Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE in The Council Chamber, The Manor House, Buntingford on Thursday 30th April 2015 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the business set out in the Agenda below and you are hereby summoned to attend.
Jill Jones -Town Clerk
20th April 2015.
To: - All Members of the Planning Committee – Councillors G.Bonner, J.Ling, G.Waite, P.Hay, J.Noades, Mrs E.Woods, T. Archer and D.Ginn.
Other Members of the Council for information.
The meeting is open to the Press and Public
A Member, present at a meeting of the Town Council with a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) in any matter to be considered at the meeting must not participate in any discussion on the matter, must not vote on the matter, must disclose the interest to the meeting, whether registered or not and must leave the room whilst any discussion or voting is taking place.
1. To receive apologies for absence.
2. To receive Members Declarations of Interest.
3. To receive a report and update from the Chairman.
4. To approve as a true record the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 9th April 2015.
5. To consider any planning applications received including:
a. 3/15/0582/HH/EB
Alterations to existing garage, new detached garage store.
6, Chapel End, Buntingford.
b. 3/15/0637/LBC/NM & 3/15/0636/HH/NM
Single storey rear extension.
93, High Street, Buntingford.
c. 3/15/0670/VAR/MP
Removal of Condition 1 of planning permission 3/14/0720/FO – the use of the building shall cease on or before one year of the grant of planning permission (11th June 2014).
3, Ermine Street, Buntingford.
d. 3/15/0671/HH/FM
Two storey side extension.
18, Archers, Buntingford.
6. To receive details of Planning Decisions received.
7. Update on Public Inquiries and current development situation.
8. To receive a report from the Neighbourhood Plan Working Party.
9. To note/consider correspondence received.
10. To invite members of the public to address the meeting.
Next scheduled meeting of the Planning Committee Thursday 28th May 2015 7.30pm