Summative Mitosis / Meiosis Project

Name:______hour ______

Note: This information can also be found on my blog

You have two days to work on the project in class. You may work in groups or as an individual. You must complete a detailed project explaining the processes of each Mitosis and Meiosis as well as, comparing and contrasting each. Grade will be given on correct data, creativity, and attention to detail. The project needs to be informative and use correct science terminology. You may use data from the internet but it must be cited on the bibliography paper attached. Any pictures that you print & paste must be cited. You may draw your own pictures but make sure they are drawn correctly. This is the RUBRIC to be turned in with your final assignment, please do not lose this page. You may design a detailed poster board, Write a children’s storybook – Write an original story explaining the steps of mitosis and meiosis. The story must include all the parts of a story including characters, plot, dialogue, vivid descriptions and illustrations. a brochure (make pictures large and visible), PowerPoint, Video, Foldable, Newspaper article – typed with photos - Write an article from the point of view of a person living during the discoveries of mitosis and meiosis. Animated FlipBook – You must create a flip book depicting mitosis and meiosis that will show the stages of each process when flipped. Each page must have a picture (colored, and the colors must be consistent throughout the flip book) as well as a description of what is happening to the key components. At the end of the book, you must write a comparison and contrast of the two processes as they are seen in your flip book. Create a model of both mitosis and meiosis – Demonstrate the steps of mitosis and meiosis visually by creating a model of these processes. The model must be accurate, demonstrate knowledge of the information, and be a creative design. It must be a 3D model.

Good websites for help:

Google keywords: Mitosis and meiosis microscope images, cell cycle, mitosis and meiosis animation,

Mitosis and meiosis project ideas.

What do I turn in on March 7th (do not turn in this page with project)


______Rubric (same page as bibliography)

______Bibliography completed

What can I use for help?(be sure to cite all sources on bibliography page)


-biology book

-any notes from class

Scientific journals

Mitosis & Meiosis Project Rubric (turn in with project) Name:______

Areas to Cover / MaxPoints / Actual Points / Reasoning / Comments
Pictures of each Prophase, Anaphase, Metaphase, Telophase (Mitosis) / 15 pts max
All addressed
Detailed Description of each Prophase, Anaphase, Metaphase, Telophase (Mitosis) / 15 pts max
All addressed
Pictures of ProphaseI, AnaphaseI, MetaphaseI, (Meiosis) / 15 pts max
All addressed
Detailed Description of Prophase2, Anaphase2, Metaphase2, Telophase (Meiosis) / 15 pts max
All addressed
In continuous color throughout (color coded) / 10 pts max
Partial credit subjective
Facts Correct / -5 per infraction
Bibliography Page Completed / 10 pts max
Creativity (aesthetic) / 10 pts max
Partial credit subjective
Organization (easy to read/follow) / -5 per infraction
Similarity Section / 5 pts max
All Addressed
Differences Section / 5 pts max
All Addressed
100 Max Possible / Final Project Grade

Mitosis & Meiosis Project Bibliography

Complete as many as needed to cover each source you used.