1.  Remember: To figure out the Direct Object in a phrase, simply ask the question “WHAT or WHO”.

EX) I read a book. What do I read? = a book. The direct object = book.

2.  In context, to avoid repetition we substitute the Direct Object with a Direct Object Pronoun. (DOP)

EX) Did you read this book? Yes I read it. “IT” is the Direct Object Pronoun that substituted the direct object. (book)

3.  the Direct Object Pronouns in English and Spanish are:







PRACTICE: for A and B, underline the direct object. For C and D, underline the direct object and replace it with a direct object pronoun.

A.  Cada día antes de dormirse juan lee un libro.

B.  Tú siempre escuchas música.

C.  ¿Por qué no haces la tarea?

D.  Ayuda a juan y a mi!

Indirect object pronouns

4.  OK. Now, to figure out the Indirect Object in a sentence, simply ask (TO WHOM, OR FOR WHOM) (a quién o para quién)

EX) I read a book to my son. TO WHOM did I read a book? to my son. My son = Indirect Object.

EX) I washed the car for my dad. FOR WHOM did I wash the car? for my dad. My dad = indirect object.

5.  In context, to avoid repetition we substitute the Indirect Object with an Indirect Object pronoun.

EX) Did you read your son a book? Yes, I read him a book. “HIM” is the Indirect object Pron. Substituting “son”.

EX) you sent me a letter. “ME” = I.O.P.

6.  The indirect object pronouns in English and Spanish are:


To me me = a mí

To you te = a tí

To him/her/it le = a él/ella/tal

To us nos = a nosotros

To them les = a ellos/ellas/ustedes


Give Jake the book. Dale el libro a jake.

NOTE: IN A SENTENCE IN ENGLISH, whenever you have a direct and and indirect object, THE INDIRECT OBJECT ALWAYS COMES FIRST. IN SPANISH THE INDIRECT OBJECT ALWAYS COMES SECOND. However, when you use pronouns, the direct object pronoun comes second in Spanish and the IOP comes first, and in English is the opposite. Look at examples.

She is giving you the book. Or Give me the book!

she is giving it to you. Or Give it to me.

Te está dando el libro O dame el libro.

Te lo está dando. O dámelo

NOTE: in Spanish there are no “LE,LES LOS/LAS”, so when this happens, always change the LE into a SE.

EX) Give it to her! ¡Dáselo!

EX) you are writing him a letter. You are writing it to him now.

Le estás escribiendo una carta. Le la estás escribiendo ahora.

Se la estas escribiendo ahora.

EX) I always buy my girlfriend a gift. I buy it for her on Christmas.

Siempre compro a mi novia un regalo. le lo compro en Navidad

se lo compro en Navidad

EX) Buy it for her! ¡Cómpralelo!


EXCERCISES: underline the direct object with one line and the indirect object with two lines.

A.  Trae un libro para tu hermano!

B.  Lee un libro a tu abuelito!

C.  Tú nunca me escribes ningun mensaje.

D.  ¿Por qué no enviaste una carta a tu novia?

EXCERCISES: replace any object noun(direct or indirect) with a pronoun.

A.  yo no toco la guitarra.

B.  El siempre repite las palabras.

C.  Tu siempre escuchas a tus padres.

D.  Tú compraste un libro para tu maestro.

E.  Ella hizo una tarjeta para mí.

EXCERCISES: translate the phrases.

NOTE: any object pronouns always go before the conjugated verb; except for commands, where you have to attach them.

NOTE: whenever you have an IOP and a DOP, in Spanish the DOP always comes first. In English is the other way around.

A.  watch this show! Watch it!

B.  I sent you a letter. I wrote it to you yesterday.

C.  He brings me an apple everyday. He brings it to me at lunch.

D.  I read you a book sometimes. I read it to you in class.

E.  Do my homework please! Do it please! Please, do it for me.

F.  She always gives him a kiss in the morning. She always gives it to him after they eat breakfast.