[Note that I have kept to the original “look and feel” of the document (a photocopy from microfilm held at the LDS Genealogical Library at Salt Lake City, Utah) including the archaic “f” for the letter “s”, upper-case usage, grammar, spelling, punctuation and format. I have taken some license in interpreting some words that were blurred by the filming/copier process but appear “obvious to me” as to what they should be and I show these interpretations in [square brackets]. If someone has a more readable copy and can proof and correct this reproduction, it would be much appreciated - JD]

County Fermanagh.


A List of Persons to whom Premiums for fowing Flax-feed in the Year 1796 have been adjudged

by the Truftees of the Linen Manufacture.

Purfuant to the Scheme offered by them for encouraging the Growth of [Flax] throughout the Kingdom, viz. “To the Perfon who fhould fow between the [12th] “Day of March and the 1ft Day of June 1796, with a fufficient Quantity [of ]

“good found Flax-feed, any Quantity of Land, well prepared and fit for the [purpofe,]

“not lefs than 1 Acre – 4 Spinning Wheels, – 3 Roods 3 Ditto, – 2 [Roods] –

“2 Ditto, – 1 Rood – 1 Ditto. And to the Perfon who fhould fow in [like]

“Manner any Quantity of like Land, not lefs than 5 Acres, a loom, or Wheels,

“Reels, or Hatchells to the Value of 50 Shillings, and for every 5 Acres over and “above the firft five a like Premium.”


.. * The claimants for one Rood, who are entitled to one Wheel each, are [requested to apply to] the County Infpector Mr. Daniel Bradfhaw for their Wheels, there being a [fufficient Number made] to diftribute among them: The other Premiums will be difcharged in [illegible] as the Wheels [can] be made, of which due Notice fhall be given.

Every Perfon preferring Reels may have two of them in lieu of a Spinning Wheel.

The Scheme of Premiums offered by the Board for the Year 1796, has had to [3 words illegible] that it will require 37,135 Wheels to difcharge the One Rood Claimants, and [3 words and numerical amount illegible] Wheels, together with 227 Looms, to difcharge the whole, which neceffarily produces [much delay] in delivering.

As the higheft Price is paid for the Wheels in order to have them of the [best Fabric, of feafoned] Timber, and of full Size; no Claimant is to receive any Wheel deficient in any refpect: They [are all] to be ftamped with the Board Seal before delivery, and with the Maker’s Name.

And in order to render the national benefit propofed by the Truftees as [illegible] [as poffible, they] requeft that any neglect or delay of the Infpector in delivering Wheels of the [beft quality and equal] excellence to the Pattern depofitted with him, be inftantly made known to them by [3 words illegible] Truftee, or to the Infpector General, or by Letter to their Secretary, at the Linen [Office], Dublin.

N.B. Any Infpector, Deputy Infpector, or Surveyor, or other Perfon acting under [him] [2 words illegible] who fhall directly or indirectly receive any Fee, Gratuity, or Reward for the performance [of his duty], becomes by fuch offence difqualified by Act of Parliament to hold any Employment [under the Linen] Board.




