Global Health Program Cycle Improvement Project (GH Pro)

1331 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20004

Guidance for Completing Financial Forms

  1. Attach original receipts (number the receipts and glue or tape these receipts on sheets of paper), and list them chronologically, if possible, to match the expense report. This will speed up the reimbursement cycle and simplify the task of filling out the expense report.
  1. Original receipts are required for all expenses $25 and over and are requested for all expenses. Miscellaneous expenses less than $25, submitted without supporting receipts, are reviewed and approved based on the reasonableness as project expenses. Expenses $25 and over without receipts normally are not reimbursable.
  1. Please list all fees and expenses on the days they were incurred (i.e., do not group them together).
  1. All expense figures must be converted to U.S. dollars. Official exchange rate receipts must be included for changed monies and/or noted on the hotel receipt. Please use the expense report for conversions.
  1. Per diem: Lodging is the actual amount of the hotel expense, up to the USAID maximum, which includes both room rate and tax. Amounts above the USAID maximum for each country/location are not reimbursable.
  1. M&IE: M&IE is entered as the USAID maximum for a full 24–hour period, starting at midnight. On the first and last day of travel, 3/4 M&IE is paid. In addition, if a person travels to more than one city, M&IE is paid in full days, based on the traveler’s location at midnight, regardless of actual arrival and departure times. This does not change the fact that while in transit, the per diem location used is the destination location, unless lodging is required at a stopover. Note that M&IE begins from the time of home country departure and ends at the time of return arrival to the home country.
  1. Keep copies of any expense reports and receipts you submit for your records, since the originals cannot be returned.
  1. Before accounting will process your fee and expense requests, we must haveoriginal signatures on the forms (mail the originals of any faxed forms). We must have this information in order to process your payment.
  1. Fee Payment Request: List hours worked and city location separately for each date. No more than 8 hours can be billed for any given day. For work outside the United States, 6–day work weeks may be allowed. In the United States, the workweek is 5 days. Sundays are not billable, except in certain Islamic countries.

If you have any further questions regarding financial forms, please contact Julie .

Thank you and have a safe and productive trip!

Revised: AH: 10/15/2014