Facilitator: Deb Glissen, DG
In all sessions we started with the Candy Bar Test. Each person takes a small Hersey’s candy
bar from the bag. This piece must be their favorite chocolate. They were instructed not to eat
the candy. Deb handed out to each person a sheet with the definitions of three or four of the
candy bars. The definition was related to their individual personality.
The same questions was asked in all four sessions: What are you doing to accommodate
differences in your club.
-Holding two meetings a week to accommodate those who have to work and cannot attend a
noon meeting.
-Giving new members responsibilities that are community driven
-Using strategic planning
-Asking the members what their passion is and fitting them with those committees
-Asking about their comfort zone and being aware not to putting them on a committee where
they do not feel comfortable
-Use the Object of Rotary to engage them
-Change projects and get new ideas
-Make sure you define the projects and committees thoroughly
-Take a dormant project and get a new member involved
-Recognize the persons strengths and weaknesses and make sure you respect those qualities
-Jobs for new members, even in a small club
-Ask - choose from a list of projects
-Balance - make sure new member knows the real definition of Rotary. It is not a social club, but a community service organization and they will be put to work.
-Make it fun. Let the member know that they do not have to be there every week.
-Involvement and engagement
-Think outside the box.
-An evening club might help bring in new members
-Make a list of surrounding clubs so member has a choice of nearby clubs to attend for a make-up.
-Social nights helps to get to know the member and their family. Have at least one a month.
-Meet and greet all members at every meeting
-Suggest new project to help bring in a new member
-Parents of scholarship and YE students should be invited and honored
-Recruit high energy people
-Have a mentor for new members
-Create business card with club info. and give to prospective members
-Use your local library for a once a month meeting and schedule a good speaker and invite the public to attend as well.
-Camillus needs help with membership
-Have a new membership orientation.