Job title / Grade
Support Worker Level 2 / 2A

Note to manager

In completing this form, you are setting the expected standard for the person you need for this job on this occasion. Once completed, it will help to create your shortlist of candidates and to devise the questions you ask at interview. Please describe the criterion in ways that are both accurate and capable of being tested. Above all, the requirements must be job related and non-discriminatory. The job description, person specification and advertisement must be consistent. Each of the criteria must be identified under the Essential or Desirable headings. Whilst all criterions are important, those marked Essential must be met before an interview can be offered. (See Section 6 of the Recruitment and Selection Code of Practice for more information on producing a person specification)

Note to applicants

Whilst all criterions below are important, those under the Essential heading are the key requirements. You should pay particular attention to these areas and provide evidence of meeting them. Failure to do so may mean that you will not be interviewed.

Essential criteria / Necessary requirements – skills, knowledge, experience etc. / * M.O.A.
1 / Relevant experience of supporting someone with a disability to maintain his or her dignity and respect. /


2 /

Ability to communicate sensitively and appropriately and to employ listening and observation skills, in order to support people to stay healthy and achieve their goals

/ A.I
3 /

Awareness of the needs of people with a disability, together with an understanding of working in a person centred approach. Enabling people to have a fulfilled life, whilst promoting, independence and positive relationships

/ A.I
4 /

Ability to cope with the physical demands associated with individuals, in particular in relation to moving and handling

/ I
5 / Ability to use initiative and make appropriate decisions / I
6 / Ability to work positively and effectively as part of a team and including colleagues from other agencies / A.I
7 / Understanding the importance of working flexibly in order to provide an effective service that promotes the inclusion of service users in their communities / universal services. / I
8 / Ability to record information in connection with individuals and monitor progress on a daily basis / A.I
9 / Willingness to undertake relevant training / I
10 / Knowledge of basic hygiene standards / C.A.I
11 / Ability to respond to the demands of the post in a patient, sensitive and appropriate manner, to follow care support plans and where appropriate rehab plans / I
12 / Ability to work core hours in line with service requirements / I
13 / Ability to respond to emergency situations and seek appropriate advise and support / I
14 / An awareness of and the ability to follow policies and procedures as directed / I

Desirable criteria

/ Necessary requirements – skills, knowledge, experience etc. / * M.O.A.
1 /

Relevant qualification, NVQ Level 2 in Health & Social Care or equivalent in the Qualification and Credit Framework. Other relevant training in the delivery of care. E.g. infection control, tracheotomy care, moving and handling and first aid

/ C.A.I
2 /

Experience of using Total Communication and the promotion of Person Centred working

/ A.I
Completed by / Date / Approved by / Date

Method of assessment (M.O.A) A = Application form, C = Certificate, E = Exercise, I = Interview, P = Presentation, T = Test,

Aspire support worker/level2/PersonSpec/March17/V1