Office of the
Commissioner of Commercial Taxes,
Andhra Pradesh,Hyderabad.
U.O.Note No.P.R.Cell/65/2006 Dated: 29.12.06
Sub:- Right to Information Act 2005-Certain information sought for-Reg.
Ref:- Sri K.Vishnuvardhan Reddy, Hon’ble M.L.A., Allur, Nellore District
Letter dated 27.12.06.
The attention of the Secretary to Commissioner(CT) is invited to the reference cited and he is requested to furnish the certified copies of correspondence file No.C1/211/98 (with enclosures).
He is requested to furnish the information on or before 07-01-2007, as the required information has to be furnished to the Hon’ble M.L.A. within 30 days from the date of receipt of application, as per the provisions of Right to Information Act 2005.
A copy of the reference cited is also enclosed herewith for furnishing the aforesaid certified copies (in duplicate) to the P.R.Section for transmitting the same to the applicant.
This may be treated as ‘MOST URGENT.’
The Secretary to Commissioner(CT),
O/o Commissioner(CT),
Office of the
Commissioner of Commercial Taxes,
Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
U.O.Note No.P.R.Cell/66/2006 Dated: 29.12.06.
Sub:- Right to Information Act 2005-Certain information sought for-Reg.
Ref:- Sri S.Krupa Rao, Sr.Steno, O/o Commissioner(CT), Hyderabad
Letter dt.27.12.06.
The attention of the Secretary to Commissioner (CT) is invited to the reference cited and he is requested to furnish xerox copies of CCT’s Ref.C1/388/2004 dated 19.12.06 (with enclosures) on or before -01-2007, as per the provisions of Right to Information Act 2005.
A copy of the reference cited is also enclosed herewith for furnishing the aforesaid Xerox copies (in duplicate) to the P.R.Section for transmitting the same to the applicant.
The Secretary to the Commissioner(CT),
O/o Commissioner(CT),
Office of the
Commissioner of Commercial Taxes,
Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
CCT’s Ref.No.P.R.Cell/58/2006 Dated: 4.1.07.
Sub:- Right to Information Act 2005-Furnishing of information through
‘E’ Mail-Reg.
Ref:- CCT’s Ref.No.P.R.Cell/58/2006 dated 7.12.06.
All the Deputy Commissioners are requested to furnish the monthly progress reports for the period 12-10-05 to 31-10-06, November 2006 and December 2006 on or before 10-1-07 in the revised proformae already communicated vide reference cited in both hard copies and through ‘E’ Mail followed by monthly reports by 5th of every month with effect from January 2007.
The ‘E’ mail IDs. of State Public Information Officer and Assistant Public Information Officer of Commissioner(CT)’s office are as under:
1) SPIO -
2) APIO -
Sd/- S.R.R.Viswanath,
SPIO & J.C.(C & S)
All the Deputy Commissioners(CT)
in the State
Under the Right to Information Act 2005, action has been taken to fulfill the statutory obligations cast upon the Public Authority (i.e., Commissioner of Commercial Taxes) to comply with the following provisions of the Right to Information Act 2005.
a) Section 4(1)(a): As per the provision, all the records have been duly computerized, indexed and connected to departmental as well as Govt. website so as to enable the citizens to access the information before applying for any information under the Right to Information Act.
b) Section 5 (1): As per the provision, the State Public Information Officers at State level, Divisional level and Circle levels have since been nominated and list there off placed on the website.
c) Section 5 (2): As per the provision, State Assistant Public Information Officers have been nominated at State level, Divisional level and Circle levels and list there off placed on the website.
d) Section 19 (1):As per the provision, the Appellate Authorities at State level, divisional level and Circle levels have been nominated and list there off placed on the website.
The aforesaid information has been furnished to the Joint Director, I.T. & C Department, A.P.Secretariat, Hyderabad vide this office reference No.S4/333/2006 dated 20-6-2006 in soft copy.
2) The total number of applications received from applicants seeking various types of information under the Right to Information Act of the Commercial Taxes Department as on 31-11-2006 is 68, out of which 53 applications have been disposed off within 30 days period as stipulated under the Act. The number of applications rejected for non-compliance of
the provisions of the Right to Information Act was 1. The total number of applications pending as on 31-11-06 is 14.
Office of the
Commissioner of Commercial Taxes,
Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
U.O.Note No.P.R.Cell/11/2007 Dated:17-1-07
Sub:- Right to Information Act 2005-Certain information
Sought for-Reg.
