Notes from Meet and Greet with District Governor Joyce Gunter

September 12, 2016

Following dinner Candy opened the floor for comments.

Board members and guests addressed different topics.

Rich Downs gave update on Membership and goals for current year: want to increase membership by 4 to 6 new members. We should be looking close to home for new members, find potential members within our circle of friends and business associates. Example, TT Chamber of Commerce.

Discussion of 50/50 raffle as fund raiser; pro and con comments made, another larger discussion needed.

Jerry Iwerks shared positive efforts of Shelter Box and his pride in that our Club has sponsored three to date.He mentioned deplorable conditions with refugees living on Syrian border.

Candy shared that the Club recently received a $500 grant for public relations and the thought is we purchase a pop-up canopy tent to promote RCTT. Downs also suggested future consideration of professional display board, costly item.

Recent new cases of live polio virus underscores need to continue giving to Polio Plus.

Candy asked questions if and how does Club wish to acknowledge 100th anniversary of the Foundations 100th anniversary. Discussion, but no outcome.

Service Projects:

Community Stepping Stones, Seffner:

Children with exceptional gifts express themselves through their artwork. This partnership could present us with a unique opportunity for youth to create a mural and re-surface the public rest area building at Rotary Park Picnic and Boat Launch near Fowler Avenue.

Honduras Trip:

T.T. Rotary will partner with Jim Weber of Lake Wales Rotary selecting Karen Day and Steve Lienhart who both tentatively plan to attend the February 28-March 2nd, 2017 trip. Joyce Gunter District Govenor (DG) mentioned she will also be attending that Honduras trip.

Trinity Café Soup Kitchen:

Jerry and Dottie Iwerks along with Karen Day, volunteered at the Trinity Café serving approximately 100 homeless persons. It was a very rewarding opportunity and the homeless who dined at the Trinity Café were very appreciative of their meals. Please step up to the plate to make a difference in lives of others.

T.T. Brewfest Service Project:

T.T. Rotary will present Joyce Gunter, DG tomorrow with two checks: in the amounts of $2500.00 for The Rotary Foundation and a second check of $2000.00 for Polio Plus. All proceeds were received from the “Temple Terrace Brewfest” service project.

Gumbo YAYA Cook-Off:

Rich Downs and Kathi Armstrong of T.T. Rotary organized the “Gumbo YAYA Cook-off” fundraiser to support Club 6200 in their disaster relief program. This fundraiser was well received by fellow T.T. Rotarians and raised over $600.00 dollars to help with the disaster relief efforts in New Orleans. The Cajun cuisine and club camaraderie made this a very memorable evening.

The Bridge at USF:

Dr. Kathleen Hague Armstrong will be awarding “The Bridge” on September 20th, 2016 with a check for $2000.00 dollars from T.T. Rotary for their volunteer clinic services provided through USF Medical, Psychological, and Physio Therapy students. Dinner will follow at Dunderbak’s Restaurant.


Charity Navigator has recognized Rotary Foundation of Rotary International (Enabling Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace) with a 100% 4 Star Rating and overall score 100%, Financial 100% Accountability and Transparency 100%.

Celebration of the 100th anniversary of Rotary will take place at the Pepin Hospitality Center on November 14th, 2016.


Membership is doing well as reported by Rick Wachstein. Plan is to recruit 4-6 new members per year and he encourages others to invite friends as well. Brittney and EamonBolten our youngest attendees, will add energy to the club membership through face book. Eamon agreed with others that a webpage was also necessary for club networking opportunities and to identify members’ business expertise.

Volunteer Opportunity:

David Long, with Candy and Russ Patterson will assist with a table at the “Temple Terrace Reads” on Saturday, October 15th, 2016.

MOSI Media Center:

Stacey Roller, Media Specialist is looking for retired teachers and volunteers to assist her in the MOSI Media Center on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Checking in and returning books to the shelves for a couple of hours would be a tremendous help. All volunteers will have to visit the media center first and sign up on the computer first. The volunteer breakfast will be re-scheduled in October. Contact information: . Ph: (813) 983-3989 ext.265.


Bob Laney had a question regarding transferring his granddaughter’s Paul Harris Award to the T.T. Rotary Club from his previous club. Joyce Gunter stated this would be looked into for him .

Noteworthy: T.T. Rotary has been recognized as having 100% Paul Harris Club.

Special thank you to Russ and Candy Patterson for the delicious Mediterranean cuisine.

At this point Joyce spoke to the group and recognized all the contributions the club has made to various efforts.