Open Space Land Acquisition Substitution Request
Project Name:
Reason that original property won’t be acquired:
Identify the organization that will hold the acquired interest and the person who will provide GOCO with due diligence documentation for this project:
Organization: ______Contact Name: ______
Phone: ______E-mail: ______
Fax: ______
GOCO Funds Requested: $______Total (show the purpose breakdown below.)
$______from the local government purpose $______from the open space purpose
$______from the parks purpose $______from the wildlife purpose
If you are purchasing a conservation easement, have you discussed GOCO’s easement language requirements with the landowner? ____ Yes ____ No
Will condemnation proceedings, or even the threat of condemnation, be a part of this transaction?
____Yes ____No
Does the proposed conservation easement holder agree to comply with GOCO’s stewardship policy?
____Yes ____No
Submit this form to Michele Frishman, along with a full due diligence package* and a summary of the proposed project that includes the following information. Please consult GOCO’s open space application form and provide answers to pertinent questions not specifically asked here.
q 1. Anticipated closing date.
q 2. Purchase price, acreage, and type of interest (fee title, conservation easement, etc.) to be acquired. Please provide a full description of all aspects of the transaction (including the status of negotiations, special or unusual contractual provisions, whether this transaction is part of a larger series of transactions, etc.).
q 3. Location of the project, including the parcel’s relationship to other existing protected lands. Please include site and area maps locating the property.
q 4. A detailed description of how the project fits within your open space project vision and what open space and/or other values the parcel provides that help accomplish your open space project goals. (Include a description of the land, its current use, the threats facing it, the urgency in protecting or acquiring it, status of minerals, physical/legal access, water rights, etc.)
q 5. A description of the proposed uses on the property. [Please note that active recreational uses, such as ball fields and playgrounds, are not permitted on projects funded with open space purpose funds. If low-impact trails are proposed, describe how impacts to natural areas will be avoided or minimized.] If a component of your project includes limited development or reserved development rights, please describe the location, siting and portion of the project subject to development.
q 6. A statement confirming that the open space project partners agree on using open space funds for this project.
q 7. A project budget identifying all sources and uses of funds, using GOCO’s Excel budget form.
Note that on open space land acquisitions, the applicant must provide at least a 25% match to the acquisition with at least 12.5% of the total project cost being a cash contribution, unless otherwise approved by GOCO. If the substitution property will have a different matching percentage from that of the original project, it may result in a reduction of funds. Please contact GOCO staff to discuss this.
I certify that I am authorized to sign on behalf of the applicant.
______Date: ______
* Please see GOCO’s Land Acquisition Procedures for the due diligence requirements. If you have only a portion of the due diligence at this time, please submit that so GOCO can begin reviewing it, and send the rest of the project documentation as soon as it is available. Contact Michele Frishman at (303) 226-4522 or if you have any questions about this form, the budget, or the due diligence documentation that GOCO needs. Thank you.