Notes for Public Works and Fire Departments on authorizing moves;
From Draft proposed Municipal Pole Attachment Agreement with CL&P – note last statement which provides for allowing others to be authortized to make selfserving moves for a Municipality rather than the municipality making the moves and billing the others.
3. Pre-Construction Surveys and Make-Ready Work.
. . .
g. Upon notice from the Owner of make-ready work that will not be performed by Owner which must be performed by the Municipality, Municipality shall promptly perform or cause Municipality’s agent or designee to perform (within the time period specified by Owner) any make-ready work necessary on Municipality's Attachments, Overlashings and/or Facilities to accommodate an Other Licensee's attachment to a Pole and each such Other Licensee shall pay all costs for such make-ready work, provided, however, that if Municipality performed such make-ready work then Municipality is responsible for invoicing each such Other Licensee and collecting from each such Other Licensee payment for the costs incurred by Municipality to perform said make-ready work. If Municipality fails to perform (or cause Municipality’s agent or designee to perform) such make-ready work within the time period specified by Owner, then the Owner shall have (i) the right to assess the Non-Conforming Construction/Shifting Fee set forth in Article VIII, Rates and Charges or (ii) the right, but not the obligation, to perform the make-ready work and charge Other Licensee the cost of performing such work. Notwithstanding the forgoing, the Municipality shall have the right to enter into separate agreements in which such Municipality may authorize the Other Owners, Owner, Other Licensees or third parties to perform the make-ready work on its behalf.
. . .
Given this, the following is an actual example of the “separate” agreement that has been used with a third part attacher (FiberTech):
Ronald Masse <>; Mark Carlino <>; ; Jeff LaMalva <>; Mark Czerepuszko <>; Jim Mayer <>; ; DONNA HAMZY (); ; '';
; ; Jack McCoy <>; .; Mark Carlino <>; ; Peter Hugret <>; ; ;
Authorization to Fiber Tech to make moves required to Communication Gain Municipal communication cable
Ray and Jim,
There has been much work this past year in DPUC subcommittees to speed up the response to requests in licensing and pole attachment processing. One aspect of municipal cooperation is represented in a provision to allow a municipality to authorize an attacher or Pole Administrator to move the Municipality’s pole attachments found in the Municipal (Communication) Gain when those attachment moves are required by new attachers to provide new service.
The pole sheets included in this e-mail authorization, describing attachment moves sent to Manchester by AT&T and associated with FiberTech’s License, may be used to guide Fiber Tech’s moves of Manchester’s attachments.
If this authorization is not acceptable please inform us immediately and Manchester will obtain quotes for its contractor to perform the work requested by AT&T and will schedule the work.
Acknowledgement by response to this e-mail is sufficient or call my cell phone for clarification. Hopefully the Manchester attachment moves and FiberTech’s new attachments can be done concurrently by Fiber Tech’s installer thus speeding up the whole process.
Jack McCoy
CIO – Town of Manchester
494 Main Street
Manchester, Ct 06040
Office Phone 860 647 3072
Cell Phone 860 463 0424
General notes / position statement:
Standing Authorization.
Manchester has previously authorized AT&T, when there were new pole attachment requirements that required movement of Manchester’s retired Fire Alarm wire and Municipal Gain Fiber Optic Network cable, to proceed to move Manchester’s cable as their administration of the Communications Gain business needs dictated; applying, of course, care to not disrupt our network operations in the process.
Reiteration of Standing Authorization
Since AT&T, CL&P, UI and some number of other “Pole Owners” have been designated Pole Administrators by virtue of their ownership and business interests in the revenue from pole attachments, Manchester is, in this correspondence, repeating the previous authorization for their individual benefits. Our understanding is that this minimizes the expense and complexity for the entities paying for the moves because the moves of both their attachments and Manchester’s can be accomplished together by the entity needing moves.
Manchester does not pay for moves of Municipal attachments as a result of needs for space to develop the business of Pole Owners or Attachment Leasors who derive business revenue from the space, but Manchester wishes to make this an expedited process and thus offers this Standing Authorization.