James Lyttle 4

William Lyttle4

Richard Hoog4

William Nelfon4

Francis Renefh4

Thomas Scarlot4

James Dunlap3

Ifaac Perry3

John Chapman3

Charles Hall3

Thomas Dromon3

Michael Johnfton3

John From3

William Montgomery3

Jane Finlay3

James Johnfton3

William Nixon3

James McCoy3

Francis McCartney3

Englifh Woods2

William Bell2

Michael Johnfton2

Laurence Seery2

William Graham2

John Forfyth2


John Coyle2

John Kennedy2

Leflie Woods2

Samuel Glinn2

William Woods2

James Kilfillen2

John Summers2

Margaret Burnfide2

John Donaldfon2

William Reed2

John Gillefpie2

William Johnfton2

William Hall2

Bernard Breflin2

John Balfour2

James Graham2

Charles McManus2

Hugh Caffidy2

Henry Dixon2

James McManus2

William Douglas2

George Moore2

Hugh McMullan2

Chriftopher Fleming2

William Fifher2

William Mackey2

Robert Cooke2

Charles Betty2

Robert Donaldfon2

Patrick Murphy2

John Longan2

Andrew Nixon2


Robert Renifk2

Thomas Browfter2

John Harpur2

Adam Little2

William Graham2

William Montgomery2

John Nickle2

Cornelius Martin2

William Achefon2

James Achefon2

John Wiley2

Thomas Gavan2

John Armftrong2

Adam Dealy2

William Loyd2

Robert Elliot2

Arthur Fofter2

Robert Betty2

James Steel1

William Johnfton1

Bryan Maguire1

Chriftopher Robinfon1

Willam Graham1

Rowland Betty1

James Frazier1

Michael McAloon1

Patrick Cohen1

Florence Nelfon1

George Johnfton1

Achefon Irwin1

Patrick Kane1

Hugh Petty1

Henry Armftrong1

Andrew Robinfon1

James Douglas1

Patrick Maguire1

James Crawford1

Peter Quin1

Robert Thompfon1

John Paifly1

Terence Flanagan1

Hugh Linn1

James Clarke1

James Breflin1

George Kettle1

Robert Kettle1

Terence Breflin1

John McAvey1

Claudius Burnfide1

John Dunbar1

Edward Brien1

William Bryans1

Andrew Graham1

Patrick McMahon1

Philip McMahon1

Jofeph Dunlap1

Thomas Breflin1

John Breflin1

Anthony McAlecs1

Thomas Coyle1

James Calaghan1


Edward McElgun1

Francis McKenny1

Hugh Keenan1

Thomas Hillock1

James McDonnel1

Edward Cooke1

Francis Huttaghan1

Edward McManus1

Bartholomew McManus1

Hugh McManus1

James Faulkner1

William Graham1

Anthony Kelfo1

William Kelfo1

Hugh Naan1

John Evatt1

William Neely1

Thomas Cowan1

James McAleefe1

Robert Cowan1

John Cowan1

Thomas Shenan1

William Baxter1

John Baxter1

Robert Johnfton1

Felix Boage1

James Hogg1

Arthur Clingan1

Philip McAroe1

George Arnold1

Alexander Morrifon1

John Glinn1

John Woods1

Michael McManus1

Hugh Armftrong1

James Forfter1

James Murphy1

Arthur Forfter1

Patrick Johnfton1

Patrick McHugh1

Patrick Calaghan1

William Jamefon1

John McMinn1

David Black1

Edward Thompfen1

Cormick McGrade1

John Armftrong1

John Linn1

Andrew Steen1

Thomas Kennedy1

Edward McMahon1

James McMahon1

Mary Betty1

George Ray1

Owen Meehon1

James Mulligan1

Thomas Breen1

Patrick Keenan1

Archibald Jordan1

James Breflin1

Cornelius Breflin1


James Carothers1

Thomas Lacey1

Edward McMahon1

John Forfyth1

George Lacey1

Edward Doran1

Maurice Forfyth1

Edward Hillock1

William Forfyth1

James From1

Edward Martin1

John Howe1

John Levingfton1

Charles Levingfton1

Patrick McDonagh1

Terence McGrory1

James Breflin1

John Law, fen.1

William Rofs1

Alexander Montgomery1

Patrick Hoey1

Edward Dogherty1

Patrick McManus1

Hugh Montgomery1

John McIlroy1

James McManus1

Denis McManus1

Thomas Greenle1

John McGrory1

Anthony McGrory1

Neil McLoon1

Patrick McBryan1

Edward Armftrong1

William Greenlee1

William Fear1

Patrick Maguire1

James Fear1

Robert Fear1

James Maguire1

John Maguire1

James Fear1

Thomas Montgomery1

John Robinfon1

James McManus1

John Brady1

Thomas Manypenny1

Jofeph Latimer1

Daniel Latimer1

Elizabeth Noble1

Robert Rofs1

Matthew McMullan1

Thomas McIlroy1

Michael McManus1

Andrew Henderfon1

William Graham1

James Dunlap1

John Douglas1

Thomas Gardner1

William Renick1

William Palmer1


William Palmer, jun.1

James Palmer1

Bryan Martin1

John Orr1

Michael Murphy1

Thomas Hamilton1

Connor McGuire1

David Kennedy1

John Law, jun.1

James Caldwell1

Francis Cofgrave1

Allen Thompfon1

Henry Renick1

Samuel Glen1

James Donelly1

James Henderfon1

Philip McManus1

John Hutlaghan1

Sarah Breflin1

John Murphy1

Patrick Breen1

Patrick Breflin1

Chriftopher Maguire1

James Breflin1

William Lindfay1

William Bredon1

John Coulter1

Jane Brown1

Francis Armftrong1

John Caffidy1

Thomas Johnfton1

Robert Crozier1

Andrew McCoy1

