The Jenner Practice



Present: PC(Chair), JD (Practice Manager), MG, BG, AL, NS (Secretary), DW, JW

1. Welcome and Apologies - All welcomed. Apologies for absence received from: BB, BD, DL (Nurse Team Co-ordinator), Cllr JP, BS, Dr AW (Practice GP).

2. Notes of Meeting Held on 6 September 2017 – Agreed as a correct record.

3.Matters Arising, not on Agenda

a)Lewisham NHS Meeting – Nothing further heard; presume not being rearranged.

4. Feedback from Lewisham-wide Patient Participation Group - Barbara, Maria and Julie attended. Clearly the meeting was intended for patients rather than staff, although was run and led by NHS staff. Reported that it was an ‘odd’ meeting and could have been so much better - much more information giving than consultation. Information/feedback awaited - Action: Julie to check with organiser.

5. Altogether Better - Julie reported work with Southbank University looking at efficiencies for staff and patients by ensuring that patients are seen or spoken to by the most appropriate person. The work also involves looking at self-help groups for patients with similar chronic conditions and bringing together people who may be socially isolated. Examples of where this has worked included gardening groups (some exist in area) and groups for young men.

Clinicians and non-clinical staff are completing short questionnaires after each contact they have with patients for one week, looking at un-met needs. Feedback to the Practice due the following week. Expectation is that changes will be made from the feedback and further review undertaken to re-assess. Also a Healthwatch person collected information and feedback, observing interactions. Feedback was all ‘good’, with Reception staff rated as ‘excellent’ - well done to all.

Suggestion of dementia group for both those directly affected and carers; improvement of experience of patients with hearing and/or sight impairment. Julie is setting up training for staff.

Dr RJ (I.T. Lead) - to be invited to next meeting. Action: Julie.

6. EMIS -progress report - A recent conference was useful for staff. Lessons learned, e.g. using system information to show up those with symptoms of diabetes.

There are no other particular issues at present. Personal query over reminders for jabs - Julie to check.

There is a new ability for the Practice to access the Lewisham Hospital database for test/investigation results; in future this will be expanded to other hospitals.

Flu jabs - take-up this year is going well.

7. Appointments - The number of pre bookable appointments for registrars are being increased, so there are more appointments available.

Reception staff are being trained to ask questions to assess appropriateness of referral, e.g. to Pharmacist or Practice Nurse.

8. Patients Survey - On hold at present.

9. Extended GP service - update - This working well; a good resource. The PPG can consult with patients their experience of the service.

Next meeting - look at topics on which to consult.

10. Closure of New Cross Walk-In Centre - PPG members very concerned about this closure - there are many students in the area, who despite being advised, are unlikely to register with a GP whilst away from home; also many homeless and other vulnerable people who would utilise the Walk-In Centre. Feeling that a decision has been made, rather than attempts to consult. Consultation period just ended, but agreed that a letter be sent with PPG concerns detailed anyway. Action: Neil.

11. Self-Help Area - Much, non-clinical, information now displayed. Another PC is to be provided so patients can access information on-line.

Agreed that immediately before next meeting, PPG would meet 15 minutes earlier to look at display area. Action: All.

12. Walking Group - Nordic Walking posters were supposed to have been dropped off at Jenner, but not arrived on Julie’s desk as yet.

13. Widening Membership of PPG - Looking to increasing attendance at meeting, and therefore overall participation; needs advertising better. Peter had prepared a ‘next meeting’ flyer, which Julie will display. Agenda to be drafted and forwarded to Julie for display two weeks prior to meeting. Action: Peter & Neil. Need to look at whether information on Jenner website can be improved.

Considered a daytime meeting, and suggestion is for 10 March meeting to be held at 10am to see if that attracts patients who are not available for evening meetings.

There is a fairly regular turnover of patients as people move in and out of the area. Practice is currently looking at joiners and leavers, and reason(s) for this.

14. Topics and Issues for Future Meetings - Not covered.

15. Any Other Business

a) Parking - A longstanding issue, and the Practice recognise this is a big problem for patients; also for staff. The car park does not belong to the Practice, so other than raising concerns, and sometimes put notices on cars, cannot do anything further.

b) NHS Choices - Julie handed out cards detailing link for feedback on Practice, encouraging patients to respond to positive experiences as well as times when there may have been a negative experience. Ratings had improved on NHS choices as a result.

The telephone satisfaction messages had resulted in complaints and wasn’t working well for some patients. PPG questioned the usefulness of this feedback, but Practice keeps feedback and reviews at bi-monthly meetings.

16. Future meetings 2018 - Dates agreed: Wednesdays, 10 January, 7 March (morning meeting), 2 May, 4 July, 5 September, 7 November.