TANF Committee Meeting Notes

April 21, 2011

Carvella Jackson / Carol Aiken / Ray Fitzgerald
Meg Shivone / Donna Masley / Tracy Morris
Eileen Schneese / Sonia Aguilar / Thomas Smith
Alexandra O’Neil / Elaine Archangelo / Crystal Sweeney
Marcella Garyantes / Scott Welch / Marie Payne
Judge DelPesco / Sean Saffle, DART Project Manager
  1. Call to Order
/ Carvella called the meeting together at 3:15.
  1. Introductions
/ Elaine introduced Judge DelPesco who is currently the Director of Long Term Care and Resident Protection. The group introduced themselves to the Judge.
  1. Meeting Minutes Approval
/ N/A
  1. Session with Judge
(Dashboard Presentation) / Judge DelPesco presented on a grant her agency received to create a criminal background dashboard tool. Currently the tool is for her agency only but over time she expects it to be available statewide. She also told us about the various agencies LTCRP is partnering with in this endeavor. The 2 driving factors for this process is improving turnaround time and safety. Quick-checks steps are as follows:
  1. Employer request
  2. Employer receives service letters (AAR, NAR, PSOR, PR, DELJIS, OIG)
  3. Disqualified (ends process)
  4. Not disqualified – Employer obtains applicant for check to begin.
  5. Consent form loaded into the system.
  6. Criminal history and drug screening checked.
  7. Screenings come back to LTCRP.
  8. Hiring decision made.
The group extensively discussed issues related to background checks.
Carvella asked if Judge DelPesco is aware of ways to limit the ability to view non conviction information that show up on a client’s criminal record. Judge DelPesco stated that she felt our best course of action was to work with employers to try to address our concerns. She feels that changing who has the ability to view the information may require legislation. The Judge suggested that any effort to work on legislation should include success stories from the target population.
Carvella asked if the Dashboard is something we should consider using. Elaine stated that she doesn’t think it will be operational for anyone but LTCRP for a while.
  1. Ride Share Delaware
/ Sean discussed the program. He stated that this resource is an excellent option for employers who need to make transportation arrangements for staff. Elaine suggested that Sean link with DSS Employment and Training vendors to advise them of the program.
  1. Expungement Task Force
/ Ali gave an update about the Expungement Task Force. She mentioned members who have confirmed as well as members who have declined. Ali has been meeting with EC vendors to do some research about their client’s criminal background history.
Carvella stated that she spoke with Career Team who stated that they would be willing to share the cost of continuing client Expungement services.
7. SHERM CEU / Carol presented on the progress she is making toward earning CEUs for employers who attend our education sessions. Cavella suggested that the course is offered in September.
Carvella stated that within two week she and Sonya will convene the task force. She will send the CEU SHERM criteria to Carol.
Carvella reviewed the task force Phase document. Phase 1 and 2 will be worked on at the next meeting.
Carvella suggested that we invite Kevin Conlon to be a part of the test group.
8. Open/Adjournment / Committee
The next meeting will be held on May 19th, 2011 at the DEDO/Dover office.