Philip McAvenew1

Joseph Hoey1

George Anderfon1

Sarah Taylor1

Jofeph Cooke1

Anthony Calaghan1

James Afkin1

Patrick Haughey1

Philip Maguire1

William Little1

James Calaghan1

William Garner1

Henry Somers1

James Murphy1

John Patterfon1

Leflie Patterfon1

John Faulkner1

David Clements1

Patrick Maguire1

James McAnulty1

John Alexander1

James McCort1

Hugh McAnulty1

John McAnulty1

Patrick Cofgrave1

John Gardner1

Robert Parfley1

Henry McBryan1

Edward Parkinfon1


James Dunn1

Patrick Dunn1

Patrick Quin1

James McClintock1

Charles McAloon1

John Bredon1

Thomas McCoy1

Alexander Higgins1

James Early1

Michael Maguire1

Dorothy Reilly1

Nicholas Willoughby1

John McCaffrey1

George Hughes1

James Sergant1

John Robinfon1

Thomas Robinfon1

Thomas Robinfon1

John Armftrong1

Thomas Conolly1

John Smith1

James Renick1

Thomas Logan1

Thomas Armftrong1

Michael McManus1

Francis McCauhill1

Patrick Tridnor1

Hugh Keenan1

Patrick Hutaghan1

Felix McAloon1

William Anderfon1

Barny Hughes1

Audley Brown1

James McMahon1

John McMahon1

William McMahon1

Eleanor Trimble1

Philip McKenny1

James Burnfide1

James Somerville1

Nicholas McCaughey1

Prfh. of Aughavey


Chriftopher Lyttle4

John Irwin, jun.4

James Macartney4

John Potts4

James Armftrong4

Thomas Fofter4

William Mitchell3

John Cooke3

John Irwin, fen.3

John Thompfon3

John Lowry3


John Hall3

Hugh McGuire3

Francis Bufhell3

John Bufhell3


John Walker3

Edward Noble2

Francis Bell2

John Vance2

Thomas Betty2

Archibald Thompfon2

Charles Maguire2

James Galbraith2

John Thompfon2

Robert Bredin2

John Cowan2

Owen Tummon2

Thomas Lowrey2

William Bredin2

Robert Dixon2

Robert Dixon, jun.2

William Lyttle2

William Fofter2

Robert Story2

Alexander Gredon2

Charles Emerfon2

Edward Rutledge2

Edward Harper2

Andrew Henderfon2

William Smyth2

Oliver Coulter2

John Carothers2

Launcelot Johnfton2

Henry Leard2

Thomas Evatt2

Eleanor Moffit2

Patrick Callaghan2

James Adams2

Samuel Bamford2

Henry Carothers2

Robert Blakely2

William Armftrong2

John Scarlet2

John Noble2

Robert Kidney2

Jofeph Farrell2

Robert Shaw2

Robert Harper2

Terence Maguire2

Zachariah Bi[?]2

William Breen2

Charles Maguire2

Chriftopher Armftrong2

James Armftrong2

Adam Fofter2

Samuel Thompfon2

James Hughes2

Matthew Caldwell2

John Henderfon2

Henry Carothers2

Anne Henderfon2

Denis McElroy2

Daniel Noble2

James Callan1

John Lyttle1


George Lyttle1

Bryan Dorifh1

Gor. Carothers1

Hugh Lindfey1

James Elliot1

James Keenan1

William Bredin1

James Sheerman1

James Jackfon1

George Annon1

Anne Berny1

William Levingfton1

Roger McSorley1

Thomas Thompfon1

Francis Armftrong1

John Galbraith1

Philip Dundas1

James Carothers1

Henry Warington1

Terence McCaughey1

Grace Lyttle1

Thomas Kidney1

John Bell1

James Cofgrave1

Owen McAviney1

Condey Murphy1

Patrick Rafferty1

Daniel Meehan1

John Burnfide1

John Armftrong1

Hugh Carothers1

Philip Maguire1

John Perry1

Nehemiah Magee1

John Story1

William McMullen1

Thomas Rennick1

Francis Arthurs1

Thomas Hall1

George Bryans1

Samuel Bredon1

Alexander Jackfon1

John Armftrong1

Thomas Adams1

Owen Caffidy1

Philip Caffidy1

James Murphy1

Edward Hillock1

Anne Maguire1

Hugh Goan1

Alexander Bufby1

Robert Howe1

Alexander Burnfide1

Owen Murphy1

Samuel Henderfon1

James Maguire1

Arthur McAloon1

Matthew McBryan1

Anne Frazier1

Terence Tumney1


Arthur Robinfon1

Margaret Fofter1

William Berny1

Murphy McBryan1

Patrick Durnin1


John Alwell1

Samuel Fofter1

John Johnfton1

Richard Dunn1

Thomas Greenlee1

Margaret Armftrong1

Henry Corran1

Henry Magan1

John Armftrong1

Edward Callon1

George Armftrong1

Robert Barnett1

William Faulkner1

Barnaby Faulkner1

James Graham1

Henry Bufhel1

William Nelfon1

Hugh Jackfon1

John Thompfon1

James Fofter1

Chriftopher Thompfon1

John Nowlan1

James Macartney1

John Baker1

Hugh Terney1

Barnaby McAniff1

Jofeph Vitch1

William Irwin1

John Elliot, jun.1

Thomas Johnfton1

Simon Nelfon1

Sufannah Greydon1

John Lindfey1

Patrick McCaughey1

George Leard1

Chriftopher Armftrong1

Francis Fofter1

James Morrifon1

Robert Dunlap1

Robert Cooper1

John Caldwell1

Thomas Thompfon1

James Armftrong1

William Summers1

John Armftrong1

John Elliott, fen.1

Edward Breden1

Humphry Thompfon1

Denis Maginnis1

Richard Betty1

Thomas Baker1

Michael McElroy1

James Jones1

John Caffidy1

Prfh. of BELLEEK.


