Two-column Notes

Two Column Notes Template / Student Name: ______
Teacher: ____Ms. Johnson-Corwin
Date: ______Period: ______

Notes Topic: Chapter 11 Section 1- The Rise of Islam (A.D. 600)

WHI.1: Identify where Islam began

WHI.2: Describe significant aspects of Islamic belief (A)

Arabian peninsula description
(page 373) / ______peninsula on earth, it is located on the Asian continent with approximately ¾ being ______
(page 373) / Singular vs plural: ______and ______
Green areas fed by ______
(page 373) / tribe’s ______
(page 373) / ·  ______("desert dweller")
·  went from an ______to ______while living in tents and rarely eating meat.
·  prefer to herd animals such as ______, sheep, and ______.
·  travel in extended family units called goums
(page 373 ) / group of traveling ______or animals
Why would they prefer to travel in a group?
(page 373) / Holiest place in Arabia (hajj and prayer)…present day ______. ______became the crossroad for ______between ______and the ______Sea.
Kaaba (page 374) / Low building that many ______believe contains a stone from heaven. Visited by Pilgrims each year when they go on their hajj One of the Five Pillars.
(page 374)
(page 374) / ______and leader of Islam. He was born in ______, orphaned, raised by his ______and later his uncle. Saw the importance of kindness to the poor, being fair in business and being loyal to family. He married a wealthy business woman, named ______, who supported his beliefs following his visit by an angel (Gabriel) in ______. He preached the importance of being good and following God, ______.
·  ______
·  Worship the same God as Jews and Christians
·  No physical images should be created according to the Qur’an
(page 375) / Followers of ______
(page 375) / Persecuted and went on a journey called the Hijrab which means breaking off relations Muhammad brought his followers to
the city of ______, later renamed Madinah, the ______of the ______.
(page 375) / ______
Similar beliefs of Islam, Judaism and Christianity
(page 377) / ______and all believe in prophets
Quran (page 377) / ______of Islam based on the teachings of Muhammad, promotes honesty and fairness, honoring parents, kindness to neighbors, and charity. Murder, lying, and stealing are forbidden.
Five Pillars of Islam (page 378) / 1.
Use this space for summary of notes.

Notes Topic: ______

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College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University

Funding support from the National Center for Research Resources, National Institutes of Health