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Notes on the Introduction to Spreadsheets Lesson 6- Charts Video
- What is a Graph and what are its benefits?
- Excel’s vocabulary word for graph is…
- The First Step in creating a chart in Excel is….
- AChart may be added to your spreadsheet using the
Command Group:
- The different Chart Types provided for in Excel are:
- Second Step in creating a graph in Excel is…
Name: / Period/Days:
Notes on the Introduction to Spreadsheets Lesson 6 - Charts Video
- The blue border around a chart means that it is….
- The three new Ribbon tabs that are available when a chart is selected are:
- When clicking and dragging a Chart to move it to a different position you should ALWAYS click on the …
- To resize a chart (i.e. make it bigger or smaller) click on a…
- The Move Chart command can be found in the Chart Tools…
Command Group:
- The third step in creating a graph is…
Name: / Period/Days:
Notes on the Introduction to Spreadsheets Lesson 6 - Charts Video
- To add a Title for your Graph use the…
Command Group:
- Explain each Chart Title Option:
Centered Overlay Title:
Above Chart:
- The fourth step in creating a graph is….
- In Excel, the x-axis is known as….
- To add a Title for the Primary Horizontal Axis use the…
Command Group:
- The options for the Primary Horizontal Axis Title are:
Name: / Period/Days:
Notes on the Introduction to Spreadsheets Lesson 6 - Charts Video
- Explain each option for the Primary Vertical Axis Title:
Rotated Title:
Vertical Title:
Horizontal Title:
- What is a legend?
- The fifth step in creating a Chart is…
- The Legend Options command can be found in the Chart Tools…
Command Group:
- The different Legend Options in Excel are:
- The sixth step in creating a Chart is to…
Name: / Period/Days:
Notes on the Introduction to Spreadsheets Lesson 6 - Charts Video
- To adjust the Font or Font size used in the axis values…
- To adjust the scale used for the axis values, click…
- The Minimum and Maximum values in the Axis options will set…
- The Major Unit is ….
- The Horizontal Axis Crosses option determines…
- What are Tick Marks?
- The seventh step in creating a Chart is to…
Name: / Period/Days:
Notes on the Introduction to Spreadsheets Lesson 6 - Charts Video
- To change the colors or settings of the Chart Columns, select the columns and choose the…
in the Current Selection Command Group on the Chart Tools Format Tab
- The Fill Color Option controls the….
- So that all columns for the same variable (or Data Series) end up with the same color be sure to…
- What must you keep in mind as your format a Chart in Excel?
- Look back at your notes and compile the steps for creating a chart here…
S. McMullenIntro to Spreadsheet Lesson 4 – Functions NotesSeptember 2013Page 1 of 7