Sir John Caldwell4

Rev. Mr. Snead2

Prfh. of BODORA.


James Johnston1

Prfh. of BLYGH.


William Thompfon1



William and J. Crooks4

James Armstrong4

Richard Crooks3

Robert Johnfton3

Thomas Henderfon3

William Brun2

Robert Willfey2

Archibald Scott2

John Haffard2

John Johnston2

Simon Johnfton2

James Johnfton2

James Dean1

James Dean1

Mathew Faris1

Jane Bruce1

William Dean1

William Henderfon1

William Dean1

William Moore1

Mary Whittaker1

Eleanor Thompfon1

Thomas Oven1

John Gourley1

Prfh. of CLEENISH.


Robert Lindfey4

Andrew Nixon4

Thomas Faucet4

Samuel McLeery4

William Nixon3

James Johnston3

John Betty2

Thomas Price2

William Robinfon2

John Carmichael2

Robert Carmichael2

Robert Tuchburn2

Walter How2


Ifaac Wood2

Jane Montgomery 2

Simon Armftrong2

William Broufter2

John Henderfon2

James Faucet2

John McManus2

Philip McGuire2

Charles Betty2

James Pettigrew2

James Graham2

William Summervill2

John Davis2

Robert Finly1

Felix Mahan1

Thomas Arthur1

John Johnfton1

Thomas Price1

Thomas Price1

Edward Meley1

James Walker1

Edward Shenan1

William Lunnon1

Andrew Montgomry1

Peter Hultaghan1

Elizabeth Balfour1

John Keenan1

Andrew Nixon1

Patrick Fallen1

George Graham1

Nathaniel Corrigan1

John Gilrife1

Henry McBryan1

Thomas Wiggans1

James Carfon1

Richard Surplus1

William Magrath1

Alexander Johnfton1

Alexander Johnfton1

William Johnfton1

William Burges1

Thomas Wilfon1

James Wilfon1

James Fallows1

John Ifaac1

James Johnfton1

Patrick McCort1

William Nixon1

Hugh Nixon1

John Mullala1

John McBaron1

John McLenen1

John Magurren1

John Murphey1

Bernard McManus1

James McManus1

Anne Geehan1

Simon Armftrong1

Jane Ewart1

Robert Wood1

William Carfon1


John Wilfon1

Henry Faucet1

William Portues1

Edward Arthur1

William Craige1

Thomas Montgomery1

Charles Brady1

Hugh Farmer1

Jane Armftrong1

Cornelius Keenan1

Henry Wilfon1

Philip Monaghan1

Thomas Haflard1

Thomas Maguire1

James Maguire1

Edward Cluft1

Hugh Montgomery1

Henry Bacon1

Anne Bleakly1

Owen Green1

Francis Magrath1

John McFaden1

William Collom[?]1

Francis McBryan1

James McBryan1

Patrick Magrath1

Robert Faucet1

Philip Lunnin1

Patrick Aoyens1

Phebe Caldwell1

James Breen1

Martin Breen1

James Thompfon1

William Armftrong1

William Clark1

Andrew Johnfton1

William Phillips1

Michael Clark1

John Prentice1

William Prentice1

George Edwards1

Archibald Robinfon1

Philip McManus1

William McManus1

James Breflin1

Robert Montgomery1

Thomas Montgomery1

Alexander Montgomery1

William McManus1

Owen McManus1

Archibald Betty1

James Renifk1

John Graham1

Andrew Hemphill1

Patrick McManus1

Jane Peturew1

Walter Graham1

Edward Lunny1

Hugh Lunny1

Edward McCafrey1

John Brown1



Mary Montgomery1

Barnaby Breen1

Thomas Breen1

Patrick McCafrey1

Andrew Boyle1

John Armftrong1

Prfh. of CLONESS.


