January 12, 2009
Notice of “Agency”:
There are over 300 “Principals”, who have verbally contracted with the “Private Bank of Denny R. Hardin”. Denny R. Hardin, has agreed to act as their “Agent” to pay off their “Debts” by “Bonded Promissory Note”. The evidence of this “Agency” is located on every “Commercial Instrument”, issued by this “Agent”, who possessed the SSN# of every Principal and the verbal authority to act on their behalf. I speak on behalf of each and every “Principal” in all different states for the purpose of enforcing payment of these “debts”. All Principals and I have a lawful contract under our right to contract 42 USC 1981. I speak for all my Principals.
Denny R. Hardin, “Agent”
2450 Elmwood
Kansas City, MO 64127
Notice of “Organized Crime” is being served by Certified Mail on the following “PUBLIC OFFICES”:
Certified Mail: 7008 3230 0000 7713 7075
Carlos M. Gutierrez, “Agent”
Secretary of United States Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Ave.
Washington, DC 20230
Certified Mail: 7008 3230 0000 7713 7044
Richard C. Stearns, “Agent”
Director for Enforcement and Compliance
Officer of the Comptroller of the Currency
Special Supervision division, MS 6-4
250 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20219
Certified Mail: 7008 3230 0000 7713 7051
All “United States Representatives”
By and through my Representative
Emanuel Cleaver, “Agent”
United States Representative for the 5th District of Missouri
101 West 31 Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64108
Certified Mail: 7008 3230 0000 7713 7068
William E. Kovacic, “Agent”
Federal Trade Commission
600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington DC 20580
Statement of Fact:
I, Denny-Ray: Hardin, am an “American Citizen”, not a “UNITED STATES CITIZEN”.
This statement establishes that to truly be “sovereign” one must be an “American Citizen”. As an “American Citizen”, I have taken control of and became responsible for myself, my assets and my representation. I am competent and capable of proving my position in a “Court of Record” by facts, law and evidence. “Court” is where the “Sovereign” goes to prove he is right. I present the following in this “Court of Record” as “Tribunal” to the “American People” as the truth of my understanding.
Past Acts: My understanding of “Commerce”
I was born Denny-Ray: of the family of Hardin, on March 15, 1959. Upon live birth a “Certificate of Live Birth” was issued by the STATE OF MISSOURI, JACKSON COUNTY and recorded as STATE FILE NUMBER 124-59-032892. Notice of live birth was sent to the “UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE” who placed a “Bond”(B68997026) in the amount of $1,000,000.00 upon the “Certificate”, as an “American Citizen” and established me as a “Corporate Asset” of the “UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT”. The “SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION” then established me as a “Future Taxpayer”, made me a corporation, by capitalizing my name, “DENNY RAY HARDIN” and assigned me the SSN#497-68-6951. At this point I am the “UNITED STATES CITIZEN” known as DENNY RAY HARDIN SSN#497-68-6951. For the first 18 years all the people are required to be “UNITED STATES CITIZENS”, the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT trades your bond and collects interest upon it. But at 18 years old every person, has the right to claim their “Sovereignty” and become an “American Citizen”. All have the right to claim the original $1,000,000.00 “Bond Account”.
Method Utilized to claim “Sovereignty”.
Step One: File an “Act of State” with the “Secretary of State’s Office”.
This document establishes your status as an “American Citizen” and removes you from the corporate “Jurisdiction” of a “UNITED STATES CITIZEN”. An “Act of State” is a “Declaration of Standing and Identity” as an “American Citizen” and establishes you are not a “UNITED STATES CITIZEN”. Mine is on file with the “Missouri Secretary of State”. For this reason, I am “Denny Ray Hardin, American Citizen” at this point.
Note: This “Act of State” was taken in the bank robbery on November 4th by the FBI. Therefore details can not be presented.
Method Utilized to claim “Bond Account”.
Step Two: File a “UCC FINANCING STATEMENT” with the “Secretary of State’s
This filing establishes me as the “Agent”, Denny-Ray: Hardin, of the corporation DENNY RAY HARDIN, SSN#497686951. My File No. is 6390611 submitted July 24, 2007 in the Kansas “Secretary of State’s Office”. Now I own my corporate name and must be recognized as an “American Citizen”.
Method utilized to “Copyright” my name.
Step Three: Registered my “Notice of Affidavit”.
