Notes regarding SHARE for 2012-13
- I’m very sorry not to be at the meeting.
- Our goal this year is $4700.
- Please write your troop number inside each envelope before handing them out to your parents to make sure your troop is properly recorded. Association/SU numbers are already written inside each envelope. Troop number goes just above this.
- The money is for 100% for the girls and leader training. There are girls in our SU that need financial aid as well as the entire GSCNC umbrella.
- Giving online is very easy and quick. Envelopes should be mailed in as soon as they are received. Additional mailing envelopes are available if you need more.
- Many large companies will match a gift made by an employee. See below for a list. Leaders should encourage parents to check with their companies as well.
- All donations are 100% tax deductible.
- Parents won’t give if you don’t ask. Please do not decide for your parents whether or not they will give.Many parents at the bridging ceremony last year had not even heard of SHARE and many of them were eager to donate. Please, please ask.
- Involve your girls. Explain to them what it’s for and have them ask their parents. Encourage the girls to return the envelopes at the next meeting even if they are empty. They can also as a troop decide to donate some cookie or other fundraising money to SHARE.
- SHARE fact – $100 pays for 8 girls in need of membership dues. This is 8 girls that wouldn’t be able to participate otherwise.
- Please contact me for any reason. I can come to parent meetings and talk for a few minutes or answer any questions/provide any help. I want our SU to succeed. I want to help the girls in need.
- Companies that match SHARE contributions:
American Express
Aon Foundation
Bank of America
Cable & Wireless
Compaq Computer Corporation
Computer Associates International
Fannie Mae
Follett Corporation
Freddie Mac
GEICO Corporation
Invensys Process Systems
Kaiser Permanente
Kirkland & Ellis
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Merrill Lynch
Penton Media Inc.
Pew Charitable Trusts
R.R. Donnelley & Sons
Ralston Purina Company
Raytheon Company
Reuters America, Inc.
Sallie Mae
Scitor Corporation
Spatial Data Sciences
St. Paul Companies, Inc.
Sun Microsystems
T. Rowe Price Associates
Telcordia Technologies
VRS Corporation
The Washington Post