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Notes on the Introduction to Spreadsheets Lesson 6- Charts Video

  1. What is a Graph and what are its benefits?

  1. Excel’s vocabulary word for graph is…

  1. The First Step in creating a chart in Excel is….

  1. AChart may be added to your spreadsheet using the
Ribbon Tab:
Command Group:
  1. The different Chart Types provided for in Excel are:

  1. Second Step in creating a graph in Excel is…

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Notes on the Introduction to Spreadsheets Lesson 6 - Charts Video

  1. The blue border around a chart means that it is….

  1. The three new Ribbon tabs that are available when a chart is selected are:
  1. When clicking and dragging a Chart to move it to a different position you should ALWAYS click on the …

  1. To resize a chart (i.e. make it bigger or smaller) click on a…

  1. The Move Chart command can be found in the Chart Tools…
Ribbon Tab:
Command Group:
  1. The third step in creating a graph is…

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Notes on the Introduction to Spreadsheets Lesson 6 - Charts Video

  1. To add a Title for your Graph use the…
Ribbon Tab:
Command Group:
  1. Explain each Chart Title Option:
Centered Overlay Title:
Above Chart:
  1. The fourth step in creating a graph is….

  1. In Excel, the x-axis is known as….

  1. To add a Title for the Primary Horizontal Axis use the…
Ribbon Tab:
Command Group:
  1. The options for the Primary Horizontal Axis Title are:
Name: / Period/Days:

Notes on the Introduction to Spreadsheets Lesson 6 - Charts Video

  1. Explain each option for the Primary Vertical Axis Title:
Rotated Title:
Vertical Title:
Horizontal Title:
  1. What is a legend?

  1. The fifth step in creating a Chart is…

  1. The Legend Options command can be found in the Chart Tools…
Ribbon Tab:
Command Group:
  1. The different Legend Options in Excel are:

  1. The sixth step in creating a Chart is to…

Name: / Period/Days:

Notes on the Introduction to Spreadsheets Lesson 6 - Charts Video

  1. To adjust the Font or Font size used in the axis values…

  1. To adjust the scale used for the axis values, click…
  1. The Minimum and Maximum values in the Axis options will set…

  1. The Major Unit is ….

  1. The Horizontal Axis Crosses option determines…

  1. What are Tick Marks?

  1. The seventh step in creating a Chart is to…

Name: / Period/Days:

Notes on the Introduction to Spreadsheets Lesson 6 - Charts Video

  1. To change the colors or settings of the Chart Columns, select the columns and choose the…
in the Current Selection Command Group on the Chart Tools Format Tab
  1. The Fill Color Option controls the….
The Border Color Option controls the…
  1. So that all columns for the same variable (or Data Series) end up with the same color be sure to…

  1. What must you keep in mind as your format a Chart in Excel?

  1. Look back at your notes and compile the steps for creating a chart here…

S. McMullenIntro to Spreadsheet Lesson 4 – Functions NotesSeptember 2013Page 1 of 7