On August 2, 2007, I had created a “NOTICE OF AFFIDAVIT FOR NOTICE OF CONSEQUESNCES FOR INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHT, TRADEMARK OR TRADE NAME” by mailing it to myself, by Registered Mail, Tracking Number RR 294 796 215 US, established this as a lawfully binding “Commercial Instrument”. My name and all derivatives of it are reserved by me under UCC1-207, 15 USC 1125 and 18 USC 3571 and can not be utilized without my permission. At this point I control all my business and no-one has the right to say I can not.
The above establishes an “American Citizen” who is not subject to any jurisdiction of a corporate entity. The “American Citizen” has all rights, all privileges and all immunities secured by their Constitution and are not subject to statues, rules, cases, codes or regulations that govern corporations and “UNITED STATES CITIZENS”. No action can be taken against any “American Citizen” by a “Foreign State” they are protected by the 11th Amendment. “American Citizens” can not be put in “debt”, their “debts” are paid by their signature upon any “promissory note”. Only by their signature can funds be removed from their account. I could stop here and control the rest of my life without a problem. But I was wanting to help the people so I decided I would engage in “Commerce” and establish a “Private Bank”.
Definitions: Black’s Law 5th Edition
“Private Banker” is a person engaged in banking without having any special privileges or authority from the state.”
“Banking” “Is partly defined as “The business of issuing notes for circulation… negotiating bills. “Banking” as the business of banking, as defined by law and custom, consists in the issue of notes… intended to circulate as money.”
With the forgoing understanding, I set up my “Bond Account”, by contracting with my “Public Office” the “Secretary of the Treasury for the united States of America”. These contracts were created by Denny Ray Hardin and presented to Henry Paulson, Jr. under the laws governing commerce. It is common knowledge anything formally presented not disputed within 30 days is acquiesced to and a lawfully binding agreement is established.
Method Utilized to establish control of “Bond Account”:
Step Four: Established Contract
Mailed by Registered Mail Tracking Number RA 219 314 616 US (Ref. Bond No.)
Accepting for value and exempt from levy DENNY RAY HARDIN 497686951
Contract under HJR 192 (5 June 1933), 31 USC 5118.2, UCC1-104 and UCC10-104.
Endorsed and Sealed by the Principal, 2 Sureties and 2 Witnesses.
Delivered August 10, 2007 Washington, DC. Not disputed and lawfully accepted.
Expiration of Contract: at the moment Denny Ray Hardin expires.
Note: This “Contract” was taken in the bank robbery on November 4th 2008 by the FBI. Therefore details can not be presented. The Contract is available through the “Secretary of the Treasury”.
Step Five: Contract Established cover Liability:
Ref. Bond No. RA 219 314 616 US (Present on all my “Commercial Instruments)
Mailed by Registered Mail Tracking Number RA 294 796 396 US
Establishing the Secretary of the Treasury as “Fiduciary” and Denny Ray Hardin as “Account Holder”.
As agreed, Fiduciary’s “Failure to return will stipulate acceptance and honor.”
Endorsed and Sealed by the Principal, 2 Sureties and 2 Witnesses.
Attachments: Birth Certificate (Accepted for value), Social Security Card copy front and back and Security Agreement (Non-Negotiable, lawfully binding on all Corporations)
Delivered September 20, 2007 Washington, DC. Not returned and lawfully accepted.
Date of Expiration: September 12, 2037 (Thirty year bond)
Note: This “Contract” was taken in the bank robbery on November 4th 2008 by the FBI. Therefore details can not be presented. The Contract is available through the “Secretary of the Treasury”.
At this point, I have taken control of my bond account worth $1,000,000.00. The interest accumulated since I was born is retained by the “UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT”. But I control this account and no-one but me can access it without my signature and seal.
Step Six: Establishment of Funds as “Creditor” of my Government.
Ref. Bond No. RA 219 314 616 US
Mailed by Registered Mail Tracking Number RR 294 796 419 US
PRIVATE OFFSET BOND (Face Value $200,000,000.00)
Establishing a 50/50 “Contract” with the “Fiduciary” allowing him to place $100,000,000.00 in circulation as “currency” and the other $100,000,000.00 to be placed in the “bond account” of DENNY RAY HARDIN 497686951, upon which Denny Ray Hardin, “Agent” can write “Bonded” (backed by these funds) “Promissory Notes” to pay “debts”.
As agreed, Fiduciary’s “Failure to dishonor will stipulate acceptance and honor.”
