Notice is hereby given that the Bernalillo County Board of County Commissioners will hold a public hearing at the Vincent E. Griego Chambers, Concourse Level II, One Civic Plaza NW on Tuesday, September 12, 2017 at 5:00 P.M. for the purpose of considering the following requests:



The County Planning Commission recommends approval of a Special Use Permit for Public Buildings (Community Center and Recreational Facility) and for the Specific C-N use of restaurant and the Specific C-LI use of Food Processing, on Tract A Plat of Los Padillas Recreation Complex and Tract 59B4 MRGCD Map 57, located at 2117 Los Padillas Rd. SW, zoned A-1 and A-1 with a Special Use Permit for a Public Building and Related Recreational, Community and Health Facilities (CSU-01-3), and containing approximately 8.88 acres. (T-11) (Original request submitted by John Barney, agent for Bernalillo County Parks and Recreation Department)


The County Planning Commission recommends approval of a zone map amendment from A-1 to R-1 on Tract 51A2B MRGCD Map 43, located at 1850 Atrisco Dr. SW, zoned A-1 and containing approximately 4.88 acres. (M-11) (Original request submitted by Sonya and Loren Vigil)


The County Planning Commission recommends approval of a zone map amendment from A-1, with a Special Use Permit for Specific Uses for Self-Storage, and Truck and Trailer (RV) Storage, to SD-WC-CLI on Lot 200A, West of Westland, located at 18200 I-40 West Frontage Rd., zoned A-1 with a Special Use Permit for Specific Uses for Self-Storage, and Truck and Trailer (RV) Storage (CSU-2010004) and containing approximately 7.23 acres. (M-2) (Original request submitted by Arch & Plan Land Use Consultants, agent for Steven J. and Dawn R. Shaver)


The County Planning Commission recommends approval of a Special Use Permit for the Specific O-1 Uses of office, concealed wireless telecommunications facility, day spa, and sign, and the Specific C-N Uses of restaurant and gift shop on Tract 2A1 Sandia Heights South, Unit 16, located at 12760 San Rafael Ave. NE, zoned A-1 with a Special Use Permit for a concealed wireless telecommunications facility, office and sign (CSU-70010), and containing approximately .57 acres. (D-23) (Original request submitted by Jayme Marie Mhoon)


The County Planning Commission recommends approval of a Special Use Permit for the Specific R-2 Use of two single family dwellings on one lot, on Lot 2, Block 2, Hacienda del Norte Subdivision, located at 110 Hacienda Rd. NW, zoned R-1 and containing approximately .43 acres. (C-15) (Original request submitted by Jeffrey and Katherine J. Mulbery)


The County Planning Commission recommends approval of a Special Use Permit for a Single Family Dwelling and a Contractor’s Yard on Tract 15 (Westerly Portion), MRGCD Map 60, 7537 Marcelino Rd. SW, zoned A-1 with a Special Use Permit for a Single Family Dwelling and a Contractor’s Yard (CSU2016-0003) and containing approximately 1.33 acres. (U-11) (Original request submitted by AG Services, agent for Rubel A. Otero Sr.)


The County Planning Commission recommends approval of a Special Use Permit for Specific C-1 Uses (permissive and conditional) on Lots H1A, H1B, and 22A Las Estancias Subdivision, located at 3600, 3630, and 3620 Las Estancias Dr. SW, zoned A-1 with a Special Use Permit for Specific Uses for Restaurant with Full Service Liquor License, Theater, and C-1 Uses and a Special Use Permit for a Planned Development Area (CSU-70020), and containing approximately 17.14 acres. (P-10) (Original request submitted by C & S Estancias LLC and Dekker/Perich/Sabatini, agent for Presbyterian Healthcare Services)


The County Planning Commission recommends approval of a Special Use Permit for mining, excavating, removing, stockpiling or distribution of rock, sand, and gravel, on Section 28, NW ¼ SW ¼ NW ¼, SW ¼ NW ¼ NW ¼, SE ¼ NW ¼ NW ¼, NE¼ NW ¼ NW ¼, T9N R2E, and on Tract V, Lands of Ron Douglass, located at 6000 Ronald Trail SW, zoned A-1 and containing approximately 44.1 acres. (S-9) (Original request submitted by Tony Sena, agent for Ronald Douglas Trustee Revocable Trust)


The County Planning Commission recommends approval of an annexation into the City of Albuquerque for Lots 16-20, Town of Atrisco Grant ROW 4, located immediately north of I-40 and approximately 3500 feet west of 98th St., zoned A-1 and containing approximately 12.3 acres. (K-8). (Original request submitted by Consensus Planning, agent for Western Albuquerque Land Holdings LLC)

A printed agenda for the meeting will be available at the reception desk on the 10th floor of the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Government Center building at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting unless it is a weekend, in which case the agenda will be available by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the meeting.

Es necesario traer un interprete si no habla ingles o puede llamar a Miriam Aguilar al 314-0369.

Individuals with disabilities who need special assistance to benefit from this hearing should contact Francine Suarez, Planning and Development Services Department, (505) 314-0368 (voice) or (505) 768-4088 (TDD). Please contact Catherine VerEecke for any questions regarding the above requests at (505) 314-0387.

Legal Ad to be published on August 27, 2017.