Notes of the SWIMS Acquisitions Group Meeting via WebEx
Tuesday 23rd February 2016
Present: / Jenny Toller (JT) (Chair), Ann Vellender (AV), Elaine Beckett (EB), Paul Bradley (PB)1. Apologies: / Anne-Marie Fitton (AMF), Nat Gabe (NG)
2. Minute Taker: / PB
3. Notes of last meeting approved by group – accuracy
Minutes were agreed as accurate. /
4. Matters arising from the previous notes not discussed elsewhere on agendaCopyless title records, JT did follow up with locations concerned and will continue to do so in the future.
The SQL icon was present on PB’s Worldview login
5. Skeleton records review
We looked through the ‘Skeleton need attention’ folder; there were 45 records. Many of the records were in capitals and were not books but items from CLN and BBH’s sensory collection. These items use ‘non catalogue item’ as the media type (in most cases). JT will adapt the search to exclude these and amend any which have media type of book. JT to remove these items from the folder and inform AMF.
Post meeting note: now completed.
EB will contact JT if she has more than one folder.
AMF to look through folder, follow up with libraries and to report back if there is a pattern to the records. /
6. H27 on order items / withdrawn items
JT to ask why H27 are hiding their order item copy records and related title records. The group expressed concern about this because when adding further order items or copy records it is necessary to unhide the title record. /
7. SWIMS Periodic data integrity checks
1. Skeleton title records have already been covered
2. Delete order records with status of pre-order over a month old with no linked order items – leave for AMF
3. Check for order items invoiced but not received, and for order items invoiced exceeding the number ordered – EB contacted NG over one item.
4. Check for copies which have been received and barcoded but still have the copy status of On order – PB found one item and informed the library in question.
5. Check for invoices over a month old which have no linked items – EB found a fair number and deleted them.
6. Check for order items which are both received and cancelled (Systems Administrator task) – there were none found. JT to see whether this check will be possible after Citrix access stops. /
8. OLIB pictorial guide update (NG postponed)
It was felt that this might be useful for training.
9. TOR Acquisition Training next few months
TOR may start using the Acquisitions module – wait until the next meeting for AMF to report.
10. Exporting orders into Excel from OLIBWeb
EB was unable to do this successfully. The spreadsheet did not include prices or item number, Whereas an export from Worldview put all the information on one line in the spreadsheet. JT to chase state of play with OCLC.
Post meeting note: OCLC responded this is intended for resolution in Service Pack 9, due mid-2016.
11. WorldView instructions
References to Worldview will need to be removed from FAQs etc. after 19 March. / JT
12. End of year procedures.
All the libraries using the Acquisitions module are included in this group apart from RBH. The test database will soon be copied and can be used to practice the procedures. AMF to contact RBH with this information and that orders need to be rolled over to the next year. / AMF
13. AOB
AV thanked JT for explaining that sometimes it is necessary to accept a duplicate ISBN where the print and electronic version of a book uses the same ISBN.
JT went on to describe a bug in the system that prevents order items being retrieved and included in order printouts because the ISBN hadn’t been recorded correctly. This is evident when the record doesn’t display an alternative ISBN in brackets. The remedy is to remove the ISBN, save the record, add the ISBN again and then save the record.
14. Date of next meeting: Tuesday 21st June 2016 (Webex) 10.00–
AMF to confirm this date or seek and alternative, and then JT to book WebEx / AMF/JT