Report No 39/16
A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Wednesday 7 September 2016 at The Gardens Association Hall, Chalfont St Giles at 8.00 p.m.
Present: Cllr M Phillips (Chairman), Cllr J Bradley, Cllr J Chamberlain, Cllr R Gill, Cllr P Lea –Wilson, Cllr S Long, Cllr J Ryman, Cllr C Santry and the Clerk H Griffiths
Public Forum:
Garry Brown from BAT4CSG asked the council if the bridge from the village show could become a permanent feature over the river Misbourne. Many people had made positive comments about the bridge after the show. He asked for an extension of the period for the bridge to remain in situ whilst the conditions for retaining the bridge are explored.
Rebekah Jubb from Bell Cornwell Planning Consultants attended to explain two ‘vision documents’ that had been submitted to CDC in support of the Chiltern and South Bucks Local Plan 2014-2036 and copied to the parish council. Chiltern and South Bucks councils need to identify land for 15000 properties to include in their Local Plan and are currently looking at the reclassification of green belt land to allow property developments.
Two developments were discussed:
20 Narcot Lane known as Narcot Nurseries, a proposal for 30 residential dwellings but with a potential to extend into adjoining land to create a further 30 properties.
Land adjacent to the Willows in Narcot Lane, a proposal for 150 residential dwellings.
Affordable housing would be available on both sites at a rate of approx. 30% of the dwellings built. These were classified as affordable but fall within the range of affordable rent, low cost affordable purchase in partnership with a housing association or as part of the starter home initiative.
Infrastructure to support the proposals would be considered with Chiltern District Council under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended), commonly known as s106 agreements.
The evidence base for taking the above land out of greenbelt is the housing need identified by Chiltern and South Bucks Councils. If the green belt classification was removed from these areas then CDC could achieve much of the housing requirement within the district.
1. Minutes of the meetings held on 3 August 2016 report 37/16. Proposed by Cllr Bradley and seconded by Cllr Chamberlain. All agreed.
2. Matters Arising from the Minutes: None.
3. Apologies for absence: Cllr G Patrick, Cllr R Massey and Cllr J Lomas
4. Declarations of Interest: None
5. Correspondence:
5.1. Request from the Library to install one replacement and one new notice board to the outside of the building. The council agreed this request.
5.2. Invitation from Chalfont St Giles Youth Club to the opening of The Zone. Cllr Bradley and Cllr Ryman will attend the opening. Other councillors may be able to attend.
5.3. Appeal for support from The Chilterns Dial a Ride. Cllr Ryman proposed a donation of £600 and Cllr Bradley seconded this. All agreed.
5.4. Request from BCC for a meeting with the council to discuss streamlining local government in Buckinghamshire. It was agreed to offer an agenda item on a future Council meeting with the submission of questions in advance to be answered at the meeting.
5.5. Vision document to support the Local Plan – land adjacent The Willows, Narcot Lane. (By email - hard copy will be available at the meeting). See 5.6 below.
5.6. Vision document to support the Local Plan – The Nursery, Narcot Lane. (By email - hard copy will be available at the meeting). This proposal and that at 5.5 above do not comply with section 18 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. Without prejudice to any future planning applications the council resolve to write to Chiltern District Council to refer them to our response to the Chiltern and South Bucks Local Plan consultation. A copy to be sent to Rebekah Jubb, CDC councillors Caroline Rouse and Carl Jackson and to Graham Winwright.
6. Correspondence received after the agenda was circulated.
6.1. A request to leave the ‘Show bridge’ over the River Misbourne as a permanent feature of the village. It was agreed that subject to insurance, the bridge should be given an extension to remain in situation until the topic could be discussed at the next Open Spaces Committee meeting.
6.2. Complaints regarding Bierton House in Deanway. It was agreed that we would write to the solicitors dealing with the property asking for the matter to be expedited. A copy to be sent to Sgt Nikky Upton. Action the clerk.
6.3. A suggestion to enter Chalfont St Giles into the Great British High Street competition. It was agreed that there was not enough time to enter this competition as the deadline was 9 September. This would be considered again in time next year.
6.4. To specify the free dates for Blizzards Yard car park. This was agreed – Sat 3, 17 and 24 December to encourage use of the village during the run up to Christmas.
6.5. A request from TVP for the policing priorities for the Parish. It was agreed to include antisocial behaviour in the recreation ground, antisocial behaviour in the rest of the village especially graffiti and speeding on Narcot Lane.
6.6. Chalfont St Giles Youth Club have been shortlisted for a further award from Biffa. Letter of congratulations to be sent.
6.7. BMALK questionnaire on Unitary Councils (circulated by email) noted.
6.8. TFB respect campaign (circulated by email) noted.
6.9. Letter from a resident regarding the extension of the cycle path. To be added to committee agenda.
6.10. Overgrown footpath from Deanway to Chalfont St Giles school, request for the parish council to deal with this immediately to ensure that the school children to school safely. This footpath comes under the devolved services and has been referred to TFB as an owner cannot be found. It was agreed that the groundsmen should make the path safe for use by pedestrians.
7. Reports from committees
7.1. Planning Committee meeting 3 August 2016 36/16. Proposed by Cllr Bray and seconded by Cllr Chamberlain. All agreed.
7.2. Planning committee meeting 24 August 2016 38/16 Proposed by Cllr Bray and seconded by Cllr Gill. All agreed.
8. Current Matters:
8.1. To agree the arrangements for the Best Kept Village Competition presentation. The presentation would take place on the village green at 3.15pm on Saturday 17 September and afterwards in the Reading Rooms on the High Street.
8.2. To update the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Bradley updated the council on the timescales and requirements of the plan.
8.3. To agree the arrangements for the Chiltern District and South Bucks Local Plan public meeting in November 2016. The meeting would take place on 3 December 2016 between 6 and 9 pm in the United Church on Deanway, Chalfont St Giles.
8.4. To update the progress of the request for Adult Gym equipment at Bowstridge Lane. Deferred to Open Spaces Committee
8.5. To agree the deed of easement for Bowstridge Lane Recreation Ground. This was agreed.
8.6. To update the removal of the Vodaphone mast at Bowstridge Lane. The concrete plinth can stay in place once the cabinet is removed.
8.7. To agree to another councillor joining the Fawcett Trust. Deferred to next council meeting.
8.8. To update the progress of HS2 petitions and village activity. Cllr Phillips explained that the areas for petitioning the House of Lords about HS2 had been tightened. The Parish Council was supporting the two other petitioners from the village. We are also petitioning for the bill to be altered to provide compensation to businesses affected if the chalk aquifer was damaged as a result of HS2 building. There will also be river dipping at intervals to check the river quality and a flow meter is to be installed – this will be retained for the duration of the building work.
9. Accounts for July 2016 to be presented at next meeting.
10. Items for future agenda.
10.1. To remove items received after the agenda was circulated from the agenda.
10.2. To add a standing item on the council agenda for the Neighbourhood plan.
11. Date of next meeting – Wednesday 5 October 2016
Meeting ended 10.22pm