Dominick Kerr4

William Leech4

John Jackfon2

Thomas Fofter2

James Martin2

Edward Rufh2

Francis Lynch2

William Little2

Thomas Killen2

Thomas Robinfon2

Robert Walfh2

Eleanor Owens2

John Maguire2

James Fergufon2

Anne Betty2

John McMahon2

Thomas McDermot2

Daniel Prufia2

Edward Mulligan1

Owen Fodahan1

Andrew Kery1

Samuel Mayn1

Bryan Murray1

Robert Mafterfon1

William Gordon1

James Mayn1

Arthur Fofter1

John Macabe1

James McNency1

John Elliot1

Hugh McTeague1

Felix Beggan1

Conftantine O’Neil1

Robert Nixon1

William Scott1

Cornelius Conolly1

William McKenna1

Mary Leech1

Peter Lynch1

Hugh Moor1

James McAdoo1

Patrick McCafrey1

Hugh McClufker1

William Coyn1

James Dorety1

William Lighton1

William Magwood1

Robert Gordon1

James Johnfton1

William Clendinnen1


Alexander Rofs1

James Johnfton1

George Leinfter1

John Wiley1

Andrew Armftrong1

James Killen1

Maxwell Armftrong1

Hugh Mohen1

Anne Connelan1

William Irwin1

William Adams1

James Edgerfton1

Ralph Edgerfton1

William Carrol1

Sumnah[?] Walfh1

Samuel Lighton1

George Wadfworth1

John Forfter1

James Johnfton1

Fergufon McDermot1

Owen McElroy1

Terence Caden1

Peter Melarkey1

John Caden1

Michael Caffidy1

Owen Caffidy1

Owen Martin1

Robert Bleakly1

Miles Sweeny1

William Barnhill1

Sarah Mulligan1

Robert Rows1

Fernan Maguire1

Richard Graham1

Felix Macanna1

William Johnfton1

James Maguire1

James Murphy1

John Banan1

Hugh Macafrey1

Dermody Macaffrey1

Barnaby Fodaghan1

Philip Mulligan 1

George Mulligan1

James Mulligan1

Simon Wiggens1

William Clark1

Samuel Clark1

James McManus1

James Makenna1

David Clark1

Andrew McElwain1

George Anderfon1

David Anderfon1

John Anderfon1

Patrick Neefon1

Michael Kohen1

Laurence Gun1

Owen Magernan1

John Magernan1

James Martin1

Patrick Martin1


Elizabeth Walfh1

John Levingfton1

Simon Wiggins1

John Mulligan1

Patrick Mulligan1

John Kennedy1

James Wiggens1

John Maclean1

Bernard Gley1

Robert Gordon1

Hugh Jackfon1

Owen Macafry1

Robert Johnfton1

James Dorety1



Rev. William Moffit4

John Achefon3

James Betty2

William Graham2

Jane Crawford2

Peter Haron2

William Montgomery2

John Noble2

Owen Corricane1

Owen Magilly1

Mathew Magilly1

William Fear1

William Curry1

Philip Shenon1

John Cox1

Thomas Cox1

William Graham1

William Graham1

Jane Noble1

Joseph Noble1

James Corricane1

Robert Wallece1

William Bredon1

Patrick Carlin1

Friday Carlin1

Noble Cluff1

Henry Murphy1

Jofeph Watfon1

Noble Graham1

Adam Betty1

Hugh Robinfon1

William Graham1

William Kerr1

Richard Smyth1

James Irwin1

John Poots1

Elizabeth Athneleck1

Mary Fergufon1

Philip Haron1

Thomas Wilfon1

William Magee1

Francis Johnfton1

John Nethercot1


Robert Garner1

Margaret Garner1

William Monaghan1

James Fegan1

William Irwin1

Nathaniel Irwin1

James Irwin1

Prfh. of DEVNISH.