Endorsed and Sealed by the Creditor/Principal, Denny Ray Hardin “American Citizen”
Delivered November 19, 2007 Washington, DC. Not returned and lawfully accepted.
Date of Expiration: November 11, 2017 (Ten year bond)
The foregoing establishes the “Bond Account” of the “Private Bank of Denny R. Hardin”. To date no authority has given me one reason to believe otherwise. At this point I believe I have a “Bond Account” of $101,000,000.00 upon which I can write “Bonded Promissory Notes” to pay “debt” as an authorized “banker”. Denny Ray Hardin now stands as an “American Citizen” in “Honor”.
Definitions: Black’s Law 1st Edition
“Bank Note” “A promissory note issued by a bank or authorized banker, payable to bearer upon demand and intended to circulate as money.”
“Bond” “A contract by specialty to pay a certain sum of money: a deed or instrument, by which the maker or obligator promises, and thereto binds himself, his heirs, executors and administrators, to pay a designated sum of money to another; usually with a clause to the effect that upon performance of a certain condition (as to pay another and a smaller sum) the obligation shall be void.”
With this understanding, in September of 2008, in an effort to help the family in these tough times, the “Private Bank of Denny R. Hardin” opened to engage in the business of banking. I started paying off mortgages, cars loans, credit cards, student loans, IRS, etc. and was immediately met with resistance from the Financial Industry.
The first one hundred bonds were issued under “Denny Ray Hardin 49768695 to be “Presented to the proper window of the Federal Reserve Bank”. I was bombarded with phone calls and was informed these “Bonded Promissory Notes” are no good and they will not process them under any circumstances. They were informed of the following law that puts their financial institution in “dishonor” under the law of “Commerce”.
Public Law 73-10, commonly referred to as HJR 192, basically says no bank can demand a specific form of payment all banks must accept and process all lawful currency.
18 USC 8, 31 USC 5103 basically says “Bank Bonds” are legal tender for payment of debt.
31 USC 5118 basically says “Commercial Instruments” are “legal tender” for the payment of debt.
UCC3-503 that requires a lawful reason be given for a bond to be “Dishonored”. No lawful reason has been given to date.
UCC 3-603 that establishes if a full payment of a debt is offered and refused the debt is paid in full. Some accounts have credited, the majority has not.
GAAP establishes “promissory notes” are equal to “Federal Reserve Notes” “dollar for dollar” as lawful currency. 2003 Edition under cash and cash equivalents, Page 133.
These laws are clearly established as binding law upon all financial institutions by the “Commercial Banking Regulations” 14.0. The “Bonded Promissory Notes” are in compliance with these regulations by meeting “REQUIREMENTS FOR INSTRUMENTS TO BE NEGOTIABLE” clearly stated in 14.04. Based upon the foregoing I believe all financial institutions are lawfully required to operate by the United States Codes (USC), Uniform Commercial Codes (UCC) and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Based upon the following evidence of “Organized Crime” I deduce most financial institutions are operating in violation of this law.
A real “Bond” is signed by its’ creator and the creator’s right thumb print is stamped, by the signature creating the “Seal”. This “seal” establishes a “commercial instrument” that binds all administrators to act in compliance with the “Orders” of the creator. My “Bonded Promissory Notes” are lawfully binding on all my administrators as follows:
“Secretary of the Treasury for the united States of America” “Fiduciary”
Note: Based upon the number on the back of my Social Security Card, my number begins with the letter “B”, according to the “Federal Reserve Banks” website this letter establishes the “Federal Reserve Bank of New York City” has my account and is my administrator responsible to pay every bond dollar for dollar that is presented to him. To date this Federal Reserve Bank has honored every bond presented to it to my knowledge, none have been returned to me in “Dishonor”, as the only lawful authority that could “dishonor” my bond with a lawful reason.
“United States Department of Commerce” Regulator of all businesses
“Federal Trade Commission” enforcement of securities 15 USC 1692(l)
“United States Secret Service” protection against counterfeiting
“Office of Comptroller of the Currency” regulator of commercial banks for complaince
“United States Attorneys” for criminal prosecution
“United States Supreme Court” enforcement of “Supreme law of the Land”
“Federal District Courts” for protection of rights and award of damages.
“Federal Bureau of Investigation” criminal investigation of “Bank Robbery”
“United States Representative for the 5th District of Missouri” my representative, to be sure the above government offices act in accordance with law and perform as required by law.