Town of West Bath
Selectmen Meeting Minutes
August 25, 2014

Town of West Bath Board of Selectmen

Mrs. Paula Nelson, Chair

Mr. Peter Oceretko

Town Administrator Jonathan Davis

Attending: David Hennessey; Fire Chief Greg Payson; Deputy Fire Chief Jon Beane; Assessing Agent Ron Beal;

A regular meeting of the West Bath Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, August 25th 2014 at 5:30 p.m. in the meeting room of the West Bath Town Hall, 219 Fosters Point Road, West Bath, ME.

I.  Called to Order by Chair Nelson at 5:30 pm

II.  Attendance and Establishment of Quorum

III.  Pledge of Allegiance


1. Approval of Minutes for August 11th 2014

2. Approval of Warrant

3. Upcoming Meeting(s):

a.) The next scheduled meeting of the Board of Selectmen will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, September 8th, 2014 at the West Bath Town Hall.

Motion made by Selectman Oceretko to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Selectman Nelson. Unanimously Approved.




1.  Withdrawal Committee

Selectman Oceretko said they have a tentative agreement with RSU 1. The committee will meet with RSU 1 to go over the agreement to finalize the completed document. The committee will not meet again until September 3, 2014.

2. Fire Department

Chief Greg Payson gave an update on the boat regarding the battery no keeping a charge.

Two contractors gave a quote on the power work, which came in within a couple of dollars. To fix the wall, quote was $900. Chief Greg Payson would also like to replace rock on the outside of the building as well as two windows. The total repairs and replacement of the 15 chairs will be approximately $2,000.

Donations from training burns from tax payers, will be put into the Fire Department account. Then will need 2/3rds of the Selectmen vote to spend the donations.

Chief Greg Payson would like to go forward with picking up the electronic pump, previously talked about. Total cost is $8,132, $5,000 would come out of the capital account, with the balance coming from the new equipment account. Motion made by Selectman Oceretko to waive the bid process for the electronic pump. Seconded by Selectman Nelson. Unanimously Approved.


1. Quit Claim Deed

Samuel Haggett owner of two parcels of land located on Map U11 Lots 022-B & 15-F has paid his taxes in full as discussed at the August 11, 2014 meeting. Motion made by Selectman Oceretko to sign the two quit claim deeds for Samuel Haggett. Seconded by Selectman Nelson. Unanimously Approved.

2. Abatements

Assessing Agent Ronald Beal presented three abatements, Edna J. Waterhouse widows exemption $61.20. Motion made by Selectman Oceretko to abate Mrs. Waterhouse in the amount of $61.20. Seconded by Selectman Nelson. Unanimously Approved.

Ken Pecci and Kleo Graffam 3.62 acres were sold $64.26. Motion made by Selectman Oceretko to abate Mr. Pecci and Mrs. Graffam in the amount of $64.26. Seconded by Selectman Nelson. Unanimously Approved.

Derek and Amber Herzog Beaverbrook building not on this lot $1,593.24, this has been supplementary billed to the correct lot. Motion made by Selectman Oceretko to abate Mr. and Mrs. Derek Herzog in the amount of $1,593.24. Seconded by Selectman Nelson. Unanimously Approved.

6. Town Administrators report - Available at the Town Office upon request.


1. Request to enter into an executive session pursuant to Title 1, Chapter 13, Section 405, 6.A of the M.R.S.A. for the purpose of discussing personnel issues.

Motion made by Selectman Oceretko to enter into Executive Sessions at 6:15 pm. Seconded by Selectman Nelson. Unanimously Approved.

Board resumed regular session at 7:05 pm.


XI. ADJOURNMENT - Motion made by Selectman Oceretko, seconded by Selectman Nelson to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:06 pm by unanimous acclamation.

Attested to be a true copy.

Julia M. House, Town Clerk