colorado. They had 4 children 3 boys and a girl. Their names were Dave, Alex, Henry & Lydia ½ brother and sister to my Grandfarther John.

Johann Heinrich Scheidt I find mentioned on the ships list for Katie Scheidt the wife of John Scheidt my GF. It looks like he could be working for the railroad in Russell KS. not sure? I also find him in the 1930 census with his wife and son Alex

2. SS Merion leaving Liverpool, England on 23 Oct. 1912.....arriving in Philadelphia 4 Nov. 1912

M-6 Scheidt Johann 34 m m shoemaker Russia German

Russell, KSSaratov, Russia

This is the ship my Grandfather, Johann, came on;

however, have not been able to locate the ship that my father and Grandmother came on.

3. He was very sure he came through New York but there is no listing of them at the Ellis Island site.

My father always said he got here in 1912 but I fine it hard to believe they could have got here in such a short time after his father, if he got to the U.S. in Nov 1912.

4. Nov 2005: from John E Scheidt: "I have found the ship my grandmother , uncles and aunts came on. The ship arrived in Boston on December 9, 1912 It's name was the SS Saxonia. I am

sending them to you . my dad's brother were Dave, John, Henry and Harry. His

sisters were Della, Mollie and Irene."

5. Mar 2008: Found this site:

Name: Heinrich Scheidt

Sex: M

Birth: ABT 1853 in Russia

Emigration: 4 JAN 1913 departed Liverpool, England on ship CANADA 1

Immigration: 13 JAN 1913 arrived Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada on ship CANADA - destination Fresno, California

Marriage 1 Marie [--?--] b: ABT 1871 in Russia


Alexander Scheidt b: ABT 1902 in Russia

David Scheidt b: ABT 1902 in Russia

Heinrich Scheidt b: ABT 1905 in Russia

Lydia Scheidt b: ABT 1910 in Russia

Karl Scheidt b: ABT 1913 in Russia

Title: Halifax Ship Arrivals 1900-1914 (G. Dorscher)

Author: Odessa Digital Library - 5 Jun 1996

Note: Researched by George Dorscher, Alberta Chapter, GRHS from reels T-494 through T-503 covering January, 1900 to May 28, 1908 and reels T-4734 to T-4754 covering the period from June 1908 to September 1914. Reels T-4741 through 4745 were researched by Rosemary Mack, PO Box 303, Bienfait, SKS0C 0M0Canada. This file was updated June 24, 2000.

Spelling of some names as they appear here may not always be correct because they may have been misspelled in the ship's manifest, the recorder's handwriting was difficult to read, or the photocopy from which the name was obtained may have been in poor condition.



Media: Electronic

Text: Heinrich Scheidt, age 60

Notes for ? Weideman:

Jan 2002: From John Scheidt "First two wives died in Russia. "

Notes for Catharina Maria Mary Busch:

Jan 2002: from John Scheidt "His Grandfather came with his third wife. They had 4 children 3 boys and a girl."

Feb 2011: Received email from John E Scheidt. I have changed her name form Catharina Lottie Busch to Catharina Maria (Mary ) Busch.

Children of Johann Scheidt and ? Weideman are:

2i.John2 Scheidt, born Abt. 1870 in Russia; died Abt. 1885 in Russia.

Notes for John Scheidt:

Died in his teens in Russia.

3ii.Brother Scheidt, born Abt. 1875.

Notes for Brother Scheidt:

Died during Stalin's purge

+4iii.Johannes (John) Scheidt, born 19 Apr 1878 in Saratov, Russia; died 19 May 1943 in Newell, Butte Co, South Dakota.

Children of Johann Scheidt and Catharina Busch are:

+5i.Alexander2 Scheidt, born Abt. 1899 in Russia; died in Milwaukie, Wisconson.

+6ii.David Henry Scheidt, born 08 Sep 1900 in Russia; died 02 Sep 1988 in Greeley, Weld, Colorado.

7iii.Henry Scheidt, born Abt. 1902.

Notes for Henry Scheidt:

Jan 2002: From John Scheidt "My fathers half brother born about 1902 lives in Milwaukee. "

8iv.Lydia Scheidt, born Abt. 1906.

9v.Carl Scheidt, born Abt. 1907.

10vi.George Scheidt, born Abt. 1910.