Chriftopher Graham3

Hugh Montgomery3

Alexander Fergufon2

John Rankin2

James Portues2

Thomas Hunter2

William McKenny2

John Fallows2

John Elliott2

George Armftrong2

Stuart Armftrong2

Elizabeth Watfon2

Cormick Kerr1

Anne Brown1

Francis Iflis1

Patrick Caffidy1

Owen Looby1

James Kelly1

Thomas Graham1

John Portues1

Patrick Hoey1

Alexander Marfhal1

John Smith1

John Plunket1

Robert Parker1

Jofeph Robinfon1

Chriftian Folles1

Roger Flanagan1

Andrew Caffidy1

Peter Murphy1

Bryan Maguire1

Patrick Flanagan1

Alexander Patterfon1

Margaret Galagher1

James Lean1

Edmond Emmerfon1

James Hunter1

James Meehan1

Terence Meehan1

Patrick Duffy1

William Maxwell1

George Spence1

Edward Fallows1

Francis Maguire1

Denis Morewornagh1

Cornelius McHugh1

Henry McKenny1

Bryan McAuly1

Richard Dickinfon1

James Spence1


George Elliot1

Thomas Eliot1

John Hufton1

James Fear1

Thomas Dean1

Terence McAvey1

William Blakely1

Thomas McLean1

John Buftard1



Thomas Black, jun.4

John Black4

James Cowan4

Robert Lindfay4

Richard Cluff4

John Fear4

George Irwin4

James Means4

Chriftopher Corr4

John Blakely3

William Gamble3

David Gamble3

Aaron Humphrys3

William Keys3

Chriftopher Blakely3

Edward Fletcher3

John Vance2

John Fofter2

Andrew Elliott2

Murtagh McCufker2

John Johnfton2

Jafon Johnfton2

Michael McCufker2

Cormick Kerr2

Robert Burghes2

William Graham2

John Burghes2

Patrick McCaffrey2

Hugh Cullum2

Robert Johnfton, fen.2

George Collins2

Robert Shenan2

Newburgh Wilfon2

William Wilfon, fen.2

James Aughenleck2

Andrew Dixon2

James Whitegar2

John Hall2

Jafon Graydon2

James Montgomery2

William Armftrong2

John Johnfton2

Chriftopher Crozier2

Edward Toomuth2

Margaret Elliott2

William Howden2

William Durning2


James Betty2

John Guthry2

George Allen2

Alexander Kilpatrick2

John Keys2

Patrick Magrath2

Edward Cowan2

Robert Johnfton2

William Irwin2

Chriftopher Hetherington2

Thomas Keys, jun.2

Chriftopher Henderfon2

William Henderfon2

Thomas Elliot2

Thomas Kennedy2

Jofeph Frazier2

Thomas McCofker1

Alexander Fofter1

Chriftopher Blakely1

Owen Farry1

Thomas Love1

Richard Dalton1

Matthew Farry1

Thomas Black, jun.1

Charles Corigan1

Manus Free1

Terence Free1

Charles Kerr1

Bryan Martin1

Anthony Corigan1

Patrick Durifh1

Daniel Cleary1

Owen Corrigan1

Cormick McManus1

James Dorifh1

Bryan Corigan1

Patrick McCallon1

Thomas Bowles1

James Johnfton1

Robert Johnfton1

William Aughanleck1

Thomas Kerr1

Francis Burghes1

Francis McGuire1

Patrick Kerr1

Matthew Martin1

Thomas Martin1

Michael Carren1

William Price1

Thomas Graham1

Peter Durifk1

Andrew Dalton1

Archibald Wharry1

Thomas Walfh1

John Nixon1

Patrick Cox1

Mary Johnfton1

Robert Johnfton, jun.1

Francis McFarland1

Terence McManus1

William McFarland1

John Lindfay1


Samuel Lindfay1

Thomas Thompfon1

George Moorland1

James Black1

John Burns1

William Rutledge1

John Graham1

John Heafty1

James Cunningham1

John Cluff1

William Wilfon, jun.1

Chriftopher Wilfon1

Alexander Wilfon1

Robert Thompfon1

Francis Bredin1

James Bredin1

Robert Blakely1

Jane Fegan1

Robert Kirk1

John Jamefon1

Elizabeth Whitely1

John Corran1

Archibald Hamilton1

Patrick McCarny1

James Ford1

James Copland1

Stephen Gadis1

John Gould1

John McGolrick1

Catherine McDool1

Thomas Watkins1

Terence Corigan1

James Montgomery1

Anne Smith1

Robert Cluff1

George Montgomery1

Andrew Trimble1

Denis McCaffrey1

James Dean1

William Hutchinfon1

William Irwin1

Archibald Monaghan1

Patrick Seery1

Edward McCaffry1

William Hoey1

John Wilfon1

Richard Wilfon1

William Morrifon1

James McCartney1

Edward Moran1

Catherine McGuire1

James Conolly1

Widow Scallon1

Patrick McGregor1

William Graham1

Michael Logan1

John Mcmanus1

William Humphreys1

Charles Durning1

James Johnfton1

Thomas Johnfton1

Sarah McManus1


James McCabe1

Robert Armftrong1

Rowland Crozier1

Patrick Durning1

Catherine Durning1

Myles Reilly1

Francis McCue1

John Graham1

Roger Keenan1

Francis McGuire1

Henry McLoughlin1

James McCaffry1

James McCaffry1

James Cohen1

Sophia Corr1

Bryan McCaffry1

Rofe Stars1

Mary Robinfon1

Prudence McMulehan1

Nicholas Cohen1

Stephen Johnfton1

James Anderfon1

John McGolrick1

Richard Crozier1

Patrick Morris1

Patrick McKervey1

David Johnfton1

Michael Keenan1

William Bryans1

Guy Betty1

Thomas Armftrong1

George Smith 1

William Irwin1

Jofeph Charlton1

Paterfon Jolly1

Chriftopher Cowan1

William Humphrys1

Thomas Allen1

John Johnfton1

Thomas Noble1

Thomas Keys1

George Keys1

Robert Sharp1

Thomas McNaught1

John Brimftone1

John Noble1

John Hetherington1

William Fletcher1

James Caldwell1

Patrick McCue1

James Irwin1

Gerard Irwin1

John Charlton1

Thomas McCardney1

Thomas Grey1

Thomas Keys1

William Noble1

Charles Woods1

William Knox1

John Ramfey1

Francis Ramfey1

William Irwin1


Robert McCort1

Widow Edwards1

John Ward1

Phelim Harren1

Chriftopher Hetherington1

John Aiken1

Edward McMulehan1

John Armftrong1

William Armftrong1

Hugh Keys1

William Keys, jun.1

Elizabeth Kennedy1

Charles McNeil1

Thomas Berney1

James Goddin1

Charles Johnfton1

Chriftopher Kennedy1

Chriftopher Irwin1

Anne Allen1

John Somerville1

William Palmer1

John Clarke1

John Ingram1

Charles McElbreed1

Francis Johnfton1

Luke Donelly1

William McQuade1

George McQuade1

John Smith1

Francis Blakeney1

Ifaac Amerfon1

John Bell1

William Bell1

Robert Bell1

Bryan McCue1

Chriftopher Irwin1

Thomas Campbell1

Thomas Potters1

Robert Armftrong1

Robert Anderfon1

John O’Dair1

Bryan McCarney1

Widow McCort1

Irwin Armftrong1

William Keys, fen.1

Jane Scott1

John Frazier1

Thomas Allen,fen.1

George Allen1

Prfh. of DRUMDERG.