Ref:- Sri K.V.Kumar, Guntur letter dated 10-1-07
The attention of the Joint Commissioner (All Acts) is invited to the reference cited (copy enclosed) and he is requested to furnish certified copies of the following:
1) Circular or G.O. in which it was ordered to issue refund vouchers by Commercial Tax Officers.
2) CCT’s Circular in Ref.No.A1(3)/1160/96 dated 16-4-1996
3) Any G.O. or CCT’s Circular in respect of issue and maintenance of refund voucher books in Circle Offices.
4) Whether there is any provision or rule in APGST Act & Rules to transfer tax from one dealer to another dealer by CTO/DCTO/ACTO
He is requested to furnish the aforesaid information or or before 25-1-07 as per the provisions of Right to Information Act 2005, in duplicate to the P.R.Section for transmitting the same to the applicant.
Encl:- As above Sd/- S.R.R.Viswanath,
SPIO & J.C. (C & S)
The Joint Commissioner (All Acts),
O/o Commissioner(CT),
Office of the
Commissioner of Commercial Taxes,
Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
CCT’s Ref.No.P.R.Cell/12/2007 Dated: 18-1-07
Sub:- Right to Information Act 2005-Certain information-
Ref:- Sri Mohd.Habib, Chief Editor, Paras News Service,
Hyderabad letter dated 11-12-06.
Attention is invited to the reference letter cited through which you have requested this office to provide list of Public Information Officers/Assistant Public Information Officers/Appellate Authorities of Commercial Taxes Department and information regarding required fee and procedure to remit the charges payable under Right to Information Act 2005.
In this regard, it is informed that as per Section 6(1) of Right to Information Act 2005, the information can be furnished only after receipt of required fees of Rs.10/- through D.D./I.P.O. drawn in favour of Commissioner of Commercial Taxes and as per G.O.Ms.No.454 General Administration(I & PR.II) Department dated 13-10-05 (copy enclosed), charges for Xerox of documents @ Rs.2/- per page has to be remitted by you to enable this office to furnish the information sought by you. The list of PIOs/APIOs/Appellate Authority of 25 Divisions of Commercial Taxes Department in Andhra Pradesh count of 60 pages approximately. The cost of Xerox thereof would be Rs.120/- approximately.
Hence you are requested to send a D.D. or IPO for Rs.130/- towards application fees and Xerox charges to enable this office to furnish the information sought by you.
Encl:- As above Sd/- S.R.R.Viswanath
State Public Information Officer &
Joint Commissioner(CT)(C & S)
Sri Mohammad Habib,
Chief Editor,
Paras News Service,
15-6-86/1, Afzalgunj, Hyderabad.
Office of the
Commissioner of Commercial Taxes,
Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
Circular Letter No.13/2005/P.R.Cell Dated: 25.01.2007.
Sub:- Right to Information Act 2005-Obligation under Section 5(1)
Of the Act-Designation of State Public Information Officer
(SPIO) for Commissioner(CT) Office-Orders-Issued.
Ref:- CCT’s Ref.No.E5/989/2005 dated 08.09.2005.
O R D E R:
In partial modification of the orders issued vide reference cited, Sri K.Madhusudan Rao, Deputy Commissioner, O/o Commissioner(CT), Hyderabad is hereby designated as State Public Information Officer in place of Sri S.R.R.Vishwanath, Joint Commissioner (Computers & Statistics).
Accordingly the revised list of Officers designated as State Public Information Officer, Assistant Public Information Officer & Appellate Authority is as under:
1. Appellate Authority : Sri S.Siva Kumar, I.A.S.,
Secretary to Commissioner(CT)
2. State Public Information : Sri K.Madhusudan Rao,
Officer Deputy Commissioner(CT)
O/o Commissioner (CT)
3. State Assistant Public : Sri D.Ravi Shanker,
Information Officer Public Relations Officer,
O/o Commissioner (CT)
These orders shall come into force with immediate effect.
Sd/- T.S.Appa Rao,
Commissioner (CT)
The Officers concerned.
Copy to
1) All Deputy Commissioners(CT) for information & necessary action.
2) General Administration (COORD, GPM & AR) Department.
3) State Public Information Officer, Revenue (P & C) Dept., A.P.Secretariat.
4) Secretary, A.P.Information Commission, HACA Bhavan, Hyderabad.
5) Principal Secretary, Revenue Department, A.P.Secretariat, Hyderabad.