Generation No. 2

4. Johannes (John)2 Scheidt (Johann Heinrich (not related yet)1) was born 19 Apr 1878 in Saratov, Russia, and died 19 May 1943 in Newell, Butte Co, South Dakota. He married Katie Sophie Fuchs 1898 in Ault Weimar, Russia, daughter of Eula Fuchs and Hannah ?. She was born 19 May 1879 in Ault Weimer, Russia, and died 27 Aug 1934 in Vale, Butte Co, South Dakota.

Notes for Johannes (John) Scheidt:

NOTE: I think this is Johannes Scheidt born 18 Mar 1878. kel

1. W citizen of Russia Butte SD


Scheidt, John 5E-2-8S-2 1878 5/19/1943 65

Scheidt, Kate Sophie 5E-2-8S-3 1879 8/27/1934 55

Burial: Vale, Butte Co, South Dakota

3. From John Scheidt: "My Father died at age of 65 from a gall bladder rupture. "

SS Merion leaving Liverpool, Eng. on 23 Oct.

1912.....arriving in Philadelphia 4 Nov. 1912

Surname Given Name Age Sex M/S Calling Country Race Destination Prev. Residence

M-6 Scheidt Johann 34 m m shoemaker Russia German Russel, KS Saratov, Russia

By the way the last name is Sheidt in the 1920 census miss spelled.

May 2008: From John E Scheidt - on the 1920 census.

"also you will find the John A Sheidt also miss spelled on the same page as John Scheidt my GF. John A. is the one that listed his father as Adam Scheidt from Neu Weimar Russia on the New York Ships list. He first went to RiverdaleIL. with his wife 1910. I have not found any of the children of John A. the last place I found him was in the 1930 census for Idaho and his wife has past away leaving him with 10 children."

Notes for Katie Sophie Fuchs:

Jan 2002: From John Scheidt "Mother died of Pneumonia in 1934 I was 28. "

May 2008: From the obit of their son John Scheidt b Feb 22, 1908 it says "Scheidt was born Feb. 22, 1908, in Seratov, Russia, to John and Katie Fox Scheidt. "

This looks like they changed the name Fuchs to Fox.

Children of Johannes Scheidt and Katie Fuchs are:

11i.Della3 Scheidt, born 16 Mar 1902 in Russia; died Nov 1983.

12ii.Natoleah D Scheidt, born 01 Apr 1903 in Neu Weimar, Russia; died 23 Nov 1983 in Seattle, Washington.

Notes for Natoleah D Scheidt:

Died at birth.

13iii.Girl Scheidt, born Abt. 1905 in Russia; died Abt. 1905 in Russia.

Notes for Girl Scheidt:

Died at birth.

+14iv.Dave W Scheidt, born 29 Nov 1906 in Neu Weimar, Russia; died 16 Feb 2001 in Liburn, Gwinnett, Georgia.

+15v.John J Scheidt, born 22 Feb 1908 in Neu Weimar, Russia; died 15 Oct 2004 in Eugene, Lane, Oregon.

16vi.Mollie Scheidt, born Bet. 1910 - 1911 in Neu Weimar, Russia; died Jan 1993.

Notes for Mollie Scheidt:

VALE, BUTTE CO., S.D., HIGH SCHOOL -Complete List of Graduates-1928-1967

Scheidt, Carl - 1934

Scheidt, Henry - 1934

Scheidt, Mollie - 1931

+17vii.Charles Carl Scheidt, born 04 Jun 1913 in Russell, Kansas; died 09 Mar 1990 in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

18viii.Henry Scheidt, born 15 Sep 1915 in Colorado; died May 1979 in Belle Fourche, Butte, South Dakota.

Notes for Henry Scheidt:

VALE, BUTTE CO., S.D., HIGH SCHOOL -Complete List of Graduates-1928-1967

Scheidt, Carl - 1934

Scheidt, Henry - 1934

Scheidt, Mollie - 1931

19ix.Irene Scheidt, born 01 Jan 1917 in Nisland, Butte, South Dakota; died 14 Apr 1935 in Vale, South Dakota.

Notes for Irene Scheidt:

Jan 2002: From John Scheidt

VALE CEMETERY Township 8N, Range 6E, Section 33 Vale, Butte County, SD

Scheidt, Irene 5E-2-8S-1 1917 4/14/1935 17

More About Irene Scheidt:

Burial: Vale, Butte Co, South Dakota

20x.Harry G Scheidt, born 28 Feb 1921 in Nisland, Butte, South Dakota; died 28 Jul 2005 in Sitka, Alaska.

