Shawnee County CDDO

Affiliate Meeting Minutes


CDDO Updates:

  August Affiliate Report – The August 2007 Affiliate Report was distributed and reviewed. There are currently 681 adults and 273 children, for a total of 954 individuals receiving services.

  Targeted Case Management

  Shawnee County CDDO will continue reimbursement of $80/month for billable activities for non-medicaid recipients as long as the funds are available. Case Managers are asked to continue submitting monthly billing to Dianne Park.

Ø  TCM billable activities – During the TCM meeting, it was mentioned that time spent on non-billable activities is a concern. Non-billable activities discussed were: travel, training, documentation and filing. Ramona will be asking Case Management providers to send their average amount of hours per week spent on non-billable activities to the CDDO. The statistical information will be shared with Brian Bolen at HCP/CSS.

Ø  There was also discussion about how often to hold TCM meetings. Case Managers present at the meeting agreed to quarterly meetings so the new schedule will begin in 2008. Case Managers would like the CDDO to continue scheduling presenters for a portion of the meeting so the meetings will be scheduled from 3pm-5pm. Hopefully a presentation may be scheduled with EDS to answer specific questions about billable activities and documentation. If a need arises, special TCM meetings will be scheduled during the quarter.

Ø  It was also recommended by Case Managers the CDDO lower the 36 hours of required annual training, which will be considered. The CDDO sponsored training (CDDO Overview, Article 63, BASIS and POC) will remain a requirement for new Case Managers.

  Policy Review – The annual CDDO policy review is in process, some wording related to position titles, etc need revised.

  TCM Annual Reviews – The TCM review will be completed again this year. Areas reviewed include: Billing sheets match case note entries during FY2007; PAS tools competed; BASIS scheduling without reminders from the CDDO, case load verification and POC submissions per CDDO protocol. There will be a meeting scheduled with TCM supervisors to review the findings rather than with individual case managers.

  A concern was expressed about high needs of an individual that takes more than the average billing (units) hours and what will happen later in the year when they have no more units available. Another provider shared that they had a similar case and had submitted a request to SRS for additional units that was processed and approved within a 1 ½ week period.

  Mediation Update

Ø  SRS did not agree to the CDDO proposed language for U, V, W and X that was regulation based, therefore CDDOs requested an interim “Secretary’s Memorandum” interpreting these regulations.

Ø  SRS did agree to establish a work group by October 1st to make suggestions and/or recommendations for regulation changes. There was discussion in regards to “forced” affiliation by SRS when the CDDO is aware of a known history of abuse, neglect and exploitation by an applicant.

Ø  The reimbursement rate for direct services was also discussed. CDDO’s have asked that HCP/CSS explain how rate study information is utilized in the proposed SRS budget since submission of rate study information by providers is a requirement.

Ø  Shawnee County CDDO has signed the contract and will be sending out affiliate agreements upon receiving a signed copy from SRS.

  CDDO Satisfaction Survey - Shawnee County CDDO will be mailing another affiliated provider satisfaction survey later this month. Please complete and return the survey.


  BASIS Field Changes: Currently Case Managers submit a funding request and BASIS Part III to the Funding Coordinator when requesting services for individuals. It is very important these forms are submitted to the Funding Coordinator within 30 days once the new BASIS field changes have been implemented.

Ø  Case Managers were reminded to refer to the waiver definitions and to submit a detailed description for Home modification requests to the Funding Coordinator as well as the reason it is needed by the person. The Funding Committee needs specific details prior to approving the request. A suggestion was made to modify the form to allow more space to include the details.

  SRS/CDDO Business Meeting – the next meeting will be on September 18th from 10am-3pm at the Jayhawk Towers.

Other: General Discussion

  A question was raised about how the statewide waiting list works. Technically a person is not “on” the waiting list until that request date comes and they have not been offered services. The date a request is submitted has no bearing on where a person will be on the waiting list. The requested date for service to start is when they are added to the waiting list. This situation causes problems for individuals transitioning from school only to find that they are way down on the waiting list and can’t immediately access services.

  A question was raised about how funding for services is handled. If a person applies for services that total more hours than they are allocated is the excess amount automatically dropped off? The answer is no, when in-home supports are requested, there is a Needs Assessment form completed that determines the support need of the individual. There was a comment made that the Needs Assessment does focus heavily on medical and mental health needs to justify the need for additional hours of paid support.


  Community Choice Act - A handout was provided with information from Topeka Independent Living Resource Center and Kansas Adapt.

  2007 InterHab Annual Conference – Oct 10-12 in Wichita; information is available at

  Closing the Gap Conference – Oct 16-17 in Bloomington (Minneapolis) MN – a handout was provided with information about the Assistive Technology Resources for Children and Adults with Special Needs conference

Next CDDO Affiliate Meeting is scheduled October 8, 2007