Notice of Adequate Yearly Progress and Public School Choice
July 26, 2011
Dear Myrtle Beach Primary Parent or Guardian:
We are excited about the start of another school year and hope that your child will have an excellent learning experience. In addition, we would like to share some important information on No Child Left Behind and School Choice.
The federal No Child Left Behind Act requires that schools report annually the percentage of students who met proficiency standards on PASS tests during the previous school year. This report of Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) shows the performance of the school as a whole and the performance of the various groups of students (ethnic groups, economic status, disabilities, etc.) in the school. If any group of students in the school does not meet the annual AYP goal set by the state, the school as a whole is identified as being in “School Improvement.” Schools receiving Federal Title I funds that do not make Adequate Yearly Progress for more than two consecutive years must give students the opportunity to attend another school within the school district that is not in School Improvement. Supplemental Educational Tutorial Services will be available for eligible students (free/reduced lunch) who do not exercise their Schools Choice option.
According to the PASS data, Myrtle Beach Primarydid not make AYP. As a result, Myrtle Beach Primary must offer parents the option of public school choice for the 2011-12 school year, giving parents the opportunity to transfer their children to Socastee Elementary or North Myrtle Beach Primary. (Please see the attachment regarding the 2010 SC PASS performance report by grade level for Myrtle Beach Primary, Socastee Elementary, and North Myrtle Beach Primary.)
The school district will provide bus transportation to Socastee Elementary or North Myrtle Beach Primary within the amount of transportation funds made available by federal law. Should the requests for choice transportation exceed the amount of available funds, student transfers requesting transportation may be limited, with priority given to those with the greatest instructional needs.
- How do I apply for a transfer?
If you would like to transfer your child from Myrtle Beach Primary to either Socastee Elementary or North Myrtle Beach Primary, please complete the attached “Public School Choice Transfer” form for each of your children and return the form to your child’s school no later than Tuesday, August 16, 2011. The District Title I Coordinator and Office of Transportation will respond to your request providing specific information regarding the transportation schedule to either Socastee Elementary or North Myrtle Beach Primary. Once your request is approved, your child will be allowed to attend North Myrtle Beach Primary or Socastee Elementary until he or she completes the fifth grade. However, once Myrtle Beach Primary is no longer in Title I School Improvement, the District will not be responsible for transportation.
- If I choose to send my child to Socastee Elementary or North Myrtle Beach Primary, when will my child begin school?
If you choose the option of sending your child to Socastee Elementary orNorth Myrtle Beach Primary, your child will begin school on Monday, August 22, 2011, at Socastee Elementary or North Myrtle Beach Primary. Parents must register the student at the new school of Choice to provide the school with emergency information.
- Will the option of Choice affect my child’s participation in interscholastic activities?
Students who transfer to another school as a result of School Choice have immediate eligibility for interscholastic activities, provided, the student was not recruited or was transferring for athletic reasons. However, according to the South Carolina High School League, once the student transfers back to the home school, he/she will be ineligible for interscholastic activities for one year.
- If I choose Supplemental Educational Tutorial Services, when will my child begin the tutorial services?
The District will provide a Parent Fair night in the fall so parents can meet the Providers and choose the Provider that best meets the needs of the student. Parents of eligible students (free or reduced lunch) will receive information packets prior to the date of the Parent Fair. Supplemental Educational Tutorial Services will begin as soon as you and the Provider complete the Parent/Student/Provider Contract. The SES service begins approximately in November.
- How are the District and the State helping Myrtle Beach Primary to improve?
The District will continue to offer our school assistance by providing a computerized MAP assessment program that will allow us to check students’ progress throughout the year. These MAP assessment results will be used to plan the academic focus for our students. We will also receive assistance from District Learning Specialists who have expertise in given areas of curriculum. A District and School Improvement Planning Team will review all school and student achievement to determine action for 2011-2012. The District will share information regarding continuing the Restructuring process once the school year begins.
- Why do we hope you will continue to send your child to Myrtle Beach Primary?
We hope that you will continue to send your child to Myrtle Beach Primary because of the academic foundation that has been established as well as the rapport among parents, students, and staff members. Myrtle Beach Primary has highly qualified teachers who participate regularly in challenging staff development activities and offer special tutorial services. Parents are invited to take an active role in making decisions to ensure student academic success and improve the school. We value each family as a vital part of the school team.
June Moorehead
Parent/Guardian: Please complete the section below and return the form to Myrtle Beach Primaryor via email/fax no later than Tuesday, August 16, 2011. The District Title I Director will respond to your request providing specific information regarding the status of your Choice request and, if approved, the transportation schedule to North Myrtle Beach Primary or Socastee Elementary. A separate form must be completed for each child.
You may email your form to
You may fax your form to 843-488-6982
I have read the Notice of Adequate Yearly Progress and Public School Choice. I understand that if I exercise School Choice, I must withdraw my child from Myrtle Beach Primary and register at either North Myrtle Beach Primary or Socastee Elementary. I am requesting that my child be transferred to (check one):
_____Socastee Elementary for the 2011-12 school year
_____North Myrtle Beach Primary for the 2011-12 school year
_____I choose Supplemental Educational Tutorial Services instead of School Choice for the 2011-12 school year. My child has a lunch status of free or reduced.
I understand that if my child transfers to another school as a result of School Choice, he/she will have immediate eligibility for interscholastic activities, provided, the student was not recruited or was transferring for athletic reasons. However, according to the South Carolina High School League, once he/she transfers back to the home school, he/she will be ineligible for interscholastic activities for one year.
Parent/Guardian signature:______
Student name:______
Grade level for 2011-2012: ______
Student’s (Physical) Home Address: ______
Telephone/cell phone numbers:______
This form is to be returned ONLY if you wish to change schools. If your child will not transfer from Myrtle Beach Primary to Socastee Elementary or North Myrtle Beach Primary, you are not required to return this form.
Student ID #:______
- Transfer to Socastee Elementary is approved.
- Transfer to North Myrtle Beach Primary is approved.
District Title I Office signature______Date: ______