5. Alexander2 Scheidt (Johann Heinrich (not related yet)1) was born Abt. 1899 in Russia, and died in Milwaukie, Wisconson. He married Mollie ?. She was born Abt. 1901.

Notes for Alexander Scheidt:

May 2008: Email from John E Scheidt "Whom I have been told was a alcoholic after his wife died he more or less abandoned the children."

Oct 2010: From I think this is Alex Scheidt b 1896 in Frank, Russia

married to Amalia Eckhardt b 1900 in Frank died 4 Jun 1932

married 21 Dec 1918 in Frank

Feb 2011: Received an email from John E Scheidt. "At this point I have made the assumption based on the border crossing from Canada and the 1920 census that Katherine Busch is Katherine Maria (Mary) Busch. The border-crossing list Marie the 1920 census lists Mary; however the 1920 census also has the whole family in a mess last name is Schertz or Scheitz. Alex is married now to Mollie they have one son Harry. They live in McClave, Bent, Colorado. "

Children of Alexander Scheidt and Mollie ? are:

21i.Harry3 Scheidt, born 1919 in Colorado.

Notes for Harry Scheidt:

Feb 2011: Received email from John Scheidt. "Alex is married now to Mollie they have one son Harry. They live in McClave, Bent, Colorado. "

22ii.Herman Scheidt, born 1921 in Colorado.

23iii.Roy Scheidt, born Abt. 1924 in Colorado.

24iv.Ruth Scheidt, born 1926 in Wisconsin.

25v.Arthur Scheidt, born 1928 in Illinois.

6. David Henry2 Scheidt (Johann Heinrich (not related yet)1) was born 08 Sep 1900 in Russia, and died 02 Sep 1988 in Greeley, Weld, Colorado. He married Lottie Eckhardt 17 Nov 1921 in Greeley, Weld, Colorado, daughter of ? Eckhardt and ? Weidemann. She was born 22 Oct 1902 in Frank, Saratov, Volga, Russia, and died 06 Jan 1989 in Greeley, Weld, Colorado.

Notes for David Henry Scheidt:

W Russian; rel. lives Weld Co. CO Butte SD

Jun 2008: Received an email from Clarence Kissler. "I do have the following names in my records. David Scheidt, born abt 1902, died September 2, 1988 in Greeley, Colorado. His wife was Lottie Eckhardt from Frank, Russia. The family consisted of Dorothy, Betty and Roy. They lived in Greeley. As a youngster, I do recall visiting with this family. I recall that Roy was in the Marines. Lottie Eckhardt is the daughter of my mother's sister who was a Weidemann. "

July 2008: From the AHSGR Soar project. Linn Grove Cemetery System.

Block 22 Lot 37 Space 001

Dave Scheidt born Sept 8, 1900 died Sept 6, 1988

John Scheidt has a picture of the tombstone.

Feb 2011: Email received from John Scheidt

Name: David Scheidt Home in 1930: Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

View Map Age: 29 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1901 Birthplace: Russia

Relation to Head of House: Head

Spouse's Name: Lottie Scheidt Race: White

Name Age

David Scheidt 29

Lottie Scheidt 27

Dorothy Scheidt 7

Royd Scheidt 6

Notes for Lottie Eckhardt:

Jun 2008: Received an email from Clarence Kissler.

Lottie Eckhardt is the daughter of my mother's sister who was a Weidemann.

July 2008: From the AHSGR Soar project. Linn Grove Cemetery System.

Block 22 Lot 54 Space 004

Lottie Scheidt born Oct 22, 1902 died Jan 10, 1989

Children of David Scheidt and Lottie Eckhardt are:

+26i.Dorothy Irene3 Scheidt, born 16 Aug 1922 in Greeley, Colorado; died 14 Feb 2002 in Greeley, Weld, Colorado.

27ii.Roy Scheidt, born 05 Jan 1924 in N Island, South Dakota; died 27 Apr 2005 in Greeley, Colorado. He married Mary F Smith 10 Nov 1951 in San Bruno, California; born 05 Aug 1923 in Houston, Texas; died 15 Feb 2005 in Greeley, Colorado.

Notes for Roy Scheidt:

Greeley Tribune Greeley, Colorado 04-29-05

Roy Scheidt, 81, of Greeley died Wednesday, April 27, at his home.