James Little1

John Thompfon1



Charles McManus1

Patrick McCafrey1

Owen McCafrey1


Andrew McBarren1

Terence Maguire1

Robert Humphrys1

Mary McManus1



William McCauley4

George Keys4

Mathew Dean4

George Alingham4

Hugh Dundas4

Andrew Johnfton3

William Knox3

John Macrea3

Robert Sprowl3

Patrick Hereran2

Simon Swanfton2

William McCrea2

Thomas Adams2

Thomas McCauley2

Jofeph Roulfton2

George Armftrong2

Bryan Monaghan2

James Brady2

James Galagher2

Arthur Clendinnen2

Andrew Clendinnen2

Charles Clendinnen2

James Lannen2

Jane Craford2

James Owens2

William Meldrum2

John Irwin2

Thomas Achefon2

John Trotter2

James Myles2

John Macafferty2

James Stuart2

John Gin2

Thomas Montgomery2

William Swanfton2

Launcelot Irwin2

Patrick Craig1

Owen McManus1

Owen Doonan1

Launcelet Miller1

Chriftopher Brandon1

Catherine Wilfon1

Loughlin McCafrey1

Patrick McCafrey1

John Macklin1

John McCafrey1

William Barton1

Edward Barton1

Patrick Curran1

Robert Shaw1

William Patten1

Edward McDonagh1

William Graham1


Roger McDonnell1

William Campbel1

Redmond Monaghan1

John Herreran1

John Armftrong1

David Reed1

Charles Murray1

Thomas Thompfon1

Manus O’Donnel1

John Connor1

James Macen1

Darby Quin1

Thomas Kernan1

Richard Smyth1

William Macrea1

James Maguin1

James Macin1

John Moran1

Robert Campbel1

John Johnfton1

Bernard McAlinan1

John Lipfey1

Hugh Maguin1

John Maguin1

Widow Irwin1

William Johnfton1

John Johnfton1

James Stuart1

Patrick McCafrey1

James Campbell1

Farrel Gallagher1

Bernard Gallagher1

Patrick Gallagher1

William Vance1

Edmund McDonagh1

John Oliver1

James McCartney1

James Ogle1

Henry Ogle1

William Ogle1

John Gallagher1

Catherine Humphreys1

William Humphreys1

John Gibfon1

Alexander Barton1

John Strong1

John Aiken1

Hugh Flaherty1

Terence Flaherty1

Terence McCafrey1

Hugh McCafrey1

Bernard McAnulty1

Edward Noble1

Launcelot McCartney1

Thomas McMulehan1

William Graham1

James Gallagher1

Bryan Monaghan1

Chriftopher Johnfton1

John Doonan1

John Magrath1

John Laturnel1


Hugh McCabe1

Patrick McCabe1

Mary Ryens1

John Moffit1

James Bratan1

Andrew McTeag1

Owen McCue1

Simon Johnfton1

John Boyd1

Edward Boyd, jun.1

Robert Meldrum1

Edward Boyd1

John Wilfon1

John Gallagher1

Peter Maguire1

Terence McCabe1

Hugh Maguire1

Barnaby Maguire1

William Alingham1

James Maguire1

James Barton1

Patrick Magilligan1

Neal Magilligan1

John Maguire1

Robert Jones, fen.1

Robert Jones, jun.1

William Breen1

James Breen1

Thomas Hillard1

Andrew McCrea1

Michael Mullavel1

Thomas Britain1

Terence Dowd1

William McAdeafh1

John Maginty1

James Richardfon1

Anthony Barton1

James Muldoon1

John Gallagher1

Anthony Woods1

William Irwin1



Revd. Alexander Hall4

John Armftrong4

Francis Irwin3

James Armftrong3

Thomas McElgun2

James Magaveran2

Thomas Lyttle2

Mary Waters2

Roger Murray2

Edward Bryan2

James Bryan2

Francis Kittle2

George Rennick2

Robert Nixon2

Richard Smith2

Elizabeth Bufhell2


Barnaby McDonnell2

John Armftrong2

Hugh Armftrong2

Samuel McClenand2

John Fofter2

Bryan McCaffrey1

James Dignan1

Andrew Downey1

William Elliot1

John Downey1

William Mayne1

Gor. Lyttle1

Bernard Monaghan1

John Elliot1

Robert Moore1

Michael Moan1

Patrick Maguire1

William Ormfton1

Felix Smith1

Edward McDermot1

Patrick McElgun1

Philip Fodaghan1