He was born Jan. 5, 1924, in Nisland, S.D., to Dave H. and Lottie (Eckhardt) Scheidt.

On Nov. 10, 1951, he married Mary Smith in San Bruno, Calif. She died Feb. 15, 2005.

Mr. Scheidt was raised in Greeley and attended Greeley Central High School. He entered the Marine Corps in San Diego, Calif., in 1942 and served in all three divisions of the Marines during World War II and in Korea. He was awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received in action in 1951. He was very patriotic and served his country with pride.

He and his wife enjoyed travel, hunting, camping and hiking. They wintered in Arizona for the past 20 years and loved dancing, especially to big band music.

Survivors are a sister, Betty Nazarenus and husband Wayne Russel of Loveland; a niece, Nancy Lackey and husband Howard of Raton, N.M.; a nephew, Dean Hein and wife Karen of Windsor; a brother-in-law, Ed Wolfe of Windsor; and many grandnieces and grandnephews. He was preceded in death by his parents and a sister, Dorothy Wolfe.

Memorial services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Allnutt Funeral Service Macy Chapel, Greeley. Cremation. Interment will be in Fort Logan National Cemetery, Denver.

Memorial gifts may be made to Hospice and Palliative Care of Northern Colorado Inc. in care of Allnutt, 702 13th St., Greeley, CO 80631. An online obituary and guest book are at

Notes for Mary F Smith:

Mary F. Scheidt, 81, of Greeley died Tuesday, Feb. 15, at North Colorado Medical Center, Greeley.

She was born Aug. 5, 1923, in Houston, Texas, to William Robert and Althea (Everett) Smith.

Mrs. Scheidt was raised in Houston, where she graduated from John Regan High School and earned her registered nurse degree from the Jefferson Davis Hospital in 1946. She enlisted in the U.S. Navy Nurse Corps in 1947 and served until 1952. She earned the rank of lieutenant junior grade. While she was a nurse in Oakland, Calif., she took care of a young marine name Roy Scheidt. The two fell in love and were married on Nov. 10, 1951. She served on the USS Morton, a hospital ship used during the Korean Conflict. After her marriage, she left the Navy and became a school nurse in Poway, Calif., until she retired. She earned her bachelor's degree in health education from San Diego State College in 1962. She and her husband continued to live in the San Diego area until they moved to Greeley in the early 1970s to be closer to Mr. Scheidt's family.

Mrs. Scheidt loved music and dancing.

Survivors are her husband, Roy Scheidt of Greeley; a nephew and his wife, Dean and Karen Hein of Windsor; and a sister-in-law, Betty Nazarenus of Loveland. Her parents, a brother, Bill Smith, and a sister, Mary Aleatha Watts, are deceased.

Memorial services will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday at the Allnutt Funeral Service Macy Chapel. Cremation. Inurnment will be at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Fort Logan National Cemetery Staging Area B, Denver.

Memorial gifts may be made to Hospice and Palliative Care of Northern Colorado Inc. in care of Allnutt Macy Chapel, 702 13th St., Greeley, CO 80631. An online obituary and guest book are at

28iii.Betty Scheidt, born Apr 1930 in Milwaukie, Wisconson. She married Wayne Russel Nazarenus; born Abt. 1920.

Notes for Betty Scheidt:

May 2008: Email from John E Scheidt. "I got that from Betty Scheidt in CO. She is the Daughter of Dave Scheidt another son of John Heinrich Scheidt, Dave is also listed in the 1930 census. Unfortunately she knew very little about her fathers side of the family. He also can be found in the 1920 census for SD. listed as Dave Henry Scheidt. He listed his father as Henry Scheidt on the WW1 draft in SD. "

Generation No. 3

14. Dave W3 Scheidt (Johannes (John)2, Johann Heinrich (not related yet)1) was born 29 Nov 1906 in Neu Weimar, Russia, and died 16 Feb 2001 in Liburn, Gwinnett, Georgia. He married Anna Marie Berndt 01 Jul 1937 in Avon, Bon Homme, South Dakota. She was born 22 Jun 1914 in Avon, Bon Homme, South Dakota.

Notes for Dave W Scheidt:

He came to the US in 1912 and went to Russell KA where his father was working on a grain storage bin.

Jan 2002: From his son John Scheidt (born abt 1930)

"The following is a remembrance by my father. Dave Scheidt Birthday November 29, 1906