John McDonnell1

Owen McBryan1

Jofeph Walfh1

William Lyddle1

Owen Magaveran1

John Macoy1

Jofeph Macoy1

Philip Mulligan1

Andrew Mulligan1

Edward Kelly1

Patrick McMahon1

Thomas Beggan1

Philip Mohan1

Patrick McBryan1

Catherine Makieve[?]1

William Armftrong1

James Armftrong1

John McDonnell1

Robert Bryan1

William Bruen1

Thomas Logan1

Patrick Bird1

Robert Henderfon1

Hugh McCann1

Jane Garner1

Peter Muldoon1

Arthur Corrigan1

James Martin1

Daniel Muldoon1

Bryan Maguire1

George Aligan1

Thomas Adams1

Francis Graham1

Chriftopher Graham1

Thomas Kettle1

Alan Kettle1

James Kettle1

William Kettle1

Edward McCaffrey1


Arthur O’Brien1

James Reilly1

Robert Clingna1

John Martin1

Patrick Mulligan1

John Mulligan1

George Armftrong1

Thomas Armftrong1

Patrick Morris1

Andrew Mulligan1

Maurice Caffidy1

Thomas Terny1

James Nixon1

Francis Kettle1

William King1

Patrick Martin1

William Hicks1

John Armftrong1

Mary Colfon1

Thomas Lyddle1

William Gredon1

William Gredon1

James Thompfon1

James Hunt1

Patrick Terny1

Patrick McCullen1

Patrick McDonnell1

Conftantine McManus1

Patrick Murphy1

Charles Armftrong1

Archibald Armftrong1

Thomas Fofter1

Patrick Fofter1

William Fawcett1

Patrick Terny1

John Dunlap1



James Craford1


John Elliot4

Andrew Cunningham4

John Thompfon4

Jofeph Coulter3

Edward Cook3

Edward Cook3

Alexander Glafs3

Jofeph Johnfton3

John Shaw3

James Tuchburn3

John Bohannon3

William Moffit2

William Primrofe2

James Holland2

Robert Faris2

James Kilpatrick2

James Elliot2

William Gibfon2


Francis Elliot2

Andrew Little2

George Little2

Michael Doorifh2

William McAroe2

James Brennan2

John Lawell2

William Scott2

John Scott2

Adam Richey2

Mathew Faris2

George Armftrong2

Richard Thompfon2

William Thompfon2

Thomas Thompfon2

William Anderfon2

Thomas Anderfon2

William Anderfon2

James Anderfon2

John Wharry2

Rev. Lucas Bell2

James Thompfon2

George Johnfton2

James Shaw2

Thomas Brunt2

John Hamilton2

Luke Kelly2

James Makigney2

Patrick McClean2

Thomas Callaghan2

Hugh McGuire2

Hugh Johnfton2

Thomas Nelfon2

John Barber2

William Miller2

James Betty2

Bryan Owens2

James Moffit2

Hugh Walfh2

William Wilfon2

James Ranken2

John McMullen2

John Murphy2

John Cluff2

John Rutledge2

John Savage2

Roger Nixon2

John Betty2

Chriftopher Betty2

Robert Armftrong2

John Rofborow2

Thomas Mafterfon2

Robert Melchill2

Andrew Latimer2

Denis Gallagher2

Robert Johnfton2

John Glafs2

James Davis2

John Eaton2

John McKnight2

Michael Mullin1

Edward Kilpatrick1


Jofeph Armftrong1

Owen Coen1

Robert Elliot1

Patrick Dunn1

Andrew Falls1

Bryan Muldoon1

Thomas Corigan1

Richard McCal[?]y1

William Keenan1

Philip Durnen1

James McDermot1

Francis McDermot1

Patrick Monaghan1

Teague McCallen1

John Hunter1

Patrick McGurren1

Patrick McAroe1

Patrick Fadaghan1

Patrick Maguire1

Chriftopher McDermot1

James Tummon1

Bryan McCafrey1

James Durnin1

Redmond Durnin1

Patrick Durnin1

Thomas McCafrey1

Owen McCafrey1

Owen McManus1

Patrick McManus1

Patrick Shenan1

Patrick McCafrey1

James McCafrey1

Mary Cafhel1

James Cafhel1

James McCanna1

James Magin1

Edward Tummon1

James Doorifh1

Andrew McAloon1

Teague McCulker1

John Caffidy1

Andrew Scott1

Archibald Scott1

William McCormick1

Owen Maguire1

James McCafrey1

Owen Raferty1

Patrick Maguire1